Lesser Ouse or Brandon River Navigation Act 1810

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Citation1810 c. clxvi
An Act for amending an Act of the Twentj-feconci
Year of His late Majefty, King Charles the Second^
fo far as the fame relates to the River Brandon^
other wife the
0uze9 from the White Houfe
near Brandon Ferry to Thetford in the Counties of
Norfolk and Suffolk^ and for improving the Navi-
gation of the faid River, \f)thJune 1810.]
"W °W THEREAS by an Att made in the Twenty-fecond Year of the
%/\\/ Reign of His late Majefly King
the Second, intituled,
¥ ¥ An A£l for
making navigable
the Rivers.
commonly called
^fl^Waveney, it was (amongft other Things) ena^h-d, that the Mayor,
Burgeffes, and Commonalty of Thetford in che Counties of
Suffolk^ in cafe'they fhould undertake to make, navigable the faid River
of Brandon from
beneath Brandon
ry to Thetford aforefaid9
or that other
fuch other Perfon or Perfons as the Comrniifioners in
and by the faid Act named, or any Five or more of them9 by Inftrument
under their Hands and Seals, fhould for that Purpofe nominate and appoint
who would undertake the fame, fhould have full Power and were thereby
authorized to make navigable and paffabk with Keels, Lighters, or
other Boats, the faid River of
from Whitehoufe beneath Brandon
Ferry to thetford aforefaid, by all fuch lawful Ways and Means as they
fhould think fit j and for that Purpofe to cleanfe5 fcour3 and open the
faid River, and to cut, dig, or ufe the Ground or Soil of any Perfon or
Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, as Need or Occafion fhould re-
quire, for the making, enlarging,
or altering of the Channel of
Per.} &z C tha
GEORGil Hie Cap.166.
the faid River, or for the making of any new Gh mnel or Chamtei$5 Banks*
Weirs, Sluices, Saffes, Locks, Pens for Water, Wha-fs, or other
Thing or Things neceflary or convenient for the m*khig navigable
the faid River | and alfo to bring an$ lay in Places ccr.veme.af: ail Materials
requifite and neeeffary for the making, keeping and maintaining and
repairing of the fame from ^ime to Time m Occafiou Oionld require,
and to the End, that the doing of any other Matters and Things afore-
laid, in order to the making navigable of the laid River might not be
prejudicial to the Inheritance, Pofieffion, or Property of any Perfon or
Perfons, Bodies Politic or Corporate, but that reasonable Satisfaction
might be given as well for all inch Ground which fhould be cut, digged,
taken or ufed for the making of any Channels, Banks, Sluices, Safles,
Locks, Pens for Water, Wharfs or other 1 hing or Things aforefaid, in
order to the making navigable the faid River, or for maintaining and up*
holding the faid Navigation, or which fhould in any Sort be prejudiced or
annoyed thereby, feveral Perfons in the faidt named were thereby con*
ftituted and appointed Commiffioners to,hear and determine all Differences
and Controverfies which fhould or might arife, touching any Matters re-
lating to the faid Navigation, in fuch Manner as in the faidt is men-
tioned : And it was thereby further ena&ed, that for enabling the faid
Undertakers and their Succeflbrs and Afligns to defray the Charges of
making the faid River navigable, it fhould be lawful for them from Time
to Time to demand, receive and take fuch Rates for the Carriage of
Corn, Timber or other Carriages whatfoever by any Boat or
Veffei to be carried and conveyed between the faid Towns of Thetford and
Brandon Ferry, as by the faid Commiflioners or any Five or more of them
fhould by an Inftrument indented under their Hands and Seals, be in that
Behalf affeffed, limited, and appointed : And whereas the laid Mayor,
Burgeffes, and Commonalty of Thetford, not being in a Condition to un-
dertake the faid Navigation, did decline the fame, and thereupon the then
Right Honourable Henry Earl of
did lay out and difburfe feve-
ral great Sums of Money in making the faid River of
from the faid Place called
to the Town of Thet-
ford aforefaid ; and by an Inftrument in Writing under the Hands and Seals
of Seven of the Commiffioners in the faid recited Aft named, bearing Date
the Seventeenth Day of
One thoufand fxx hundred and feventy-
feven, it was afllfifed and appointed that the Sum of Sixpence fhould from
and after theFirft Day of May then nextenfuing, be received and taken by
the faid Henry Earl of Arlington^ his Affign or ACIigns, being legally
conflituted by Writing under his Hand and Seal, for the Carriage of every
Laft of every Sort of Corn or Grain j and that the faid Sum of Sixpence
ihould likewife be demanded, received and taken by the faid
his Affign or Affigns fo conftituted as aforefaid, for every
Chaldron of Coals containing Forty Bufhels; and for every Load of
Broad Plank
Timber the like Sum of Sixpence, and for every Ton
or Load of all other Goods, Wares, and Commodities, accounting
Twenty Hundred Weight to the Load, of all ponderous Commodities,
and as much as is generally carried at a Load of all Commodities of Bulk,
the hke Sum of Sixpence for the Carriage thereof upon every Boat or
Veflel that fhould carry the fame between the faid Town oi Thetford and
Ferry: And whereas by Indenture, bearing Date the Twentieth
Day of January One thoufand fix hundred and feventy-feven, made
between Seven of the Commiflioners appointed by the faid recited A£t$
che thea Mayor/ Recorder, and Burgeflfes of the faid Town of

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