Portsmouth and Arundel Navigation Act 1817

JurisdictionEngland & Wales
Citation1817 c. lxiii
57°GEORGII III. CapAxiii.
or The
or some or one of them, in the
said County of
and also the making, deepening, and maintaining
the Channels of Thorney and Hayling, and the Harbour of
navigable in, through, or near the several Parishes of
West Thorney
.or one of them, in the County of
and also
and near the several other
of North
or some or one of
in the Countyof
ampton; and also the making and maintaining another Canal, navjgable
for Boats, Barges, and other
from the said Harbour of
at or near to a certain Marsh belonging to
Knight in the Parish of
in the said County of
to the Harbour of
mouth, at or near
a certain Meadow belonging to Richard Pittis in the
Parish of
inthe said County of
in, to, or through
the several Parishes of
or some or one
of .them, in the said Countyof
and also the making and
maintaining anotherCanal, navigable for Boats, Barges, and other Vessels,
from the said Harbour of
at or near to certain Lands lately in-
closed, and heretofore called
in the Parish of
at, or near a certain Place called The
in the said Parish
in the said County of
or'through the said
Parish of
in the said County of
would not only open
a short, easy, and commodious Inland Communication between the Port
and the Town andPort of
and the City of
avoid a long circuitous and dangerous Navigation in the open Sea, and
greatly facilitate the Conveyance of Goods, Wares, and. Merchandize
between the said Ports and the several' other Towns, Bistrittsy and
Places through or near which ..the said Canal is intended to be madei, at
a much cheaper Rate than any other,Inland, Navigation which can be
made; but also tend to promote the Improvement and better Culti-
vation. of the circumjacent Country by the Conveyance Of Manure,
and would be-;otherwise of, great 'Public Utility; but as the' same
cannot'be made and executed without the Authority of Parliament:
$Iay It therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enafctecl; and
Ibe it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty,' by.and\with the
jAdvice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and.Cp.rtYfrions,
in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same,
Proprietors That in order for the carrying on,
completing, maintaining, and
incorporated, improving of the "said Canals,.Cuts,. Deepenings, Channels, fcnd Har-
for the Passage of Boats, Barges, and other
to the.Rules, Orders, and Directions herein-aftef cohtaihed, the .Most
Noble Barnard Edward Duke pf
(the Right Honourable
O'Brien Earl of
the Right Honourable
Viscount Keith,
the Right Honourable Edward Viscount
the Hondufable" Sir
Alexander Cochrane
G. C.
James Whalley Smith
MdrtinBarohet, Sir
Lucius Curtis
Baronet, Sir Archi-
Cpllingwood Dickson
Baronet, Dame
Preyost, Sir Home
PopbamK.C.B„ Sit Edward
It, C. B.,
Anthony Singleton
Clerk, William Marchant Bussell Clerk,
John Billett, Thomas Blake Barrow, William Burney Doctor of Laws,
Samuel Boville, James Bovilfa, William Banks, Richard Lovell Brown,
John Burrell,
Black, Captain John
5 Charles
RCTSt, tlaptalri EdwttrdBrace R.
Burgess, 'James Brdwn, 'Arthur-Brown Blakestmi'Ann Caroline Blake-
Joseph Bo'oker,{WilliOm
Brooks, EdioardCasher,
Outhbeft >Glerk,
W. ' .
Gutb&er%\ GaVe
Jakes'Gbx, RichardH '
•.C«W2y».r "Clerk/,
Divinity, Mar)/.
Gobi Jane
William:Grew,:William Clerh
Thorn H Clerk,
'Cutfieid, Elizabeth
-Harvey Oombe;,GeorgeChamber?}
Charles •Cresswe'll,Samuel Cobby, Benjamin Gitffin,
Diaper, -Robeft Doling,
Thomas' Drew senior, ThomM
Drew -.Junior, Abraham Ddw Dean, Edward Dougherty,
Gaptarn -Charles Dash'
Wood'R. ;N., Thomas
Wehtwofth.Dylke,•. William-Dawes,
Richard Dally,
Eden Doctor of Physic^
EthMSgeiiRitihard Edwards,
son Edwards, John Emery,
Easterb^ Thomas
James Freeman, Henry Fricker, Thomas Fiteberbef.ts'Cdjftain-Robert Mer-
rick Fowler R. N., Francis jXav?er
John pyffe R.
