Bolton Corporation Act 1922

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Citation1922 c. xciii
5.] Bolton Corporation [Ch. XCiii.]
Act, 1922.
CHAPTER xciii.
An Act to empower the mayor aldermen and
burgesses of the county borough of Bolton to
construct additional waterworks and tramways
and to run services of omnibuses and to execute
street improvements to make further provision
in regard to their water tramway electricity and
market undertakings to make further provision
for the improvement health and good government
of the borough and for other purposes.
[4th August 1922.]
HEREAS the borough of Bolton (in this Act called
" the borough ") is a county borough subject to
the Acts relating to municipal corporations and is under
the government of the mayor aldermen and burgesses of
the borough (in this Act called " the Corporation")
acting by the council:
And whereas the several local Acts and Provisional
Orders confirmed by Parliament mentioned in the First
Schedule to this Act (save so far as any of them is amended
by any later Act or Order among the same) are in force
within the borough which Acts and Orders are in this
Act referred to collectively as " the former Acts " and
each of them separately as an Act or Order of the year
in which the same was passed or made :
And whereas the Corporation are the owners of the
water undertaking of the borough and under the powers
of certain of the former Acts supply water within the
borough and elsewhere:
[Price 9s. 9d. Net.] A 1
XCiii.] Bolton Corporation [12 & 13
Act, 1922.
1922. And whereas it is expedient that the Corporation
should be authorised to construct the waterworks de-
scribed in this Act and to acquire lands and easements
for the purposes thereof and for the general purposes
of their water undertaking :
And whereas the Corporation are the owners of and
are working a system of tramways in and adjacent to the
borough and it is expedient that they should be authorised
to make the new tramways described in this Act:
And Avhereas by virtue of the Act of 1901 the Cor-
poration have certain powers of running omnibuses and
it is expedient that such further powers in that behalf as
are contained in this Act should be granted :
And whereas it is expedient that the Corporation
should be empowered to execute the street works and
improvements described in this Act and to acquire lands
therefor :
And whereas it is expedient that the Corporation
should be empowered to acquire lands for the other-
purposes specified in this Act:
And whereas the Corporation also own and carry on
an electricity undertaking and an undertaking consisting
of certain markets and slaughter-houses in the borough
and it is expedient that the powers and provisions relating
to those undertakings and to slaughter-houses in the
borough not belonging to the Corporation and the further
powers and provisions relating to the said water and
tramway undertakings which are contained in this Act
should be granted and made :
And whereas by virtue of provisions contained in
the Acts of 1872 1877 and 1898 the borough is for the
purpose of rating for sanitary purposes divided into
fourteen separate districts in each of which a separate
rate is levied for those purposes :
And whereas it is expedient with a view to economy
and convenience of administration that the said separate
districts should be abolished except in the case of the
district known as the Astley Bridge District (the repre-
sentatives of whose local government electors are un-
willing to agree to the abolition of their separate district)
and that the borough should hereafter comprise only two
separate rating districts for such purposes as aforesaid
namely the said Astley Bridge District and a district
consisting of the remainder of the borough :
[12 & 13
5.] Bolton Corporation [Ch. XCiii.]
Act, 1922.
And whereas it is expedient that further powers A.D. 1922.
should be granted to the Corporation for the improve-
ment and better government and for the protection of
the health of the borough as in this Act provided:
And whereas it is expedient that further borrowing
powers for the purposes of this Act and for the other
purposes hereinafter referred to should be conferred upon
the Corporation:
And whereas it is expedient that the other provisions
contained in this Act should be enacted :
And whereas the objects aforesaid cannot be attained
without the authority of Parliament:
And whereas estimates have been prepared by the
Corporation for the purchase of lands and easements and
for the execution of the works by this Act authorised and
for the other purposes referred to in this Act and such
estimates are as follows : £
For the construction of waterworks - 212,850
For the acquisition of lands and ease-
ments for the waterworks by this Act
authorised and for the general purposes
of the water undertaking - - - 95,000
For the strengthening or reconstruction
of the dam of the Belmont Reservoir
and the consideration payable under
the agreements set forth in the Seventh
Schedule to this Act - 137,600
For the construction of tramways - - 115,300
For the equipment of tramways - - 31,700
For the provision of tramcars - - 44,000
For the provision of omnibuses - - 7,500
For the acquisition of lands for and for
the erection of car-sheds and other
buildings for the purposes of the tram-
way undertaking ... - 50,000
For the execution of street works and
improvements 73,600
For the acquisition of lands therefor - 369,100
For the erection of baths and washhouses 60,000
For the acquisition of lands therefor - 6,000
For the acquisition of lands for the general
improvement of the borough - 283,850
And whereas the several works included in such
estimates are permanent works and it is expedient that
the cost thereof should be spread over a term of years :
A2 3

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