Stockton Improvement Act 1820

JurisdictionEngland & Wales
Citation1820 c. lxii
An Act for lighting, cleansing, and otherwise im-
proving the Town and Borough of
in the
County of Durham, [8th July 1820.]
HEREAS the Streets, Squares, and other public Passages and
, Places of the Town and Borough of
in the County of
Durham, are not properly lighted, paved, and cleansed, and
are subject to various Encroachments, Nuisances, and Annoyances: And
whereas it would tend greatly to the Benefit, Convenience, and Safety, not
only of the Inhabitants of the said Town and Borough, but of Persons re-
sorting thereto, if the said Streets, Squares, and other public Passages and
Places were properly lighted,
and cleansed, and if certain Encroach-
ments and Annoyances were removed, and Provision made for preventing
the like in future: But as such Purposes cannot be effected without the
Aid and Authority of Parliament; May it therefore please Your Majesty
that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most Excellent
Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and
Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the
Authority of the same, That
Anstey Clerk,
Benjamin Atkinson, John
James Atkinson senior, John Addie sipners.
Doctor of Medicine,
John Brewster
the elder, Clerk,
Brewster the younger, Clerk, John Barker,
Bayley, Henry
Robert Clarke,
James Cundill
[Lpcahj 20 F Dickson,
Dickson, John Dixon, Wilson Dobing, Thomas Ewlank Clerk, Benjamin
Evans Clerk,
fhwias'Fall, John Gilpin fClsfk,
Grey, William Gfint, John,Gra,nt,
CharlesMaMM? MdtffMtRn
'Qlerkj Jkchdea-
con oi Cleveland,
John ffogg, John Hixon, Thomas
Anthony Hall, RiohffrS Jack-
Jennett, Robert Jordison, Marijn
John Langley, John
Lodged the Rector .of
for the Time being, Alexander .M\Gregor
Murray, Thomas Maude, George Moss, William Milburne, William Mus-
grave, Henry Markham, the Vicar of
for the Time being, John
John Proctor, Marshall
John Russell
Raisbeck, William Richmond, Francis Richardson Richmond, Thomas Rich-
Cuthbert Robinson, William
William Skinner junior, George
Sutton, William Sleigh Esquire, William Sleigh Jeweller, Wilfred Sadler,
John Starkey Clerk, Samuel Smith, William
Thomas Storey
Clerk, Henry Story, John Stagg,
the Mayor and Aldermen of Stockton for the Time being, the Vicar of
for the Time being, Thomas Allison Tennant;
George William
Richard Walker the elder,
Walker, Richard Walker the
Wray Doctor of Physic, John Wilkinson, Jasper Whitfield,
and the several other Persons from Time to Time to be elected and ap-
pointed in Manner herein-after mentioned, shall be and they are hereby
appointed Commissioners for lighting, paving, cleansing, and otherwise
improving the said Town and Borough of Stockton, and for putting this
Act into Execution.
And be it further enacted, That in case any; of the Commissioners
appointed or hereafter to be appointed under or by virtue of this Act shall-
orL sjiajl recuse, or becQm.e: incapable
act as; a Commissioner
Execution of this Act, then and so often it shall
lawful for the surviving
Commissioners under this Act, or any Five or more of them,
assembled at the then next or some subsequent Meeting which shall be held
by virtue of this Act, and' they are hereby, required (the Death or Refusal
to act, or Disability of the Commissioner or Commissioners- so dyihg, or
refusirig or becoming incapable to act
aforesaid, and the intended Elec-
tion of his or their Successor or Successors-being expressed in-the Notice1
or Summons for such Meeting) to elect and
Cbmmissibner; in the
Room and Stead of every such Commissioner' so dying, or refusing*, or
becoming incapable, to act as before mentioned1; and every suchCommisa
sioner so' from Time to Time elected and' appointed' as-herein-befbre^is
directed shall be joined with the other Commissioners, and have- the like
Powers and Authorities vested in him, in all respects whatsoever, for
putting this Act in Execution, as if'he had l>een named a\Gbmmissidner4ir
and by this Act.
Coramis- HI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That no Person shall Be-
sioners to capable of acting as a Commissioner, ifi the Execution of- this Act'(other-
than in administerihg the Oath hereinafter mentioned), unless^hte**
shall have taken and subscribed'an Oath to, the following Effect, (which
Oath any one of the said Commissioners is hereby empowered, to ad-
ment of
7 tJ.B.
locOEOHGH IV. C^.lxii. 1771
' J
'cto'swear, That'I will weU) and, truly, ^xecute ,andjggrforiri^|l Oath.
StferyJtbelPbVers'anU*Auth^jities'v|esWdin'ine,. by virtue of an
'« -A&
%e'fest Ve'ar.'of trie Keign^ftmg'George theFourtfe
forth ih'e'Title V ^w •%ct\ 'according to the best-vet
« % SKll'l and Judgment. So help "trie GOD/
IV*- And'be it further enacted, That the said Commissioners appointed Meeting of
by this Act shall meet at the Town House in
aforesaid, or at some Commis-
other convenient House there, on the Secon^
next after the passing s,oners"
bf'this Act, or as soon afterwards as cbriVenie^itjy maybe ;t and the $ajd
Co'm'missioners 'shall proceed in the Execution q^ this Act, ;aqd shall
afterwards 'meet at 'the "same or sqme^o^her convenient House
aforesaid, dn the Second Tuesday In the Mprithsfof January April, July,
in every Year, for ,lhe purpose ,bf carrying this Act into
Execution, without any Notice being given to the said Commissioners or
such Meetings.
V. Provided always, and be,it enacted. That it shall,be lawful f6r the A^jfljirn-
Cornmissioriers assembled a.t such Meetings; or any on^pf them; to.adjourn ments-
for ahy shorter Space of Time, and to meet at. the Place aforesaid,
a'riy'jother convenient House( in
aforesaid; fyut hi every such'e
Notice of such adjourned Meeting, in Writing or Print,,
ink Name of the Clerk to thebaic! Cojnmissione,rs shall be subscribed or
printed, shall be.fixed on the Market fcross
aforesaid, and also
b*e'delivered at the Place of Abode of such of .the said Commissioners as
shall be resident iri
aforesaid, at least,Two Days before the Time
appointed for the same; ana that at all Meetings to be held in pursuance
of this Act the saidTCommissipners shall defray their own Expences (except
fo"r trieJuke 6f
Room of Apartment where such Meetings shall beheld,
#riich' shall be paid' for out or any Monies to be received by virtue of this
Act)'j arid' no Act of the said Commissioners shall be vajid unlessj made or,
done at' some Meeting' to be held by virtue of this Agt; and, that all
Fp'wM arid Authorities by this Act. granted to or vested
the Commis-
slo'heirs appointed of to be appointed by or by virtue of this Act, shall from
Tirrie*'tq Time Be exercised by the major Part of them, present" at their
re'spe'ct'ive M'eelings to be holden as aforesaid, the Number^of.suph Com-
missioners"' present rlo.t'.beirig less than Five, except only in the Cases herein
requiring a greater or. le^s Number ?bf them ;' anda that in
Commissibriers shall vote by Ballot, in,case the same
shall be desired' by'any Three or more of trie said Commissioners then
present'; and jn'au Cases
the Number of Votes, upon any Question
shall2 bV'rdqua} (includingthe Chairman's Vote) the Chairman, shall have
trie casting
and at every Meeting to be held under or in pursuance
ofrmVAct*, the first' Business thereof shall be the Election of one of the
Commissioners present to be Chairman to preside at the same Meeting.
And'be it further enacted, That if itshall at any Time or Jimes be; Meetingori
thoughtnecessary'that a Meeting' of'the' Commissioners sjipuld be held.Emergencies.
on'air earlier
than the Day tb'whicli sucft Meeting^ shall;have been
lafsfly adjourfie'd, orWwhich. a Meeting^s
this/Act'appointed...tfi .be.
held, tKi|tif,and,;;iri'eyery 'such^Case* the Clerk vtbj t^esaid .Commissioners
(air OMer^sipkd^bj Thfee|of'rnofe|*o£ tne said Cftpimissioiiers _m&ntJQn~
m^tne^rnWP&ce, and'Purpose orsuch* either Meeting, being given or
1772 l°GEORGII IV. Cg».lm
left at his usual Place of Abode or Office), shall forthwith give Notice of
the Meeting to be holden on such earlier Day in Manner before directed,
and of the Time, Place, and Purpose which shall be mentioned in the
Order of the said Commissioners (such.Time not being less than Two
Days after such Notice); and all
of the said Commissioners
at such earlier Meeting shall be as good and valid as they would have
been in case such Commissioners had met in pursuance of any Adjourn-
No Order to
VII. And be it further enacted, That no Order made by the said
be revoked
Commissioners shall be revoked or altered at any,subsequent Meeting,
greater y
unless at a Meeting to be holden for that express Purpose, nor unless a
Number of greater Number of Commissioners shall attend at.siich Meeting to revoke
Commis- or alter such Order than were present when, such Order was made;
toners than any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.