tfalUamGa'tintlit, William Garrett, George.Garrett, W$-
'tiafn Grant,
Grant; Moses Greefham,
Peter Groves;
senior^ James
John Gibbs, Mary
Captain Ans'elm, John Griffiths R. N'., Mary
Jane Gros
RvbertGear, William'Gruggen senior, Benjamin
Houghton, Jan\es Hollingsworth, Thomas Hoskins junior;,-John-
William Hbdder,
Heather, John
Willipm Harward, James
Hehville Clerk, Mes'bick Hdnhanv, Rear'Admiral Peter Halketi,'Samuel
Leonard Harding, William Augustus Hill, James Horsey, William Harris-
Cornthwaite John Hector, Joseph Hyde,. Jakes Hay
'Henry Hookey, Sarah Hurst,
E'/eanor Hattam, Thomas
"Hill, James Alms Hill, John Honeybourn, Richard Hobbs, William Hum-
phries, Edward Humphries, Thomas Humphries; John Huss4yy George
Hounsham, Josipb
Samuel Jellicoe senior; Samuel Jellicoe junior^
jo'seph Irish, John Jones, James InneSj Robert Joseline, Samuel
Isaac Jacobs, Hannah Jackson, Magnus Johnson^ Johns'on
Doctor of Physic, Thomas
Joseph Knott, John Knight-, David
Ker, James Knapp, John Knight, Kempster Knight, John. Smith Leese,
William Lang, John Lea, Benjamin Lara Doctor in Physick, Captain
Trevor Hull Lethen Royal Marines, George Levi, John Lewis',. Johh
Lewis, William
JohnLindegren; SamuelAlphonsoLMks-,
Sophia Leeke, Henry Leeke, William Leeke, Emily Leeke,
Leeke the.
younger, David Laing, Richard Lipscombe, Charles
Milner Clerk, Edward John Mascall, David Miall, James Macdonald,
Captain' John Madden Royal Marines, Charles Mathews;
Andrews Mbichin,
Henry Mottley, Johh Morrice, James Mangles,
Robert Mangles, John Mangles, WilliamMitford, Matthias-March, Captain
Thomds Moore Royal Marines, William Mitchell, Henry Hozdard Mollineux
Esquire, M. P., John Murray; Thomas Mills, Edwhrd Martini Luke
Hicholis, John Niihelsoh, Joseph Nichols;
Nockells, John New-
Porter, John Pearson; William
PiMett, Robert Park, Edw^ard
William Prince; William Henry
1532 57° GEORGII III. %>Jxiii.
Paffard, John Plaskett; William Padwick,
Pratt, Thomas Pratt, Edward Parker, John Payne, William
Henry Palmer, John Pratt,,Robert
J'• ,. C
Rout, Edward
Griffith,Richards,Clerk, Charles Robin-
William Roberts Clerk, Edward. Richardson, Martha Richardson,
Miles Rowe,' Ruth'Stephens, William Stiggant,.
