Regent's Canal and Dock Act 1875

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Citation1875 c. ccvi
[38 & 39 VICT.] The Regent's
and Dock [Ch. CCVi.]
Act, 1875.
An Act for incorporating the Regent's Canal and Dock Com-
pany; for the transfer to them of the Undertaking of the
Regent's Canal Company ; for authorising the construction
of Works ; for improving and providing additional accom-
modation in connexion with that Undertaking; and for
other purposes. [11th August 1875.]
HEREAS by " The Regent's Canal Act, 1812," (in this Act
called "the Act of 1812,") the Company of Proprietors of c. 195.
the Regent's Canal (in this Act called "the canal company ") were " oc'* eTi
incorporated for making and maintaining a navigable canal from
the Grand Junction Canal in the parish of Paddington to the River
Thames in the parish of Limehouse, with a collateral cut in the
parish of Saint Leonard, Shoreditch, in the county of Middlesex :
And whereas the following Acts have also been passed with
respect to the canal company; (that is to say,)
" The Regent's Canal Act, 1813 ;"
" The Regent's Canal Act, 1816 " (in this Act called " the Act of
1816 ") ;
" The Regent's Canal (Limehouse Basin) Act, 1819" (in" this
Act called " the Act of 1819 ");
" The Regent's Canal (Water) Act, 1819;"
"The Regent's Canal Act, 1821" (in this Act called "the Act
of 1821 ") ;
" The Regent's Canal Act, 1826;"
" The Regent's Canal (Reservoir) Act,
" The Regent's and Hertford Union Canals Act, 1855 ;" and
" The Regent's Canal (Limehouse Basin) Act, 1865 " (in this Act
called " the Act of 1865 ") :
[Zocal.-206.] A 1
[Ch. CCVi.] The Regents Canal and Bock [38
39 VICT.]
Act, 1875,
And whereas by those Acts respectively (herein-after collectively
referred to as " the canal company's Acts") the canal company
were authorised to raise the following sums; (that is to say,)
By the Act of 1812 £
By shares ..... 300,000
By shares or mortgage - ... 100,000
By the Act of 1816
By shares or half shares or mortgage - - 200,000
By the Act of 1819
By shares or mortgage .... 200,000
By the Act of 1821
By shares or mortgage - - - - 200,000
And whereas prior to the Act of 1865 the canal company (as
appears by the recitals in that Act) had raised the sum. of eight
hundred and sixteen thousand six hundred and twenty-five pounds,
and no more, by shares, and their mortgage debt was one hundred
and nine thousand five hundred and fifty pounds, and no more :
And whereas by the Act of 1865 the canal company's powers
under the said previous Acts for raising money by shares, and by
borrowing beyond the moneys then already raised by them, were as
to all future exercise thereof extinguished, and the canal company
were empowered to raise, by the creation and issue of new shares or
stock (ordinary or preferential, or both), one hundred and eighty
thousand pounds, and to borrow in respect of their then capital, on
which eight hundred and sixteen thousand six hundred and twenty-
five pounds had been paid up as aforesaid, two hundred and fifty-
thousand pounds, including therein their then mortgage debt of
one hundred and nine thousand five hundred and fifty pounds, and
in respect of their additional capital by that Act authorised sixty
thousand pounds, and they were authorised to create and issue
debenture stock:
And whereas the stock and borrowed capital of the canal company
now consists of
£900,450 consolidated ordinary stock, representing an expenditure
of capital raised by shares of £996,625 ;
£3,200 debenture stock, bearing £4 per cent, interest;
£130,194, £4 5s.
£22,750 debentures, at £4 5s. per cent interest;
£72,000 debentures, at £4 10s. per cent, interest:
39 VICT.] The Regent's Canal and Dock [Oh. CCVi.]
Act, 1875.
And whereas the enlargement of the Limehouse Basin of the
canal-company, and the improvement in certain parts of their canal,
and the bringing of the same into more direct and convenient com-
munication with the Puiver Thames and the neighbouring railways,
would greatly increase the public utility of the canal company's
And whereas the canal company, and certain persons on behalf
of the Company intended to be incorporated by this Act, who are
willing, if authorised by Parliament so to do, to undertake the ex-
tension and improvement of the canal company's undertaking, have
entered into the agreement (a copy of which is set forth in the
first schedule to this Act) for the sale and transfer and purchase of
the undertaking of the canal company, and it is expedient that that
agreement he confirmed and carried into eSect, and that those
persons, with others, be incorporated for the purposes of this Act:
And whereas it is expedient that the Company so to be incor-
porated (in this Act called " the Company") be authorised to'
execute the works in this Act mentioned for and in connexion
with the extension and improvement of the undertaking of the
canal company:
And whereas plans and sections, showing the lines and levels of
the works authorised by this Act, and also books of reference con-
taining the names of the owners and lessees, or reputed owners and
lessees, and of the occupiers of the lands required or which may be
taken for the purposes or under the powers of this Act, were duly
deposited with the clerk of the pence for the county of Middlaicx,
and are herein-after respectively referred to as the deposited plans,
sections, and books of reference:
And whereas the purposes of this Act cannot be effected without
the authority of Parliament:
May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted;
and be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by aud
with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal,
and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the
authority of the same, as follows:
This Act may be cited as " The Regent's Canal and Dock Act, short title.
"The Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," Part I. Provisions
(relating to cancellation and surrender of shares) and Part III. of certain
(relating to debenture stock) of "The Companies Clauses Act, incorporate*
A 2 3

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