Proceedings VIII. And be it further enacted, That there shall be provided and kept
to be
entered a proper Book or Books, in which fair and regular Entries shall be made
of all Acts, Orders, and' Proceedings' relative to the Execution of this
Act, and of the Names ;of the Commissioners who shall be present at the
respective Meetings to be holden in .pursuance of this Act; and such
Entries being signed by the Chairman of .each respective Meeting, shall
be deemed Originals, arid shall
allowed to be read in Evidence in all
Courts whatsoever, and elsewhere, concerning any thing done
of this Act; and such Book and Books shall at all Meetings of the said
Commissioners be open and liable to their Inspection, and to the Inspec-
tion of all Persons affected by this Act, without Fee or Reward.
Accounts to
JJ# ^ncl be it further enacted, That the said Commissioners shall and
" ' they are hereby required to order and direct a Book or Books to be pro-
vided and kept by their Clerk for the Time being, in which Book
such Clerk shall enter or cause to be entered true and regular Accounts
of all Sums of Money received, paid, laid out, and expended in the Execu-
tion of this Act, and the several Articles, Matters, and Things for which
such Sums of Money shall have been disbursed, laid out, and paid; which.
Book or Books shall at all reasonable Times be open to the Inspection of
the said Commissioners, and any Creditor or Creditors on the Rates hereby
authorized to be made, without Fee or Reward; and the said Commis-
sioners and Creditors shall and may take Copies of or Extracts from the
said Book or Books, or any Part or Parts
without paying any-
thing for the same; and in case the Clerk shall refuse to permit, or shall
not permit any of the said Commissioners or Creditors to inspect such
Book or Books, or to take such Copies or Extracts as aforesaid, such
Clerk shall forfeit and pay any Sum of Money not exceeding Five
Appointment X. And be it further enacted, That the said Commissioners shall and
of Officers, may from Time to Time, whenever they shall think necessary, by Writ-
ing under their Hands, appoint and employ a Treasurer or Treasurers,
Clerk, Collector or Collectors, Receiver or Receivers.of the
sessments, and Monies herein mentioned, and such other Officer and
Officers, Person and Persons, for the Execution of, this Act, as the said
Commissioners shall think proper, and from Time to Time remove them,
lfGEQRGII m Cap.m
or any of them, and in'like Manner appoint others in the, Room o( those.
removed j and out of the Monies to:he. raised by virtue of, this Ac.t pay
such Salaries, "Wages, or AllowaneesjtQ the said Officers and other Per-.
sons as the said Commissioners shall think reasonable;, and the said Com-
missioners1 shall; andi they are'hereby required to take, such sufficient
Security from every suph Treasurer arid other Officer for
due Execu-
tion of his Office as. they shall think proper; and all such,Officers. .so
to be appointed shall under their Hands (.at
Time and Times', and
in such Manner as the said Commissioners shall
deliver to the.said.
Commissioners, or to such Person or
as they shall
and perfect'Accounts: in Writing of all Matters
Things committed,
to their Charge, and of all Monies which;shall haye been, received by
such- Officers and Persons respectively,; by virtue of this Act, and how
much thereof hath been disbursed and paid, and for what Purposes, to*
gether with the Vouchers for such Payment, and shall pay all such Monies-
as shall'remain due from them respectively
the said Commissioners, or
Person, or Persons as they shall appoint; and if any such Officer
or Person shall refuse or wilfully neglect to make and render any such
Accounts, or to produce or deliver up the Vouchers relating
the same,
or to make Payment as aforesaid, or shall refuse or neglect to deliver to
the'said Commissioners, or to such Person or Persons, as they shall ap-
point, within Ten
next.after being.thereunto required by the:said
Commissioners, by Notice in Writing, signed by
Clerk, to be given
or left at the last or usual Place of Abode of such .Officer,or Person,' all
Books,. Papers, and Writings in his Custody or Power relating to.the
Execution of this Act, and to give Satisfaction respecting the same, then
in every such Case, upon' Complaint made
the;s,aid Commissioners,, or
any Three or more of ithenv'or. by any Person:or Persons whoin,the.y1
shall appoint for that Purpose,' of any Neglect or^efusal
aforesaid, to,
any Justice of the Peace for the County, City, Town Corporate, or
such Officer.or;Person so neglecting; or refusing-shall,re-
side or be, such Justice may and he is hereby,authorised and required,; by
a Warrant under his Hand and Seal, to cause the Officer.or Person so.
refusing or neglecting to be brought before him, and upon his appear-
ing, or having been summoned and not appearing, without
Excuse to be allowed by such Justice, or not being, to be found, to hear
arid determine the Matter in a summary Way,; and if .upon the^pnfes-
sibri of the Party, or the Testimony of any credible Witness or fitnesses
upon Oath (which Oath such Justice; is hereby empowered to administer},
it shall appear to such Justice that any of the Money, which shall have
been collected or raised by virtue of-this Act shall
from such Of-
ficer or Personj such Justice may and he
hereby authorized and required,;
upon Nonpayment
by Warrant under his Hand and Seal, to cause,
such Money to be levied by Distress and Sale of the Goods and Chattels
of such Officer or Person; and if no Goods or Chattels of such Officer
or Person can be found sufficient to answer and satisfy the
Money, and
the Charges of distraining and selling such, Goods and Chattels; or if
it shall appear to such Justice that such Officer or Person shall have
refused or wilfully neglected to render or give such Account, or to pro-
duce the Vouchers relating thereto, or that any Books, Papers, or Writings
relating to the Execution of this Act shall be in the Custody or Power of
such Officer or Person,, and he shall have refused or wilfully neglected to
deliver or give Satisfaction respecting the same as aforesaid* :then and in
\Local.~] 20 G any
aiiy of the Cases aforesaid such "Justice shall commit such Offender to th£
Common Gaol or House of Correction for the Borough, County, City,
Town Corporate, or Place where such Offender shall be or reside, there
to remain without Bail or Mainpfize, until he shall have made a true and
perfect Account and Payment as- aforesaid, or until he shall have com-
pounded with such Commissioners for such Money, and shall have' paid
such Composition, which' the said Commissioners are hereby empowered
to make and receive, and until he shall have delivered.up.such Books,
Papers, and Writings as aforesaid, or shall have given Satisfaction in
respect thereof to the said Commissioners; provided that no Person who
shall be committed by virtue of this Act, oh account of his not having
sufficient Goods or Chattels,; shall be detained in Prison for any longer
Term than Six Calendar Months ^provided
that if any Money shall
remain due from such Officer or;Person, Officers or Persons, the Com-
mitment of him or them to Prison* shall not be deemed a discharge for
the same, nor exonerate his or their Surety or Sureties; but such Officer
or Person, Officers or Persons, and^his and their Surety or Sureties, shall
remain liable to the Payment
in the same Manner,'as if.such
Officer or Person had not been committed to Prison.-
Appointment XI. Arid be it- further enacted.That if
or Receiver of the
of Officers
Monies to be levied by the Authority of tlu\ Act shall die or become
case of incapable of acting in the Execution of this Act,it shall and may be law-
eat . £uj tQ an^ £or t^e saj(j Commissioners, or any Three or more" of them,
though not assembled at a Meeting in pursuance of this Act, by any
Writing under their Hands, to appoint any Person to be Collector or
Receiver of the Monies, until
Collector or Receiver shall be appointed by
the said Commissioners at a Meeting to be holden in pursuance of this
Act j any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
'Clerk and "XII. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That it shall not
be lawfiil for the said Commissioners to appoint the same Person whb
be different ihay be appointed to acT: as their Clerk'in the Execution of this Act,
ersons. or the Partner of any 'such ;Clerk, to be the Treasurer for the'Pur-
poses of this Act, or to appoint the Person who may be appointed Trea-
surer,.orthe Partner of any such Treasurer,
be theClerk to the said
Commissioners for executing this Act; and if any Person shall act in
both the Capacities of Clerk and Treasurer for the Purposes of this Act,
or if any Person, being the Partner of any such Clerk,1 shall act as Trea-
surer,; or being the Partner of any such Treasurer shall, act as Clerk in
the Execution of this Act, every Person so offending shall for every such
Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds to any Person or Persons
who shall sue for the same in any.'of His Majesty's Courts of Record at
by Action of Debt, or. on-the Case,, Bill, Suit, or.