Scott Clerk, Tufton
Charles Scott Doctor in Divinity,'
Sidney, John
Snook, Matthew
Robert Smith,
William Sparkes senior,
William Sheane, John Sullivan, John Henry Stewart, John Venderstigen
Stewart, James. Smith, John Sandel, G Seymour, James Smart,
William Turner,
Turner, James Tichener, Nathaniel Taylor, Thomas
Stevens Tull, George Turner, Joseph Tolfree, Edward Thorp, Richard
Talbot,' George Torriano, Christian Tawke, Samuel Thackery, William
Vaughan Clerk, John IVilHams, William-
Thomas Williams, John
Williams, William Wilkes, John Weymouth,
James Walsh junior, Josiah
Royal Marines, Jonathan Wilson an Elder Brother of the
Trinity.House, Charles Winkworthi Richard Wardroper,
Robert Wells, James Wigney, together with such other Person or Persons,
Bodies Politic and Corporate,
they or the major Part of them present
at any General or Special Meeting to be holden for the Purposes of .this
Act, shall nominate and appoint, and their several, and respective Succes-
Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, or such of them as shallx
from Time to Time be possessed.of any Share or Shares in the Navigation
and Undertaking hereby authorized to be made and carried on ; ana also
such other Person or Persons as shall from Time to Time be possessed of
any. Share or Shares therein, shall be and they are hereby accordingly
united into One Body Politic and Corporate by the Name of The
the Portsmouth
and Arundel Navigation, and by that Name
shall have perpetual Succession and a Common Seal, and by that Name
shall and may sue and be sued, and shall also have full Power and Autho-
rity to purchase Lands,. Tenements, and Hereditaments,* to them," their
Successors and Assigns, for the Use of the said Undertaking;, and also to
grant, sell, or dispose of any of the Lands/Tenements, and Hereditaments
to be purchased by them, without incurring any of the Penalties or Ppr-
feitures of Mortmain; and that it shall and may be,lawful-for the said
Company of Proprietors; and they arehereby accordingly fully authorized
and empowered, from and after the passing of this Act, by themselves or
by their Deputies,, Agents, Officers,'Contractors, Workmen, or Servants,
to make and keep navigable .and passable for Boats, Barges, and other
Vessels, a Canal from the River Arun at or near to a certain Public House
called The Ship and Anchor, in,the Parish of
in the County of Sussex,
to the Harbour of Chichester,.at or, near to a certain Place called The
Salterns, in the Parishes of Birdham and Itchenor, in the said County of
Sussex, in, to, or through the,several,Parishes of
Yaptoh, Barnham,
Oving,. Merston^ North Mundham, Hunston, Don-
nington, Appledram, Birdham, and Itchenor, or some or one of them1, in
.the said County of Sussex; and also to make and keep navigable and
passable for Boats, Barges, and other Vessels, another or Branch Canal
from and out of the Main Line of the said Canal, at or near to a certain
Place called Hunston
in the said Parish.of Hunston, to a, certain
Place near to Southgate,. in the Parish .of Saint Bartbolomewi at or near •<
the City oi Chichester, in the said County oi Sussex, in, to, or through
. the
57°GEORGII III. Gp,hn&.
die several Parishes of
Saint Pancfasi
or The
or sortie
or one of them, in the said County of
and also to make; de"epen>j
and keep navigable and. passable for Boats, Barges,- and
the Channels of
and the Harbour of
through, or near the several Parishes of
West Thorney
brie of them, in the said County of
and also in, through, or near
the several other Parishes of North
or some 6t one of them, in the County of
and also to make and keep navigable and passable for Boats*
Barges, and other
another Canal from the said Harbour of
at or near to a certain Marsh belonging
to James
in'the Parisft
in the said County of:
to the Harbour of
at or near to a certain Meadow belonging to
in th£
Parish of
in the said County of
in, to, or through
the several Parishes of
or some or one of
them, in "the said County of
and also to make and keep navi-
gable and passable for
Barges, and other Vessels, another Canal from
the said Harbour of
at or near to certain Lands lately inclosed
and heretofore called
or near
a certain Place called the The
Halfway Houses
in the said Parish of
in,' to, or through the said Parish of
in the said County of
and to supply the said Canals or Guts Whilst the same shall be
making, and at all Times for ever after the same shall be made, waft
.Water from all such Springs as shall be found in making the same; and
from all Rivers, Springs, Brooks, Streams, and Watercourses whatsoever,
which are or shall be found within the Distance of Two thousand Yards
from any Part of the said respective Canals; unless such Rivers, Springs*
Brooks, Streams, and Watercourses, shall be used for the Purpose of
.turning any Mill or Mills, or for the Purposes of Irrigation
arid to iriake',
sink, or drive such and so many Wells, Tunnels j Levels, Perforations,
Feeders, and Aqueducts, and to make, erect, and set up such and so
many Weirs, Steam Engines, arid other Machines, with proper Shafts
and Tunnels thereto, for supplying the said Canals or Cuts with Water,
and for conveying Water to arid from the same, any or either of them, or
"from the sariie, or any of them, to the other or others of them or any
Part thereof respectively^ or for any other Purpose necessary for the better
making and maintaining of such Canals or Cuts arid Works, as they
|he said Compariy of Proprietors shall from Time to Time think proper
and expedient; and for the several Purposes aforesaid, from
to Time
