Landlord and Tenant Act 1709

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Citation1709 c. 14
Anno Regin A N N , Regin octavo. An Act for the better Security of Rents, and to prevent Frauds committed by Tenants.

(8 Ann.) C A P. XIV. (18)

F O R the more easy and effectual Recovery of Rents reserved on Leases for Life or Lives, Term of Years, at will or otherwise; Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the first Day ofMay which shall be in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ten, no Goods or Chattels whatsoever, lying or being in or upon any Messuage, Lands or Tenements, which are or shall be leased for Life or Lives, Term of Years, at Will or otherwise, shall be liable to be taken by Virtue of any Execution on any Pretence whatsoever, unless the Party at whose Suit the said Execution is sued out, shall before the Removal of such Goods from off the said Premisses, by Virtue of such Execution or Extent, pay to the Landlord of the said Premissesor his Bailiff, all such Sum or Sums of Money as are or shall be due for Rent for the said Premisses at the Time of the taking such Goods or Chattels by Virtue of such Execution; Provided the said Arrears of Rent do not amount to more than one Year's Rent; and in case the said Arrears shall exceed one Year'sRent, then the said Party, at whose Suit such Execution is sued out, paying the said Landlord or his Bailiff, one Year's Rent, may proceed to execute his Judgment, as he might have done before the making of this Act; and the Sheriff or other Officer is hereby impowered and required to levy and pay to the Plaintiff as well the Money so paid for Rent, as the Execution Money.

S-II The Sheriff, &c. to levy the Rent as well as the Execution Money.

II The Sheriff, &c. to levy the Rent as well as the Execution Money.

II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in case any Lessee for Life or Lives, Term of Years, at Will or otherwise, of any Messuages, Lands, or Tenements, upon the Demise whereof any Rents are or shall be reserved or made payable, shall, from and after the said first Day ofMay , fraudulently or clandestinely convey or carry off or from such demised Premisses his Goods or Chattels, with Intent to prevent the Landlord or Lessor, from distraining the same for Arrears of such Rentso reserved as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful to and for such Lessor or Landlord, or any Person or...

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