Information, wherein no Essoign, Protection,: Wager of Law, nor more
than one Imparlance, shall be allowed.
'Commission- XIII. And be it further enacted, That the Commissioners appointed
erstosueand and to be appointed by and under this.Act shall and:may sue and be
be sued
in gue^ ^
jji Bonds 0r Securities in the Name or Names of, their
kecfeX Treasurer or Treasurers or Clerk for the Time being, to be appointed
under this Act or either or any of them; and that no Action or Suit
which may be brought by or against the said Commissioners, or any.of
4 them,
them,, in relation to this Act, in the Names of their Treasurer or Trea-
surers, or Clerk, shall abate or be discontinued by the Death or Removal
such Treasurer or Treasurers, or Clerk, or by the Act of him or them,
•without the Consent of the said Commissioners (as the Case may be), but
the ^Treasurer or Treasurers, or Clerk, for the Time being shall always be
deemed Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, Defendant or Defendants, in every such
Action or Suit (as the Case may be); provided always, that all and
every such Treasurer or Treasurers, or Clerk, shall be reimbursed out of
the Monies to be raised by virtue of this Act, all such Costs, Damages, and
reasonable Expences as he or .they shall be p~ut unto or become charged
or chargeable with by reason of his or their so being made Plaintiff or
Plaintiffs, Defendant or Defendants as aforesaid; provided that the
Action or Defence shall be prosecuted or carried on and continued
(as.the Case may be), with the Consent of the said Commissioners.
XIV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That in any Action to be Actions
brought by the said Commissioners against the Treasurer of Treasurers, against Clerk
or Clerk for the Time being, the same shall be commenced and prose- al1^;rrtre!b"
cuted in the Name of one of the Commissioners for executing this Act ; brought in
and that no such Action shall abate or be discontinued-by reason of the tlieName of
Death or Resignation, or by the Act of such Commissioner, without the, a Commis-
Gonsent of the Commissioners for, executing this Act, or any Five or Sloner
more of them; but that such Commissioner in whose Name any such
Action shall be brought shall be, deerried, to, be Plaintiff in every such
Action, and shall be fully reimbursed and paid out of the Monies to
arise by virtue of this Act all.such Damages, Costs, Charges, and Ex-
pences as by the Event or in consequence of any such Action or Pro-
ceeding he shall pay, bear, expend, or be put unto,'or become charge-
able with by; reason of his being made such Plaintiff as aforesaid.
XV. And be it further, enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said, Commission-
Commissioners, and they are hereby.authorized, empowered, and required, e,rs t0 oa"se
from Time to Time to cause the several Streets, Squares, and other public i^be lighted
Passages and Places within the said Town and Borough, to be from Time, cleansed, and
to Time lighted, cleansed, and watered, and all Encroachments, Obstruc- watered.
Nuisances, and Annoyances therein to be removed, in such Man-
ner as the said Commissioners shall think proper.
XVI. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said. Lamps to be
Commissioners,. and they are hereby authorized and empowered from set up.
Time to Time, and at any Time after the passing of this Act, to
order and direct Lamp Irons to be affixed in, to, upon, or against the
Palisades, »or other Parts of the Houses, Tenements., Walls or
Buildings, within the said Town and Borough, or in any other Manner
that they shall think proper and convenient; and to purchase, provide,
affix, set up, alter, take down, and renew such and so many Lamp Irons
and Lamps, of such Sizes and Sorts, and to erect such Lamp Posts, and in
such Places, and in., such Manner as to them shall seem necessary or
proper for lighting all or any of the Streets, Squares, and other public Pas-
sages or Places aforesaid ; and also to contract with any Person or Persons
for furnishing and producing and for lighting the said Lamps, at such
Seasons of the Year, and for so many Hours, as they shall judge
Penalty for
XVII. And be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons
shall wilfully break, take; away, throw down, or otherwise destroy or
damage any Lamp or Lamps which shall be erected by or by Order of
the said Commissioners, or by any Person or Persons, at his or their own
Expence, for the Purpose of lighting any of the said Streets, Squares, or
public Passages or Places, or any Post, Iron, Cover, or Other Furniture
or shall wilfully extinguish the Lights of any such Lamp or
Lamps, it shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace for the County of
Durham, and he is hereby required, upon Complaint to him made of any
such Offence, and on the Oath of a credible Witness, to issue a Warrant
for apprehending the Party or Parties accused ; or if shall be lawful for
any Person or Persons who shall see such Offence committed to appre-
hend, and also for any Person or Persons to assist in apprehending the
Offender or Offenders, and by Authority of this Act, without any other
Warrant, to deliver him, her, or
into the Custody of a Peace Officer,
in order to be secured and conveyed before some Justice of the Peace for
the said County; and on the Party or Parties accused being brought be-
fore some Justice, such Justice shall proceed to examine upon Oath any
Witness or Witnesses, who shall appear or be produced to give Evidence
touching such Offence ; and if the Party or Parties accused shall be con-
victed of such Offence,, either by his, her, or their Confession, or upon
such Evidence as aforesaid, then and in every such Case he, she, or they
shall for every such Offence respectively, and if more than one shall
severally forfeit and pay any Sum not exceeding Five Pounds, and shall
besides make full Satisfaction, to be ascertained by such Justice, to the
said Commissioners, or other Party injured, for the Damage so done;
and in case such Offender or Offenders shall not, upon Conviction, forth-
with pay such Penalty by him, her, or them incurred, and also such Satis-
faction as aforesaid, such Justice is hereby required to commit such Offender
or Offenders to the Common Gaol or House of Correction for the. said
County, there to be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding
Three Calendar Months, and such Offender or Offenders shall not be
discharged before the Expiration of the Time for which he,' she, or they
shall be so committed, unless such Penalty and Satisfaction as aforesaid
sooner paid and given.
XVIII. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the
said Commissioners, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, from
Tinie to Time to appoint such Number of Watch'ihen and Patroles to
be employed within the said Streets, Squares, and other public Passages
and Places, for so long in the Night, under such Regulatipns, and.'for
.Such Wages as they shall think proper, and to provide them with proper
Ammunition, Weapons, and Clothing, for the Discharge of their
Duty; and also to erect Watch-houses and' Watch-boxes in such Place or
Places as they may think proper; and if any Watchman or Patrole ap-
pointed as aforesaid shall neglect to perform his Duty, or shall in ahy wise
misbehave himself in the Execution of his Office, he shall forfeit and
pay any Sum not exceeding Forty Shillings.
Lamps, XIX. And be it enacted, That all the Lamps, Lamp Irons, Lamp Posts,
Watch-boxes, Watch-houses, and other Houses and Buildings which shall
vested in be erected or fixed up by virtue of this Act, and all Materials, Implements;
n and other Things which shall be purchased or provided by the said Com-
IV. Cap.bdi. 1777
imssioners For the Purposes of this Act, and also all the Dirt, Dust, Dung,
Ashes and Filth to be swept, gathered* and collected in and from thd
several Streets, Squares, and other public Passages and Places within the.
said Town and Borough, or any of them, shall belong to and be the
Property of arid are hereby vested iri the said Commissioners; and the
said Commissioners shall and may cause to be brought any Action, or
Actions, or direct the preferring of any Bill or Bills of Indictment, (as the
Case may require), against any -Person or Persons who fehall steal, tak'ej
or carry away, detain, spoil, injure or destroy, the several Articles and
Things hereby vested in the said Commissioners as aforesaid, or any of
them, or any Part or Parts
and in all such Actions and Bills of
Indictment respectively, it shall be and be deemed and taken to be
sufficient to state generally, that the Article or Articles, Thing or Thingsj
for or on account of which Action or Actions shall be brought, or Bill or
Bills of Indictment shall be preferredi is of are the Property of the Com*
missioners for the Improvement of the Town and B'orbugh of Stockton,
without particularly stating or specifying the Names of all or any of the
said Commissioners j and the said Commissioners shallhave full Power
and Authority from Time
Time to sellahd dispose of, for the Purposes
of this Act, all of, any bf the said Articles and Things^ or any Part or Parts'
of the sanie respectively, to such-Person or Persons, and in such Manner
as they the said Commissioners shall think proper.