and at all Times after the passing of this Act, to enter into and upon the
Lands and Grounds of or belonging to any Person or Persons, Bodies
Corporate, or Collegiate whatsoever, and to survey and take Levels
of the same or any Part
and to set out and ascertain such Part
or Parts thereof
they the said Company of Proprietors shall think, necesi
sary and proper for the making, completing, maintaining, improving, and
iising of the said Canals or Cuts, and the other Works and Conveniences
hereby authorized to be made; and there to bore, dig, cur^ trench, and
sough, and also to remove, take, arid convey away any Earth, Clay,
Chalkj Stone, Soil, Rubbish, Trees, Roots of
Beds of Gravel or
Sand, or any other Matters or Things whatsoever, which shall or may
'dug or got in the making, or which may hirider, prevent, or obstruct th*
Snaking, carrying
maintaining, of repairing the said Canals^ Cuts,
[fijocai.ji if Q othe:
1534 57°GEORGII III. Cap.teil
other Works respectively, or of such Feeders, Trenches, Passages, Level's
Drains,,.Wells, Tunnels, Aqueducts, and Watercourses*. as shall or,may
be necessary or convenient to convey Water to or from the said Canals or
according to the true Intent and Meaning of .this Act; and also as
well for the carrying and conveying of all Manner of Materials necessary
or intended for the making, erecting, finishing, altering, repairing, amend*
ing, widening, enlarging, or improving of the said Canals, and other Works
therein-authorized, as also for the Purpose of the said intended Navigation,
and for the carrying and conveying of Goods, Wares, Merchandize, and
other Things, to and frpm the said.Canals or Cuts, and for
loading, housing, regulating, and preserving the same ;
also to .make,
build, drive, erect, and set,up,, in or upon the said Canals, Cuts, and
Navigation, or in and upon the-Lands adjoining thereto, .such, and so
many Bridges, Tunnels, Soughs, Aqueducts* Sluices, Locks, Floodgates,
Weirs, Banks, Dams, Pensfor Water, Water Stanks, Reservoirs, Drains,
Wharfs, Quays, Toll-houses, Warehou.s.esj Watch-houses, Landing Places;
Weighing Beams, Cranes, Dry Docks, Fire Engines, and other Machines;
Roads, Gates, Fences,,and Conveniences, as and where they the
said Company of Proprietors shall think requisite and.convenient, and from
Time,to/Time alter, repair, and amend, or discontinue the.same, or any
or such of them, and.no more, as the said Company
from Time to
Time, qr at any Time hereafter deem it expedient and useful to repair;
amend, alter, or discontinue, or shall deem it unnecessary or inexpedient^
Or no longer, necessary or expedient, to repair^:amend, maintain,, or con-
tinue. for the Purpose of, the said intended Navigation; and to place, lay,
work, or manufacture any Materials on the Lands
Grounds near to the
Place or Places where the same Works, or any of them, shall be carrying
on j and also from Time to-Time to make, maintain, repair, and.alter
any Fences, Roads, or Passages unto, from, over,,under, through,,or near
unto the said Canals, Cuts, or the Tunnels, Aqueducts, Soughs, Trenches;
Gutters, Watercourses, and Sluices which shall communicate, therewith,;
and also to make, set out, and appoint,such Towmg Paths, Banks, Roads,
and Ways for the, tqwing, hauling, or drawing of Boats, Barges, and
other Vessels passing upon the said Canals and Navigation, with Men,
Hordes, or otherwise, and such convenient Places for Boats,.Barges, and
other Vessels to turn, lie, or pass each other,in, as the said Company of
Proprietors shall think proper and expedient; and also
dig, take, and
carry .away any Soil, Clay, Grave],. Sand, Chalk, Flint, or Stone, which
shall be proper, requisite, and convenient for the making, carrying on;
repairing, and.maintaining of the several Works aforesaid; or any of them,
in or,from the Grounds;of any Person or Persons adjoining thereto;- and
also to construct, erect, set up,
make, and do all. or any .other Works,
Matters, or Things whatsoever, which
shall think requisite arid neces-
sary, or convenient for the making, carrying on, completing, repairing,
improving, maintaining, and using of the said Canals, Cuts, or Naviga-
tion,, in pursuance and within the true Intent and Meaning of this
they the said Company of Proprietors, and their Agents, Servants, and
Workmen, doing as little Damage: as may be in the Execution of the
several Powers to them, hereby,granted, and repairing such: Damages,
either whole, or so far forth as they shall find it practicable and expedient;
qr if they the said Company shall be unwilling to repair the same, then
astfiey shall be required and directed by the Commissioners herein-after
appointed, and further 'fromTime^to. Time making Satisfaction, in the
576GEORGII III. Cap.lxm. 1535
Manner herein-after mentioned, to the Owners or Proprietors of, and the
Persons interested in the Lands, Grounds, Tenements, and Hereditaments,
Waters, Watercourses, Brooks, or Rivers respectively, which shall or
may be taken, used, removed, diverted, prejudiced, or destroyed for the
Purposes aforesaid, as well for all Damage to be by the Entry and other
the aforesaid Acts of the said Company occasioned, which shall wholly
continue and be sustained," as also for all the*Residue of such Damages
which, being s» as aforesaid occasioned, shall not be by them the said
Company fully arid wholly repaired and remedied; and this Act shall be
sufficient to indemnify the said Company of Proprietors, their Deputies,
Servants, 'Agents, Contractors, and Workmen; and all Other Persons
whomsoever, for what they or any of them shall do by virtue of the
Powers he^by granted.
