St. Anne's-on-the-Sea Improvement Act 1896

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Citation1896 c. ccxlviii
60 VICT.] Saint Anne's
on - the -
Sea [Ch. CCXlviii.]
Improvement Ad, 1896.
CHAPTER ccxlviii.
An Act to confer farther powers on the Urban District
Council of Saint Anne's-on-the-Sea in the County
Palatine of Lancaster for the improvement of their district
and for other purposes. [14th August 1896.]
the district of Saint Anne's-on-the-Sea in the county
palatine of Lancaster in this Act called "the district" is
under the local government of the Urban District Council of Saint
Anne's-on-the-Sea (in this Act called " the Council"):
And whereas the Saint Anne's-on-the-Sea Land and Building
Company Limited (in this Act called "' the land company ") have
made a road called " the South Promenade" extending along the
sea front of the district from the pier at St. Anne's towards Lytham
and have laid out or partially laid out the land intervening between
such road and the seashore as an esplanade :
And whereas it is expedient that the rights and interests of the
land company in the said land forming or intended to form the
said esplanade should be transferred to and vested in and the said
esplanade maintained by the Council and that they should be
empowered to lay out and maintain the same as pleasure ground or
gardens and to make and maintain such sea defences in connexion
therewith as may be necessary:
And whereas it
expedient that the Council should be authorised
to make byelaws for regulating the user of the said esplanade:
And whereas it is expedient that the Council should be authorised
to widen and improve certain streets which are not now repairable
by the inhabitants at large known as St Anne's Eoad East and
St. Anne's Road West and to acquire lands for such purpose :
And whereas it is expedient that the Council should be invested
with further powers of control over the seashore of the district and
that better provision should be made with reference to streets and
buildings and sanitary matters within the district:
[Price Is. 9] A 1
[Oh. CCXlviii.] Saint Anne's
- on
- the
Sea [59 & 60 VICT.]
Improvement Act, 1896.
And whereas it is expedient to authorise the Council to borrow
money for the purposes of this Act:
And whereas an estimate has been prepared by the Council for
the purchase of land for and the execution of the works by this
Act authorised and such estimate amounts to seven thousand and
eighty-four pounds:
And whereas the works mentioned in such estimate are permanent
works within the meaning of section 234 of the Public Health Act
1875 :
And whereas plans and sections showing the lines and levels of
the street widenings authorised by this Act and the lands to be
taken for the purposes thereof and also a book of reference con-
taining the names of the owners and lessees or reputed owners and
lessees and of the occupiers of the lands or houses which may be
taken under the powers of this Act were duly deposited with the
clerk of the peace for the county palatine of Lancaster and are
herein-after respectively referred to as " the deposited plans sections
and book of reference" :
And whereas the objects aforesaid cannot be effected without the
authority of Parliament:
And whereas an absolute majority of the whole number of the
Council at a meeting held on the eighteenth day of November one
thousand eight hundred and ninety-five after ten clear days' notice
by public advertisement of the meeting and of the purpose thereof
in the Blackpool Herald a local newspaper published and
circulating in the district such notice being in addition to the
ordinary notices required for summoning that meeting resolved that
the expense in relation to promoting the Bill for this Act should be
charged on the district fund and general district rate :
And whereas that resolution was published twice in the said
Blackpool Herald and has received the approval of the Local
Government Board:
And whereas the propriety of the promotion of the Bill for this
Act was confirmed by an absolute majority of the whole number of
the Council at.a further special meeting held in pursuance of a
similar notice on the seventeenth day of March one thousand eight
hundred and ninety-six being not less than fourteen days after the
deposit of the Bill in Parliament:
And whereas the owners and ratepayers of the district by
resolution passed in the manner prescribed by the Public Health
Act 1875 (Schedule III.) have consented to the promotion of the
Bill for this Act:
May it therefore please Tour Majesty that it may be enacted and
be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty by and with

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