XX. And b'e it further enacted> That if any Person or-Persons-shall Penalty
wilfully of malidbilisly break, injure, or 'destroy, or otherwise damage any ^;"iaS.1D1S
of the Articies or Thing's hereby vested in the said Commissioners, or any Matenals'
of the Works done by them in pursuariee'of this Act,'every Person so
offending sh All for every such'Offence' forfeit and pay ;any Sum notes*-
ceeding Ten Pounds.
And be'it further enacted, That if any Person shall run, drive, Penalty on
or place, or jciiuse'YcV be run, driven or placed', any Coach, (Barty Waggon, occasioning
Dray, Truck, Sledge, Wheelbarrow,
or any Carriage, what- msance3,
Soever, upon or over any of the. Foot Pavement or Causeways within the
said Town or Borough,'or.shall wilfully ride, driveyor lead any Horse, or
b'ther Beast or Cattle, of shall roll any Cask or Tub (otherwise than for
the necessary loading of unloading thereof upon or from any Carriage
within the Extent of the Premises occupied by such Person), or drag any
Timber or. Log of Wood along or upon any of the said Foot Pavements
or Causeways, or shall permit or suffer to run loose and wander about any
of the said Streets, Squares, or other public Passages or Places, any Horse
or other Beast, Swine or Cattle, or shall kill, slaughter, singe, scald, dress
or cut up, or cause "to be killed, slaughtered, singed, scalded, dressed, or
cut up any Beast or Swine,
Sheep, Lamb, or other Cattle, or permit
or suffer any Blood, Filth, or Annoyances whatsoever to run or drain from
any Slaughter House, Stable Yard, or Premises in or upon any of the said
Streets^ Square's,'or other public Passages or Places ; or shall hoop, cleanse,
or wash of scald any Casks, or hew or saw or cause hewed or sawed
any Stone, Wood, or Timber, or bifid or make the Wheel of any Carriage,
or'shoe, bleed, dress, or farry any Horse of other Beas't, or set, place, or
expose to Sale any Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes, either in the Foot-
ways or Carriageways of any of the said Streets, Squares, or other public
Passages or Places j or shall hang up, place, or expose to Sale any Goods,
[Local.'} tvH Wares,
l°GEORtm IV. CapAxil
Wares, or Merchandizes whatsoever, or any Fruit, Vegetables, Garden.
Butchers Meat, or other Matter or Thing on or.projecting over any
of the said Foot or Carriageways, so as to obstruct or incommode the
Passage of any Person or Carriage, or shall make or assist in making any
Fire or Fires commonly called Bonfires, or shall set fire to, or throw, or
wantonly fire off or
any Gun, Pistol, or other Fire-arms, Squibs,.
Rockets, Serpents, or Fireworks whatsoever, or play at Football, or any
other Game or Games; or shall wilfully break, aid or abet, or assist in
wilfully breaking any Glass or Window Panes, or Windows, in or belong-
ing to any Dwelling House or Building in any Part or Parts of the said
Streets, Squares, or other public Passages or Places, to the Annoyance of.
any Passenger or Passengers, or shall in any Manner obstruct or incom-
mode, or hinder or prevent the free Passage of any Footway or Carriage-
way, or shall wilfully prejudice or annoy in any Manner whatsoever, any!
Person or Persons travelling or passing thereon ; or shall sift, screen, or
slack any Lime (except within a Hoard or Inclosure to be allowed of by!
the said Commissioners); or shall carelessly or wilfully break or damage
any .Foot Pavement in any such Street, Square, or other public Passage or
Place, or cause the same to be broken or damaged, every Person so offend-.
ing in any of the Cases aforesaid shall for every such Offence forfeit and,
pay any Sum not exceeding Five Pounds, nor less than Forty Shillings.
XXII. And be it further enacted, That if any Waggon, Cart, Dray, or
Timber Carriage, shall be left to stand or remain in any of the Streets,
Squares, or other public Passages or Places within the said Town or Borough
with or without;
for any longer Time than shall be
reasonable and necessary for the loading or unloading
or in case
the same shall not during, such Time be standing as near to the Side of
such Street, Square, public Passage or Place, as conveniently may be; or
if any Stage Coach shall be left to stand or remain in any of such Streets,
Squares, or other
Passages or Places, with or without Horses, or for
any longer Time than shall be reasonable and necessary for taking up or
setting down Passengers, or for loading or unloading
or if any
Horse shall be suffered to stand at the Door or House of any Person so
as to obstruct or incommode the Passage of any of the said Footways ; or
if any Timber, Bricks, Stones, Wood, Goods, or other Things shall be
laid or placed, or left to remain in any of the said Streets, Squares, or
other public Passages or Places, for any longer Time than shall be necessary
for removing or housing the same; or if any Dung, Ashes, Rubbish,
Dirt, Dust, or other Nuisance or Annoyance, shall be thrown, cast or laid
in any of the said Streets, Squares, or other public Passages or Places, and
suffered to remain for any longer Time than shall be necessary for remov-
ing the same, then and in every such Case the Owner or Driver of every
such Carriage, and the Owner of such Timber or other Things as afore-
said, and the Person who shall throw, cast, or lay any Dung, Ashes, Rub-
bish, Dirt, Dust or other Nuisance or Annoyance as aforesaid, or otherwise
offend in the Premises, shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay any
Sum not exceeding Twenty Shillings, nor less than Five Shillings ; and if
any such Timber or other Things, or such Dung, Ashes, Rubbish, Dirt,
Dust, or other Nuisance or Annoyance, shall ,be suffered to remain in any
of the said Streets, Squares, or other public Passages or Places, longer
than shall be necessary as aforesaid, any Surveyor of the Highways for the
•said Town or Borough,,or any Person to be employed by the said Com-
5 missioners,
PGEORGII IV. Cap.tei. 1779
•missioners, is hereby authorized and empowered to cause the same to be
removed to such Place as he shall think proper, and the Expence thereof
shall be paid by the Person liable to the Payment of the said Penalty, and
shall and may, in case of Nonpayment on Demand, be recovered in like
Manner as any Penalty is herein-after authorized and directed to be re-
XXIII. And be it further enacted, That if any Horse, Beast, Cattle, or Beasts wan-
Swine,- shall at any Time be found wandering about any of the Streets, Bering in the
Squares, or other public Passages or Places within'the said Town or utr^ets:n^.
Borough of
it shall be lawful for any Person or Persons to be ec|.
appointed by the said Commissioners, or any Inhabitant of the said Town,
to seize such Horse, Beast, Cattle or Swine, and impound the same in the
Common Pound of the said Town, or in such other Place as the said Com-
missioners shall appoint, and the same there to detain until the Owner or
Owners thereof shall for each Horse, Beast, Swine, or Head of Cattle so
impounded, pay a Sum of Money not exceeding Twenty Shillings to the
Treasurer for the Time being to the said Commissioners, to be applied for
the Purposes of this Act, and also the Sum of One Shilling to the Person
impounding the. same, besides the reasonable Charges and Expences of
impounding and keeping the same; and in case the said Sums, Charges,
and Expences shall not be paid within Seven Days after such impounding,
it lawful for the Pound Keeper, or such other Person as shall be
appointed by the said Commissioners for that Purpose, to sell the Horse,
Beast, Cattle, or Swine so impounded, or cause the same to be sold, giving
Two Days previous Notice of the intended Sale to the Owner or Owners
of such Horse, Beast, Cattle or Swine; or if the Owner thereof cannot be
found, causing Three Days public Notice pfsuch intended Sale to be given
by. the Public Town Crier of the said Town or,Borough of Stockton,'by
Proclamation; and the Money arising by such Sale, after deducting the
said Sums, and the Charges and Expences aforesaid, and of such Notice
and Sale, shall be paid to the said Treasurer, to be. by him paid to the
Person, whose Property the Horse, Beast, Cattle or Swine so sold shall
appear .to have been, upon his or her claiming the same.
XXIV. And be it further enacted, That in case any Slaughter House, Commission-
Hog Stye, or other noisome Building,* being in or near any of the said
ers may order
Streets, Squares, or other public Passages or Places, shall annoy or be "^ens,ve
offensive to the Inhabitants of the said Town or Borough, or shall be a removed.
Nuisance, in the legal Acceptation of that Term, it shall be lawful for
the said Commissioners, upon Complaint being made thereof to them by
any Person or Persons, by Notice in Writing under their Hands, or the
Hand of their Clerk, to order any such Nuisance to be removed ; and in
case the same shall not be removed (within Two Days after such Notice
shall be given to the Person or Persons who ought to remove the same),
such Person or Persons shall forfeit and pay any Sum not exceeding Forty
Shillings, for every Day that the same shall remain unremoved after the
Expiration of the said Term, the same to be recovered in like Manner as
any Penalty or Forfeiture
by this Act authorized to be recovered.