Provided always, and be it further
enacted,' That nbthing in this Preventing
Act contained shall extend to authorize or empower the said Company of theObstnic-
Proprierors, or any other Person or Persons, to make, erect, and Set upt™ralHov»-
any Wear, Steam Engine, or other Machine for supplying the said Canal
0f the
between the said Harbour of
and the Harbour of Portsmouth Tide
with Water from the said Harbour of
or to cause or permit £f Water
any,Water-from the Harbour of Portsmouth to be carried or to run into Langstone
the Harbour of Langstone, contrary to the natural Course of the Tide, and Port*.
from the said Harbour oi
into the said Harbour of Portsmouth; mouth Harr
but' that .the said Company of Proprietors shall make, erect, and set
up ^proper Gates or other sufficient Works in or upon the said Canal,
Cut, and Basins, and Banks
to prevent any such Water from
the,Harbour of Portsmouth from flowing through the said Canal or
or Basins thereof or belonging thereto, contrary to the natural
Course of the Tides, in and between the said Harbours of
And be it further enacted, That if the said Company of Proprietors Power to
shall" deem it expedient that Boats, Barges, or other Vessels should be make Inclined
conveyed over or along any Part or Parts of the Line herein directed to Planel*
be'pursued in making the said Canals, by Rollers, Inclined Planes, or in
any other Manner than by means of Locks or Sluices, then and in such
Case it shall be lawful for the said Company of Proprietors to cause any
Rollers, Inclined Planes, or other Works, to be made for that Purpose,
at such Parts or Places in-the
Line as they shall think proper, and the
same shall be considered to be Part of the said Works hereby authorized
be made, in like Manner and to all Intents and Purposes
as if such
Parts or Places were made navigable.
IV. And whereas Maps or Plans describing the Line of the said Canals Plans and,
and Reservoirs, and the Lands in and through which the same are to be
made and carried, together with Books of Reference thereto, containingnce-jj!![vL
Lists of. the Names of the Owners or reputed. Owners and Occupiers of clerks of
such Lands, have been deposited at the Office of the Clerks of the.Peace for Peace.
