Brighton Corporation Act 1913

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Citation1913 c. xlvi
5.] Brighton
Act, 1913. [Oh. xlvi.]
An Act to authorise the transfer to the mayor aldermen A.D. 1913.
and burgesses of the county borough of Brighton of
the powers vested in the Brighton Hove and Preston
United Omnibus Company Limited under the Brighton
Hove and District Railless Traction Act 1911 and to
sanction and confirm the purchase by the Corporation
of lands adjoining the borough in the parishes of
Ovingdean Rottingdean and Falmer and for other
purposes. [15th August 1913.]
HEREAS the borough of Brighton is a municipal borough
under the government of the mayor aldermen and burgesses
thereof (hereinafter referred to as "the Corporation") and is a
county borough under the Local Government Acts 1888 and.
And whereas by the Brighton Corporation Act 1912 (in
this Act called " the Act of 1912") the Corporation were
authorised to provide and use a system of trolley vehicles on
various routes within the said borough:
And whereas by the Brighton Hove and District Railless
Traction Act 1911 (in this Act called " the Act of 1911") the
Brighton Hove and Preston United Omnibus Company Limited
(in this Act called " the company ") were authorised to provide
and use trolley cars on a route extending from the eastern end
of the said borough to Rottingdean :
And whereas by heads of agreement (in this Act called
"the Rottingdean agreement") scheduled to and confirmed by
the Act of 1912 and made between the Corporation of the one
part and the company of the other part the company agreed to
transfer to the Corporation all their rights and powers under
{Price Is. 3d.] A 1
xlvi.] BrightonCorporation Act, 1913. [3 &
1913. the Act of 1911 if called upon by the Corporation to do so
within two years from the passing of the Act of 1912 subject
to the Corporation obtaining the necessary sanction from
Parliament and it is expedient that such sanction be given and
that the time for the completion of the overhead equipment
authorised by the Act of 1911 be extended as by this Act
And whereas by section 33 of the Act of 1912 provision
was made for the deviation of a portion of route No. 6 authorised
by that Act on the Corporation obtaining the necessary powers
and it is expedient that the Corporation be authorised to deviate
such route accordingly and to construct a new route to com-
municate with Kemp Town Station:
And whereas the Corporation are the local education
authority for the borough and are possessed of certain lands in
the parish of Patcham in the county of Sussex outside and
adjoining the borough which could be conveniently utilised for
the purpose of building a public elementary school and it is
expedient that they should he authorised to utilise the same as
such and that provision with regard thereto should be made as
in this Act hereinafter provided:
And whereas it is expedient that the Corporation should he
authorised to purchase the lands in the parishes of Ovingdean
P-ottingdean and Palmer in the county of Sussex hereinafter in
this Act referred to:
And whereas it is expedient that the further powers herein-
after contained should be conferred upon the Corporation:
And whereas the objects of this Act cannot be attained
without the authority of Parliament :
And whereas estimates have been prepared by the Corpora-
tion in relation to the following purposes in respect of which
they are by this Act authorised to borrow money and such
estimates are as follows:
Por purchase of lands and construction of sheds £
and buildings underground cableways and cables 9,000
Por overhead line equipment shelters and
miscellaneous equipment -
Por trolley vehicles - - - - - 4,900
And whereas the several works included in such estimates
respectively are permanent works and it is expedient that the
cost thereof should be spread over a term of years:

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