XXV. And be it further enacted, That from and -after the passing of JJ*^*™*"
this Act all Persons occupying Houses, Buildings, Tenements, Shops, pav^me^ts
1780I IV. ft^,IxiL
opposite to
Warehouses, Yards, Gardens, or Stables in arijr of the\ Stfe'etsj SqirareSj or
other public Passages- or Places withih the said ToWn- or" Borough of
'Stbcktdh, shall cause to be swept and cleansed the Fobtwaysy Paths, 'arid
Pavements, the whole Length-of the Ffott'tbf their respetti^e Houses1,
Buildings, Tenements; Shops, Warehouses, Yards,.Gardens;,
or 'Stables,
to the full Extent of the .Foot Pavement before the same, between the
Hours of Seven and Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, Once or oftener in
every Week, as the said Commissioners shall from Time drder and
require j and also in Times: of Frost or Snow shall causa all the \ce. and
Snow to be swept arid removed from such Foot Pavements from Time to
Time, .within Two Hours after they shall be required so to do; by the .said
Commissioners, or any THree or more of them,..upon pain of forfeiting
and paying any Sum of.Money not exceeding Ten Shillings, nor'less than
•Five Shillings, for every Neglect therein.
XXVI. And, for> raising Mon'ey to enable, the said Commissioners fo
carry the'severai Purposes of this Act into Execution,: be it further enacted,
That One or more Rate.or Rates, Assessment or Assessments-,'shal!l.belaid
or assessed by the said Commissioners, Once or,oftener in every Years, as
theyshall judge it needful, upon Messuages, Tenements,' Houses:, and other
Buildings, Yards, Gardens, and Tolls of Fairs and Markets for the Time
being* within the said Town arid Borough of
or the Precincts
in any Sum hot exceeding in the whole One Shilling hi the Pound
in any aOne Year, of Two Third Parts only of the Annual Value to let for
the Time 'being of such Messuages, Tenements,.Houses and other Build-
Yards, Gardens, and Tolls respectively; and the first Year for which
such Rate or Assessment shall be made shall commence and be computed
from the'First Day of
One thousand eight hundred and twenty,
and the Money so to be rated or assessed shall from Time to Time be levied
u'p^on and 'paid'by the Tenant or Occupier.of stich Messuages^ -Tenements,
Hbtfses and Other Buildings, Yards, Gardensj'arid Tolls respectively, by
Quarterly or other Payments, to such Person or Persons as the said Com-
hiis~sibhers shall appoint to be Collector or Collectors of the "samej to be
by him or them paid over to tire Treasurer.or,Treasurers of the said
Commissioners ; and so that no Messuage, House, Shop, Warehouse,
Building, Garden or Yard, situate out of the Precincts ;of the said Town
and Borough, shall be, rated or chargeable to any such Rate or Assess-
Lessees of .XX.VIL And .be it further enacted, That the Lessee,, Landlord^,r
Houses let to Owner of; every House within the said Town or Borough; of
pay Kates?
which is or shall or may be let out ready-furnished to a Lodger or Lodgers,
shall be liable or subject to the Rates or Assessments directed by this 'Act
be made, raised and levied, according to Two Third Parts of the; yearly
Value of the Premises; and that every Person renting or occupying any
such ready-furnished House as aforesaid, shall be liable and compellable to
th,e Payment of the said Rates or Assessments, not exceeding in any Case the
Amount of the/Rent reserved or payable for the.same," to be. recovered in
Manner hereinafter mentioned j and that every such respective Occupier
or Occupiers who shall pay any such Rate "or Assessment, or "from whom
the.same recovered in pursuance of this Act, shall and may deduct
the same^from and out of-his of her next Rent, and the Lessee, Landlord,
or other Person or Persons who shall be in the actual Receipt of the Hack
Rates to be
rGEORGII IV: fe.lxli. 1781
or improved Rent of such H6use,is arid are hereby required to allow the same
accordingly, and the Receipt for such Payment shall be a sufficient Dis-
charge for such Tenant or Tenants; Occupier of Occupiers, for so much
Money as he,'she, of they shallpay> or as shall bd'levied on him, her, or
them by virtue !of'this Act,
XXVIII. Provided always, and' be it further enacted, That no Person Poor Persons
or Persons who byreason'Vof his, her, or their Poverty or Inability only is, not t0 ^e
or shall be excused from the Payment of, or shall be' left out of the assessed'
Rates or Assessments made for the Relief of the Poor of the said Town
and Borough of
shall be subject or liable to be rated or assessed
in any Rate or Assessment to be made by virtue of this Act,
XXIX. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any Person
having an Order under the Hands of any Three or more of the maybe
said Commissioners, to inspect and take Copies of of Extracts from all spected.
or any-Rates made for raising Money for the Relief and Maintenance of
the Poor within the Town and Borough of Stockton, aforesaid ; which
Inspections, Copies or Extracts, the Person or Persons having the Custody
of such,Rates respectively are hereby required' to permit and suffer
made, without Fee or Reward, upon Production of such Order; and in
case any Person having the Custody of any such Rateis shall neglectVr
refuse so to do within Three Days after' such'Order shall have been
produced and shown to him, or a Copy thereof left at his usual Place of
Abode, he shall for every such Neglect or Refusal forfeit and pay any Sum
not exceeding Five Pounds.
XXX. And be it further enacted and declared, That the Book of Rates Rate Book
to be delivered to the Collectors or other Officers to the said Commission- Evidence.
and all Entries afterwards made therein, or examined Copies' thereof
respectively, being signed by any Three or more of the said Commissiohersj
shall be received a$ Evidence of the Rates'imposed by virtue of this Act^
and of the Payment of such of them, of any Part
as shall by such
Entries appear to have been paid to' such Collectors,
XXXI. And for' better enforcing Payment of the Rates or Assess^ Arrears of
ments to be made by virtue of this Act, be it further enacted, That if any R*tes h(w
Person or Persons liable to pay any of the Rates or Assessments to be be recovered?
made by virtue of this Act shallrefuse or neglect to pay the Money rated of
assessed upon him, her, or them, and all Arrears due thereon; or if any
Personor Persons liable to pay any of the said Rates or Assessments shall
at any Time begin to remove his, her, or their Goods, Chattels, Furniture,
Cattle or other'Effects from the Messuage, Building, Land, Tenement;
Hereditaments or Premises in his, her, or their Occupation, within the
said Town or Borough of
or to sell and
or cause to
be sold or disposed of, such Goods, Chattels, Furniture, Cattle or .pther
Effects therein by public Auction* or sell, dispose of, or carry away his,
her, or their Goods, Chattels, Furniture, Cattle or other Effects asafore-
said, without first paying all Arrears due orrated in respect'of such Messu-
House, Building, Lands,Tenerrients, Tblls,!Hereditamerits, or Premises
(including the current Quarter'which shallbe considered as due),-that
then and in any of the said Cases it shall be lawful for the Collector 6r
Time ^'eing^to' be appointed in pursuance of this Act,
{Local.'} 2o'I to
For compell-
of Subscrip-
ers may bor-
row Money.
l°GEORGII W. Cap.lxil
to collect and levy such Rates and Assessments, and all Arrears due there-
on, and the Rate or Assessment for such Quarter wherein such Removal
or Sale shall begin to be made as aforesaid, in case the same shall not be
forthwith paid, (although previous to the Time for the Payment of the
Rate or Assessment for such Quarter), by Warrant under the Hand and
Seal, or Hands and Seals, of One or more Justice or Justices of the Peace
for the County of Durham, by Distress and Sale of the Goods, Chattels,
Furniture, Cattle and other Effects of or belonging to the Person or Persons
whose Rate or Rates shall then be due or payable as aforesaid ; and if
within Four Days next after such Distress shall be made, the said Rates
or Assessments, and all Arrears due thereon, together with the reasonable
Costs and Charges of taking and keeping the said Distress, shall not be
paid, the said Collector shall cause the said Goods, Chattels, Furniture,
Cattle and other Effects to be appraised and sold, or such Part thereof as
shali be sufficient to pay such Rates or Assessments, together with all
Arrears due thereon, and the reasonable Costs and Charges of making
such Distress, and of keeping and selling the same, returning the Overplus
(if any) to the Owner or Owners of such Goods, Chattels, Furniture,.
Cattle, and other Effects respectively.