the respective Counties of
and Hants; be it therefore further enacted,
That the said Maps or Plans and Books "of Reference shall remain in the
Custody of the respective Clerks of the Peace for the said Counties; and
to the End that all Persons may at any seasonable Times have Liberty to
inspect and-peruse the [same, and to take Copies or Extracts thereof at
ism 57°GEORGII III. Cap.lA
their Wilt and-Pleasure,- paying the Clerk of the Peace the Surrt of One
Shilling for fevery such Inspection,' and after the Rate of Sixpence.fdr
every One hundred Words of such' Copies or Extracts of the said Book of
Reference; and that,the said Company of Proprietors, in making the said
Canals', shall not
than One hundred Yards from the Line of
^Qursetheredf"described.in the said Maps "or Plans; nor shall the said
Company of Proprietors' make any Reservoir, in any other Lands or-
than such is are described in the said Maps or
as intended
for that Pdrp'ose: Provided always, that no Advantage shall
taken 6£
agaiiist the said Company of Proprietors^ or any Interruption be given
»g the Canal, to the making of the said Canals^ on account of any Error or Omission iri
the said Book of Reference* in case it shall appear
to .any
Three or more
of the said Commissioners appointed by this Act, or any Two or more of
His Majesty's Justices of the Peace acting in and for the Counties of
or either, of them,. and' b'e certified in Writing under
their Hands respectively* that such Error or Omission proceeded from
Breadth of
Csnal. y. And be it further
That the Lands or Grounds to be taken
and used for the said Canals, and the Towing Paths, Banks, and Side
and the Ditches and Fences for separating such Towing
BankSj and Side Drains from the adjoining Lands, shall not e&-
ceed Twerityrsix Yards iri Breadth, measured horizontally, except in such
Places where any.Basin, Reservoir, Sluice, or Weir shall be made, or where
the said Canals shall be raised higher or shall be cut more than Six Feet
deeper thari the present Surface of the Land; and except in such Places
•where it shall be judged necessary for Boats, Barges, and other Vessels to
turn* lie, or pass each other, in or where any Warehouse, Cranes 6r
Weighing Bea"rn shall be erected, or where any Wharf shall be made for
the Landing or Delivery of any Goods, Wares, or Merchandize which
shall be carried or conveyed on the said Canals, nor more than Seventy
Yards in Breadthj.ex.cept where the said Canals shall
through of over
any Common
Lands; or where the Owner or Owners of any
Lands or Grounds through which the said Canals will pass shall desire to
have the saihe made wider at his, her, or their own Expence, in that Part
df his* her; or their Lands or Grounds respectively through which the
same will pass.
Provided always; and be it further enacted, That nothing in this
-Act contained shall extend to authorize or empower the said Company
of Proprietors,,, or any other Person or Persons, to take, use; injure, or
damage any,-House or Building, or, any Ground, which from, the First
Day of
One thousand eight hundred and sixteen was the Site
j>f any House or other Building, or any Park, Avenue, planted Walk,
Lawn, or Pleasure.Ground^ or any Yard, Garden, or Orchard, without
the Consent
Writing of the respective Owners and Occupiers
(other than and except such as are specified in the Schedule hereunto
VII. Provided always,;and be it further enacted, That in all Gases
injured, where it shall be found necessary in making the
to cut through,
bC or t;a^e' or so muca to
of any Carriage or Hone Road .or
Footway; either public or private^ as to render the same impassable or iri-
li " convenient
Houses, &c.
not to be
taken with-
out Consent.
57°GEOKGII III. Cap.Mil 1537
convenient for Travellers or Carriages, or the Persons entitled to the Use
;the said Company of Proprietors shall at their own Expence,
before any such Road or Way shall be cut through, taken, or injured as
aforesaid, cause a good and sufficient Carriage or Horse Road or Footway
(as the Case may require) to be set out, made, and fenced, if necessary j
as convenient for Passengers and Carriages as the Road
to be cut through, taken, or injured as aforesaid, or as nearly so as Cir-
cumstances will permit, and shall cause the same to be put in good and
substantial Order and Condition, such Carriage or Horse Road or Foot-
way, altered and made as aforesaid, to be thereafter repaired and kept
in repair by the Person or Persons who weretby Law bound to repair the
same Carriage or Horse Road or Footway .before such Alteration.
VIII. And be it further enacted, That if in making the said Canals Pieces of
any Pieces,
Parcels of Ground shall be cut through and divided-or Landsepar
separated from the other Parts of the Lands belonging to the same Owner
or Owners, so as the same cannot be conveniently occupied by him or them if required.
without a Bridge being erected for making a Communication therewith, or
so that'what shall be left on each or either Side of the said Canals shall be
less in Quantity than One Acre, or shall be throughout the whole Length
thereof less than Fifty Yards in Breadth, and if the Owner or Owners of
any such Pieces, or Parcels of Ground shall not have any other Land or
Ground adjoining or contiguous to what shall be so left on. each or either
Side of the said Canals, then and in every such Case, and if the Owner
or Owners, or Person or Persons entitled to the Possession or to the Rents
and Profits of the same, shall, so require, but not otherwise, they the said
Company of Proprietors shall also take and purchase the Piece or Parcel
or Pieces or Parcels of Ground so to be separated, or the Piece or Pieces
of Ground so to be left on each or either Side of the said Canals, being
less than One Acre in Quantity, or less than Fifty Yards in Breadth,
throughout the whole Length thereof as aforesaid, and shall pay for the,
same after the same Rate and in the same Manner as they shall pay for,
the Land or Ground adjoining thereto which shall be taken and used in,
making the said Canals.
