Skipton Urban District Gas Act 1899

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Citation1899 c. lvi
[62 & 63
Skipton Urban District Gas Act, 1899. [Oh., lvi.]
An Act to empower the Urban District Council of the
Urban District of Skipton to supply gas and to purchase
the undertaking of the Skipton Gas Company and for
other purposes. [13th July 1899.]
HEREAS the district of Skipton in the West Riding of the
county of York is an urban district within the meaning of
the Local Government Act 1894 and is under the management and
control of the Skipton Urban District Council (in this Act called
"the Council"):
And whereas the Skipton Gas Company (herein-after called
" the Company ") under and by virtue of the Skipton GaR Act
1863 have constructed gasworks and are authorised to supply
gas within the township and urban district of Skipton and the
township of Embsay-with-Eastby both in the parish of Skipton
and the township of Carlton in the parish of Carlton in the
Skipton rural district all in the West Riding of the county of
York :
And whereas the paid-up capital of the Company consists of
seven thousand pounds stock entitled to a maximum dividend
of nine per centum per annum and eleven thousand six hundred
and sixty-six pounds stock entitled to a maximum dividend of
seven pounds ten shillings per centum per annum and two thousand
three hundred and thirty-four pounds divided into two thousand three
hundred and thirty-four new shares of one pound each entitled to
a maximum dividend of seven pounds ten shillings per centum per
And whereas the Company have borrowed on mortgage of their
undertaking and now owe the sum of four thousand seven hundred
and fifty pounds :
And whereas it is expedient that the gas supply of the urban
district should be in the hands of the Council and that the under-
taking of the Company should be transferred to and vested in the
[Price Is. &d? A 1
tCh. lvi.]
Shijpton Urban
Act, 1899. [62
Council in manner provided by this Act and that the Council should
be empowered to acquire for the purpose of gasworks the lands
described in the second part of the schedule to this Act and to
construct gasworks and to extend and improve the existing gasworks
of the Company to meet the growing demands of the inhabitants
within the limits of this Act:
And whereas plans describing the lands which may be taken
compulsorily under the powers and for the purposes of this Act
and a book of reference to those plans containing the names of
the owners or reputed owners lessees or reputed lessees and of the
occupiers of such lands were duly deposited with the clerk of
the peace for the "West Biding of the county of York and are in
this Act respectively referred to as the deposited plans and book
of reference :
And whereas the purposes of this Act cannot be effected without
the authority of Parliament:
.And whereas estimates have been prepared by the Council for
the purposes herein-after mentioned and such estimates are as
follows :
For the purchase of lands for and for the extension £
and improvement of the gas undertaking including
the removal and reconstruction of the gasworks - 30,000
For providing working capital - - -
And whereas the several works included in such estimates
respectively are permanent works within the meaning of section 234
of the Pubiic Health Act 1875 :
And whereas an absolute majority of the whole number of the
Council at a meeting held on the fifteenth day of September one
thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight after ten clear days'
notice by public advertisement of such meeting and of the purpose
thereof in the Craven Herald a local newspaper published and
circulating in the urban district such notice being in addition to the
ordinary notices required for summoning such meeting resolved
that the expense in relation to promoting the Bill for this Act
should be charged on the general district rate :
And whereas such resolution was published twice in the said
Craven Herald and has received the approval of the Local Government
And whereas the propriety of the promotion of the Bill for this
Act was confirmed by an absolute majority of the whole number of
the Council at a further special meeting held in pursuance of a
Bimilar notice on the nineteenth day of January one thousand
eight hundred and ninety-nine being not less than fourteen days
after the deposit of the Bill for this Act in Parliament:

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