XXXII. And be it further enacted, That the several Persons who have
become Subscribers towards defraying any Part of the Expences of obtain-
ing and passing this Act, and carrying the same or any Part of it into
Execution, and every of them, and all and every Person or Persons who
shall hereafter become a Subscriber or Subscribers for the Purposes afore-
said, and his, her, or their Heirs, Executors, or Administrators, shall
within Twenty-one Days next after Notice in Writing under the Hand
of the Treasurer or Clerk to the said Trustees shall have been given or
delivered to him, her, or them, or left, at, his, her, or their Dwelling or
usual Place of Abode, make full Payment of the respective Sums of Money
so by him, her, or them subscribed, or agreed to be subscribed as afore-
said, or such Part or Parts thereof as may be required in such Notice ; and
in case any such Person or Persons, his, her} or their Executors, or Admir
nistrators, shall refuse, neglect, or fail to make such Payment as aforesaid^
then and in every such Case it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners
to ,bdng or" cause to be brought any Action of Debt^ or. on the Case, Bill
Plaint or Suit, against the Person or Persons so refusing or neglecting as
her, or their Heirs, Executors, or Administrators, in any of
His Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster, or the Court of Pleas
at Durham, wherein no Essbign, Protection, or Wager of Law, npr
more than One Imparlance shall be, allowed; and on Proof .of such
Person or Persons having so subscribeclf or agreed to
and such
Notice being given as last aforesaid, such respective Sum or Sums so^ sub*
scribed, or agreed to be subscribed, or so much thereof as shall be required
to be paid by such Notice, shall be recovered with full Costs of Suit.
XXXIII. And for the more speedy and effectual raising of Money for
the Purposes .of this Act, be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful fo?
the said Commissioners, and they are hereby empowered from Time to
Time, to borrow and take up at interest any Sum or Sums of Money, not
exceeding (in the whole the Sum of Two thousand Pounds at any onle
T|me, upon the Credit of the R#te& or Assessments hereby granted, and
by Writing under their Hands and Seals to mortgage or assign over
9 the
-rGEORtfll %.!xi|. m$
the said Rates or; Assessments.^ or. any
to jthe Person, or
Persons, who shall advance "or'fend,Jsuch;' Money, or his, her, or their
Trustee'or Trustees, asf a'Securit^'rbr {he Kfon'e^'so to be borrowed,
together with Interest' IbF'the same'; and every such Mortgage or'Assign-
ment may be accqrding'to the Form following ; (that is to say),
* fiY virtue of an Act, passed in the First Year of the Reign of His Form.qf the
c 1J Majesty. King #. the'Fourth',, intituled (set forth the Ttili'ofihis Mot&&>-
' AcQ, we, ' ',,';,. ^'.. . ^.ei^ .- ,'. " '-
' Commissioners appointed by virtue of ''tfre said Kit, in Consideration p'f
'* the Sum of paid to us by A.B. [insert
Name, Place of Abode1,
' and Addition sf the Lender], for the Purposes of the said Act, do grant
'' and assign, unto the said A, B. his Executors, Administrators',' and
' Assigns, such Proportion of the'Rates or Assessments arising by
' virtue of the said Act as the said Sum of doth or shall
* bear to the whole Sum which is or shall be borrowed upon the; Credit
* of the said Rates or Assessments; to be had and holden from this Day
' until the said Sum of . with Interest henceforth for the; same., at
' the Rate of fer,
per Annum, to be paid Half-yearly,
'shall be fully re'paid and satisfied. In Witness
we have hers-
' unto set our Hands and Seals, this Day of in, the
' Year of our Lord .'
And: every such Mortgage: or Assignment shall, be good, valid* arid
the Law, provided that the whole .Sum
be charged onjtlfe
Credit of the said.Rates or Assessments, shall not at any Tirne; exceed the
Sum of Two thousand Pounds ; provided always, that
case the said Com- Money may
missioners shall think it advisable or raise all or any Part^f the Money
raised on
necessary for the Purposes aforesaid,, by the granting of Annuities for the ''"'
liife or Lives of any Person or. Persons, then it shall be lawiul. for. the
said Commissioners, and they are hereby authorized, arid empowered, by
any Writing or Writings under their Hands and Seals, to grant any An-
nuity or-Annuities to any Person or Persons
shall contribute,; advance,
and pay into the Hands of the Treasurer to the said Commissioners; ,amy
Sum or Sums of Money for the absolute Purchase of any such Annuity
or Annuities to be paid and payable during the natural Life of every^such
Contributor, or the natural Life of every such Person as shall, he: no*
minated by or on Behalf of such Contributor at the. Time of the .Pay*
ment of his or her Contribution or Purchase Money; and
Grant, of
every such Annuity may be according to the Form following ; (that is
to say),
* "DY virtue of an Act passed in the First Year of the Reign of King Fonn of
the Fourth, intituled {here set forth the Title of. this
Grant of
e we, being of the Cpntmissioner^ Annuity.
' appointed by virtue of the said Act, in Consideration of the Sum
' of paid to us by A. B. [insert the Name, Place of
' and Addition of the Lender}, for the Purposes of the said Act, do hereby
* grant unto the said A. B. his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns,
Otne Annuity pr yearly Sum of ( ,. out of the .Rates
'^aforesaid, Quarterly, uppri the
"" of , the Day of " , and the 'Day
1784 I'GEORGII IV. CapAxil
* Day of iu every Year, during the natural Life of
' the First Payment thereof to be made upon the Day
' next ensuing the Date
In Witness whereof we have hereunto
1 set our Hands and Seals, this Day of in the
* Year of our Lord
"^n^ every such Grant shall be a good, valid, and effectual Security in
Rat'es &c °n ^awr ^e Payment °f sucn Annuity; which said several Annuities
--' ' so to be purchased shall be made payable and be paid Quarterly during
the natural Lives of such Contributors respectively, or the natural
Life or Lives of such other Person or Persons as shall be nominated
by such respective Contributors; and a proportionate Part of each
Annuity shall be paid from the last Quarter-day Payment td the Day
of the Death of the Annuitant, or his or her Cestuique Vie ; and the said
Commissioners shall pay the said Annuities freed and discharged from
every Tax and Deduction whatsoever.
Bate of An-
nuities on
single Lives
Power to
Money at
lower In*,
terest to dis-
charge Secu-
rities at
XXXIV. And for preventing any improvident Grant of Annuities
under this Act, be it further enacted, That rio Annuities shall be granted
by virtue.of this Act, for any single Life, at any higher Rate than the
following j (that is to say), when the Age of the Annuitant, or'the Person
for whose Life the Annuity shall be granted, shall not exceed Thirty-five
the Annuity to. be granted shall not exceed the Rate, of Eight
Pounds Three Shillingsifdr each One hundred Pounds of the Considera!"
tion Money paid for: the Purchase
where the-Age of such Person
shall not exceed Forty Years, the Annuity to be granted shall not exceed
Eight Pounds Ten Shillings for each One hundred Pounds of such Con..
sideration Money; where the Age of such Person shall not exceed Forty-
the Annuity shall not exceed the Rate of Nine Pounds for
each One hundred Pounds of the Consideration Money ; where the Age
of such Person shall not exceed Fifty Years, the Annuity shall not
exceed the Rate of Nine Pounds Twelve Shillings for each One
hundred Pounds Consideration Money; where the Age of such Person
shall 'not> exceed Fifty-five Years, the Annuity shall not exceed the
Rate of Ten Pounds Eight Shillings for each One hundred Pounds
of; the Consideration Money; where the. Age of such Person shall not
exceed Sixty Years, the Annuity shall not exceed the Rate; of Eleven
Pounds Eight Shillings for each One hundred Pounds of the Consideration
Money ;; where the Age of such Person shall not exceed Sixty-five Years,
the Annuity shall not exceed the Rate of Twelve Pounds Seventeen Shil-
lings for each One hundred Pounds of the Consideration Money; where
the Age of such Person shall not exceed Seventy Years, the Annuity shall
not exceed the Rate of Fifteen Pounds One Shilling for each One hundred
Pounds of the Consideration Money; and where the Age of such Person
shall not exceed Seventy-five Years, the Annuity shall not exceed the
Rate of Eighteen Pounds Ten Shillings for each One hundred Pounds of
the Consideration Money.
XXXV. And be it further enacted, That in case the said Commis-
sioners can at any Time borrow or take up any Sum or Sums of Money
at a lower Rate of Interest than the Mortgages, Assignments, or Securities
which shall be then in force shall bear, it shall be lawful for the said Com-
missioners from Time to Time to charge the said Rates or
Manner aforesaid, with such Sum or Sums of Money as they shall think
i»'GEORGII IV Cap.lxii. 1785
fit or proper, and the'Interest thereof
such lower Rate aforesaid; and
to pay off and discharge the Mortgages, Assignments, and Securities bear-
ing a higher Rate of Interest.
