Leicestershire and Northamptonshire Union Canal Act 1805

JurisdictionEngland & Wales
Citation1805 c. lxxi
An A6t to enable the Company of Proprietors of the
Leicejlerjhire and Northamptonfpire Union Canal to
\rary the Line of the faid Canal, and to alter and
amend the Powers of the Act pafled for making
the faid CanaL £2 7th ytme 1805.J
"HE RE AS ail A<5t ;was paffed in the Thirty-third Year of the
Reign of His prefent Majefiy, intituled, An A£l for making
and maintaining a Navigation front the Tozon of Leicefter, to
communicate with the River Nen, in or near the Tozvn of Northampton*
axd\ alfo a certain Collateral Cut from the faid Navigation
whereby the
fevcrai Perfons therein named, together with fuch other Perfon.or Per-
Bodies Corporate and Collegiate, as they or the major Part of
them prefent at the firft General Aflembly to be holden for the Purpofes
of the faid Act fhall nominate and appoint under their Hands,- and the
feveral and refpeftive Succeflbrs Executors, Adminiftrators, and Af-
of the faid Perfons in the faid Act named, and of the Per-
fon or Perfons lb to be nominated and appointed, being Proprietor or
Proprietors of any Share or Shares in the faid Navigation Canal and
Collateral .Cut thereby authorized to be made, were united into a Com-
pany lor the better carrying on, making, completing, and maintaining the
faid Navigation Canal and Collateral Cur according to the Rules, Or-
[Lcc* i*? Per.) 14 E ders,

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