XXXVI. And be it further'enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Per- Mode of
sons entitled to any of the Securities for the Money borrowed, or for the transferring
Annuities granted as aforesaid, by Writing under their Hands, to transfer ecunties-
die same respectively to any Person or Persons, according to the Form
following, or any other Form of Words to the like Purport or Effect, as
the Case may be j (videlicet),
' T A. B. [insert the Name, Place of Abode, and Addition of the Person
' assigning] do hereby assign the within Mortgage, [or, Grant of. the
' within-mentioned Annuity], and all my Right and Title in and to the
' Principal Money and Interest [or, Annuity], and all Arrears now due
' thereon, and thereby secured, unto C. D. [insert the
of Abode,
' and Addition of the intended Assignee], his Executors, Administrators,
' and Assigns. Dated this Day of in the Year of our Lord .'
And Entries or Memorials of all such Mortgages or Assignments,^ and the Entries to be
Grants of Annuities which shall be made in pursuance of this Act, and of made of
all Transfers
expressing in Words'at length the Name, Additions, Secunties-
and Places of Abode, and'other Descriptions of all such Persons as shall
from Time to Time be entitled to the Principal Money and Interest, or the
Annuities thereby respectively secured; shall be entered in a Book- to be
kept for that Purpose, by the Clerk to the said Commissioners, to which
Book any Person interested shall at all Times have Access, and shall have
free Liberty to inspect the same without Fee or Reward; and for the
Entry of every such Transfer or Assignment the said Clerk shall be paid
Five Shillings, and no more; and every such Transfer or Assignment, after
such Entry thereof as aforesaid; shall entitle the Person or Persons to
whom the same shall be made, and his, her, or their Executors, Admini-
strators, or Assigns, to the Benefit of the Security or Grant thereby trans-
ferred ; and all Persons to whom such Mortgages, Assignments, or Grants
of Annuities shall be made, or who shall be entitled to the Monies or
Annuities thereby secured, shall be, in proportion to the Sums therein
respectively mentioned, Creditors on the said Rates or Assessments, equally
one with another, without any Preference in respect to the Priority of
advancing such Money, or the Dates of any such Mortgages, Assignments,
or Grants respectively.
XXXVII. And be it further enacted, That all the Money to arise by the Application
said Rates, Assessments, and other Monies hereby granted, or to be levied oftheMoney.
or recovered by. virtue of this Act, and which may be borrowed on the
shall be paid to the Treasurer to the said Commissioners,
or to such other Person or Persons as they shall appoint, and shall
plied and ^disposed of, in the first place, in paying and defraying the
Charges and'Expences which shall be incident to and attending the ob-
taining and passing this Act, and in the next place, in paying and dis-*
charging the Interest of the Monies which shall be borrowed, and the
Annuities which shall be granted under this Act, and then from Time to
Time in defraying: the Charges and Expences of lighting, cleansing, and
watching ithe Streets, Squares, and other public Passages and Places,, of
andin.the said Town: and 'Borough, and in defraying and paying all Ex-
VLocal.2 20 K pences
pences which the said Commissioners and other Officers shall necessarily
sustain and be put unto in carrying this Act into Execution, or- in' prose-
cuting or defending any Prosecutions, Actions, or Suits, in any Mariner
relative to the Execution of this Act, or of any thing to be done under or
by virtue of the same* and for such other Uses and Purposes as are herein
expressed, and the Residue of all such Monies shall be paid and applied in
reducing* paying off, and discharging all such Principal Sums as shall be
borrowed as aforesaid.
Penalty on XXXVIII. And be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons
obstructing shall at any Time or Times hereafter hinder or molest the Collector or
Commission- Cdllectots, or'other Officer dr- Officers', dr airy Workman of Workmen,
6f any other Person or Persons' WrioftisdeveT, who shall be empldyed by
virtue of this Act, dr' in afiy Manlier coricerded in the Execution
in the Pef'fdrm'a*hce and Execution bf his of their Duty o¥ Wtitk, every
Person so offendirig shall for every such Offence' forfeit aiid pay any Sum
tfo't' exceeding Ten Pduiids.
Penalties to
b'e recovered.
may be de-
tained till
Warrant of
XXXIX. And be it further enacted, That all Penalties and Forfeitures
by this Act imposed, the levying or recovering whereof is not hereby
particularly directed, shall be levied and recovered by Distress and Sale
of the Goods and Chattels of the Offender or Offenders, by Warrant
under the Hand and Seal of any Justice of the Peace for the said County*
City, Borough, or Place where such Offender or Offenders shall be or
reside (which Warrant, such Justice is hereby required and empowered to
upon the Confession of the Party dr Parties, or upon the Oath of
One or more credible Witness or Witnesses (which Oath such Justice is
hereby empowered to administer) rendering the Overplus (if any) of the
Money arising by such Sale, on Demand, to the Party or Parties whose
Goods and Chattels shall be so distrained; and after deducting the Charges
of such Distress :and Sale, all such Penalties and Forfeitures, when re-
covered (if riot herein directed to be otherwise applied)^ shall be paid to
the Clerk, or the Treasurer of the said Commissioners, arid shall be apv
plied to the Purposes of this Act; or in case it shall appear to such
Justice, on the Oath of any credible Witness (which Oath any Justice is
hereby empowered to administer), or on the Confession of the Offender
or Offenders, that such Offender or Offenders hath or have not sufficient
Goods arid Chattels within the Jurisdiction of such Justice,
Penalty or Forfeiture, and Charges of levying the same, can be raised* or
in case sufficient Distress shall not be found after such Warrant shall have
been issued, or if such Penalty and Forfeiture shall not be forthwith paid,
it shall be lawful for such Justicej and he is hereby authorized and .re-
quired', by Warrant under his Hand and Seal* to cause such Offender or
•Offenders to be committed to the Gtiihmon Gaol or House of Correction
of the said Gounty, City j Borough or Place, there to remain without
Bail or Mainprize, for any Time not exceeding Six Calendar Months,
unless such Penalties and Forfeitures, and all reasonable Charges, shall
be sooner paid or satisfied.
Provided always, and be it further enacted, That in every Casein
which any Person or Persons shall be convicted of any Offence against
this Act, iipon which any Penalty or Forfeiture, or any^Gosts, Charges, ctf
Expences shall be incurred and adjudged to be paid, it shall and may be
!°GEORGII IV* C^,M; 1787
lawful to and foil the Justice or Justices by or before whom such Offender issued and
or Offenders shall be so convicted, and he and they are hereby respectively ^et^rn made
authorized arid required, in case such Offender or Offenders shall not oa
such Conviction and Adjudication forthwith pay down such Forfeiture
and Costs, to detain such Offender or Offenders in safe Custody, in sonie
convenient and proper Place^ to be appointed for that Purpose by
justice or Justices, until such Justice or Justices shall have issued his or
their Warrant in. Manner hereinrbefore direc.ted for the levying such For-
feiture and Costs upon the Goods and Chattels of such Offender or
Offenders, and until it shall have been ascertained, on return made to such
Warrantj that such Offender or Offenders respectively hath or have not
any Goods arid Chattels sufficient whereon to make and levy such Penalty
and Costs ; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding;
XLIi And be it further enacte'd, That it shall be lawful for the said Commission-
Commissioners to reward any Informer or Informers as they shall think ers
proper, so as such Reward does not exceed One Moiety of the Penalty or formers""
Forfeiture proved by the Information of such Informer or Informers to
have been incurred
any thing he'reiri contained to the1 contrary notwithr
XLIL Provided always, and be it further enacted, That no Plaintiff or Pontiff §1^11
Plaintiffs shall recover in any Action for any Irregularity, Trespass, or
wrongful Proceeding, if sufficient Tender of Amends shall be made by or
on behalf of the Party or Parties who shall have committed or caused to Amends.
be committed any such Irregularity, Trespass, or wrongful Proceeding,
before such Action brought; and in case no such Tender shall have been
made, it shall be lawful, for the Defendant or Defendants in any. Action,
by leave of the Court where such Aetiori shall depend, at any Time before
Issue joined, to pay into Court such Sum of Money as he or they shall see
fit, whereupon such Proceedings, or Order and Judgment shall1 be had,
made, or given by such Court, as in other Actions .where the Defendant is
allowed to pay Money into Court.
XLIII. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That if any Person Appeal.
shall think himself or herself aggrieved by any Rate or Assessment which
shall be made in pursuance of this Act, he or she may apply to the said
Commissioners at their first Meeting to be holden after the Expiration of
Five Days after demanding of such Rate or Assessment, and the said Com-
missioners are hereby authorized and empowered, if they shall think such
Person aggrieved, to give such Relief in the Premises as to them shall
seem reasonable; and if any Person shall be dissatisfied with the Determi-
nation of the said Commissioners therein, or if any Person .shall think
himself or herself aggrieved by any Matter or Thing to be done in pufo
suance of this Act, every such Person may appeal to the Justices at any
General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace
j)e holden for the County bf
{Durham, within Three Calendar Months next after the Cause .of Goin-
p'la'int -shall have arisen, such Appellant first giving (Fourteen Days Notice
sit ithe least in Waiting of his or her Intention *o bring such Appeal, an$
of the-Matter
ito the Respondent .or Respondents, and also to the
Clerk to the said Commissioners, and within Five Days after such Notice
entering into a Recognizance before some Justice of the Peace of the said
.County, with a sufficient Surety or Sureties conditioned to try such Ap-
l*G£ORGII IV. Cap.lxil
peal, and abide the Order of and to pay such Costs as shall be awarded by
the Justices at such Sessions; and the Justices at such Sessions shall hear
and finally determine the Cause and Matter of such Appeal in a summary
Way, and award such Costs to the Party appealing or appealed against as
they shall think proper, and their Determination therein shall be final,
binding, and conclusive to all Parties, to all Intents and Purposes.
Justices to XLIV. Provided, always, and be it further enacted, That upon all
amend Rates Appeals from and against any of the Rates or Assessments to be made
appealed ov imposed by Authority of this Act, the Justice of the Peace (where they
shall see just Cause for Relief) shall and are hereby empowered to amend
the said Rates or Assessments, in such Manner only as shall be necessary
for giving Relief to the Person or Persons so appealing, in case they
shall think proper so to do, without quashing or altering such Rates or
Assessments with respect to any other Person or Persons mentioned in the
against with
out altering
the other
Rates and
not to be
quashed for
Wantof .
Form,1 or be
removed by
For compel-
ling the At-
tendance of
XLV. And be it further enacted, That no Rate or Assessment, or any
Proceedings to be had touching any Order made* or other Matter or Thing
to be done or transacted in or relating to any Complaint or Appeal, or
any Order or Determination thereon in pursuance of this Act, shall be
quashed and vacated for Want of Form only, or be removed or remove-
able:into any of His Majesty's Courts of Record at
or Durham,
by Certiorari, or by any other Writ or Process whatsoever; any Law,
Statute, or Usage, to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.
XLVI. And be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons
shall be summoned as a Witness or Witnesses to give Evidence before
the said Commissioners, or any Justice or Justices of the Peace in and
for any County, District, Liberty, Division, or Place whatsoever, touch-
ing any Matter of Fact'.contained in any In formation or Complaint for any
Offence against this Act, whether on the Part of the Prosecutors, or of
the Person or Persons complained of, and which Summons the said Com-
missioners, and such Justices as aforesaid, are hereby authorized to issue,
where and in such case only as such Commissioners, or such Justice or Jus-
tices as aforesaid, (as the Case may be), are made competent by this Act to
hear and determine the same; or if any Person or Persons shall besiim-
moned: as a Witness or Witnesses to. give Evidence at any General*
Quarter. Sessions of the Peace for the County of Durham, or Adjourn-
ment.thereof, upon any Appeal ;by virtue of this Acti, whether upon the
Part of the.Appellant or of the Respondent, and any such Person or
summoned as aforesaidsshall refuse or neglect, after Tender
ofihis'or her Expences, to appear at the Time and Place to be for that
•Purpose appointed, without a reasonable Excuse for such his, her, or
their' Refusal or Neglect, to be approved of by such Justice or Justices, or
[Commissioners respectively, or appearing shall refuse to be examined
-upon Oath, and to give Evidence before such Justice or Justices of the
Peace or Commissioners as aforesaid, or at any such Sessions or Ad-
then and' in either of the said Cases
every such
Person shall forfeit for every such Offence any Sum not exceeding Five
10 XLVII. And
GEORGII IV. Cajo.lxii. 1789
XLVII. And -be
it further
enacted, That in all Actions, Prosecu- Inhabitants
Informations, Causes and Proceedings whatsoever, relating to or maygive
concerning>the Execution of this Act, an Inhabitant residing within the V1 ence"
smd Town or Borough of Stockton shall not be deemed incompetent to
give Evidence by reason of his being such Inhabitant, or of his being
charged with or liabk to pay any Rate or Assessment, by virtue of
this Act.
XLVIIL And for; ahe more speedy and easy Conviction of Offenders Form of
against this Act, be it further enacted, That all and every Justice or Conviction.
Justices of the Peace before whom any Person or Persons shall be con-
victed of any Offence against this Act, shall and' may cause the Con-
viction to be drawn up in^the following Form of Words or any other
Form/or Words to the like Effect, (as the Case shall happen),. videlicet,
' l)urhanvV DE it remembered, That on the Day of
J ' -O m the
0f our Lord
* A.'B. is convicted before me,, C. D. one of.His Majesty's Justices of the
' Peace for the said County, [specifying the
and the Time and
1 .Place when and
was committed, as the Case may
'.,arid I the said Justice do therefore adjudge him to forfeit and pay the
' Sum of
. Given under my Hand and Seal^ the Day
* arid Year above'mentioned.'
XLIX. And be it further enacted, That when any Distress shall be Persons dis-
made for any Sum or Sums of Money to be levied by virtue of this Aet, tra,!nin,s not,
the Distress itself shall not be deemed unlawful, nor the Party or Parties ^JLff™e
making the'same a .Trespasser or Trespassers on account or any Detect or for Want of
Want of-Form in any Proceeding relating "thereto;! nor shall the Party Form.
or Parties distraining be deemed
Trespasser or Trespassers on account
of any Irregularity, but the Person or Persons aggrieved by such Irregu-
larity may recover Satisfaction for the special Damage in an Action on
the Case.
L. And be it further enacted, That no Action or Suit shall be com- Limitation
menced against any Person or Persons for any thing done under this of
Act until Fourteen DayB Notice thereof shall be given in Writing to the
Clerk for the Time being to the said Commissioners, or after sufficient
Satisfaction or Tender thereof hath been made to the Party or Parties
aggrieved, or after Six Calendar Months next after the Meeting at which
the Cause of Complaint arose, or after the Fact was committed for which
such Action or Suit shall be so brought; and all such Actions or Suits shall
be laid and tried in the County where the Cause of Action shall have
accrued and not elsewhere; and the Defendant or Defendants in any
such Action or Suit may plead the General Issue, and give this Act, and General
the special Matter in Evidence at any Trial to be had thereupon, and
that the same was done in pursuance and by the Authority of this Act j
and if it shall appear to have been <o done, or that such Action or Suit
was brought before Fourteen Days Notice thereof given as aforesaid, or
that sufficient Satisfaction was made or tendered as aforesaid, or if any
such Action or Suit shall not be commenced within the Term for that
Purpose herein-before limited, or shall be laid in any other County or
[Local] id L Place
Treble Costs.
era in Com-
mission of
the Peace
may act as
Public Act.
Place than as'aforesaid, then and in any. or either of ithe:§gid fiasej,the
Jury shall find for the Defendant or Defendants; and, ;jf *¥erdjflt,§h^ft
be found for
Defendant or Defendants, or if (the Elajgjtiff ;or fSiasafti^
in any such Action or Suit shall become nonsuited, or
suffer tl\&,
continuance of any such Action or Suit; or if upon Dejnurr^r Judgs
ment shall be given for the Defendant or Defendants, then and,inu&ny, e'5
either of the Cases aforesaid such Defendant or Defendants shajl havjg
Treble Costs, and shall have such and the like Remedy for recovering
the same as any Defendant or Defendants hath or have in other Cases
by Law;
And be it further enacted, That all such .Commissioners as jjse
or shall be Justices of the Peace, may act as Justices in all Matters JJftder
the Authopity of this Act, notwithstanding their being .Gommissioneysjj
and that in all Cases where any Justice, or Justices of the, Peace is or are
authorized by this Act to examine any Person or Persons
Affirmation, it shall be lawful for such Justice or Justices, and he and
they is and are hereby required to administer such Oath.
And|b.e it further enacted, That this Act defied, ad-
judged, *an4 taken to be a Public Act; and shall be judicially taJsen Notice
of as such by all Judges, Justices, and other Persons, without being
specially pleaded.
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