IX. And be it further enacted, That after Lands, Tenements, Grounds, Bodies Pol;-
and Hereditaments shall be set out and ascertained as aforesaid for .the ""'^J™"
making the said Canals and Reservoirs respectively, or any Wharfs or
ana con-
other.the several Works or Gonveniences hereby authorized to be made, vey Lands.
it shall and may be lawful to and for all Bodies Politic, Corporate, or Col-
legiate, Corporations Aggregate or Sole, Tenants for Life or in Tail, or.
for any other partial or qualified Estate or Interest, Husbands, Guardians*
Trustees, and Feoffees in Trust for Charities or other Purposes,-Com-
mittees, Executors, and Administrators, and all other Trustees whatsoever,
not only for and on behalf of themselves and their respective Heirs and Suc-
cessors, but also for and on behalf of the Person or Persons entitled in Re-
version, Remainder, or Expectancy after them, if incapacitated, and for and
oh behalf of their respective Wives and Cestuique Trusts, whether Infants,
Issue unborn, Lunatics, Idiots, Femes Covert, or other Persons, and to
and for all Femes Covert who are or shall be seised, possessed, or, inter-
ested in their own Right; and also to and for all and every, other Person
or Persons whomsoever who are or shall be seised, possessed, or-interested
of-' or in .any Lands, Tenements, Grounds,,
Hereditaments which shall
be so set out and ascertained as aforesaid, or which are by this Act autho*
[Local.'] 17 R rized
Laiida taken
or purchased
by the Com-
pany how to
be conveyed.
Form of
by Lords of
Manor* of
Lands taken
from Com-
mons to be
57° GE
ri^ed or directed to be taken and, purchased by the said Company of
prietors, or any Part thereof respectively, to treat and agree for the abso-
lute Sale of, and accordingly to sell and convey unto the said Company of
Proprietors, all or any Part or Parts of the Lands, Tenements, Grounds,
pr other Hereditaments, which shall from Time to Time be so set out and
ascertained as aforesaid, or which are by this Act directed to be taken and
the Company of Proprietors; and
such Contracts, Agree*
tnents, Sales, Conveyances, and Assurances shall be valid and effectual in
Law to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever, any Law, Statute, Custom,
or Usage to the contrary notwithstanding ; and all Bodies Politic, Cor-
porate;, or Collegiate, and other Persons so conveying as aforesaid* ard
hereby indemnified on account or in respect of any such Sale which he,
or they, or any of them, shall respectively make by virtue or in pur-
suance of this Act; and all such Contracts^ Sales, Conveyances, and
Assurances shall be made at the Expence of the said Company.
X.- And be it further enacted, That all Conveyances, Assignments, and
Assurances which shall be made of any Lands, Tenements, Grounds, and
Hereditaments to the said Company of Proprietors, shall be made according
to the following Form, or as near thereto as the Circumstances of the Case
will admit;
T of in consideration of the Sum of
•* to me paid (or in consideration of the annual Rent of
to me to be from henceforth yielded and paid by Two equal Half-yearly
Payments, oh the Day of artd the Day 6f
in every Year) by the Company of Proprietors of the
do hereby, in pursuance and by virtue of
the Power in that Behalf contained in the Act passed in the Fifty-seventh
Year 'of the Reign of His Majesty King
the Third, intituled \hef6
insert the Title of this
grant atwf release and assigrt tiiitd the said
Company of Proprietors all {here insert the
proper Descriptitifi
df the
Lands or
Hereditaments intended to be
and all my Estate arid
Interest therein, fd hold unto and to the tJse of the Said Cornpariy of
Proprietors, and their Successors for ever, according' to the true intent
and Meaning of the said Act: In Witness whereof I have hereunto set
my Hand and Seal, the Day of fft the Year'of
our Lord
And that
all such
Conveniences and Assurancesvaa aforesaid shall be g,o©d,i
valid, and effectual in the Law to all Intents and Purposes, and shalt
operate and be as a Merger of all outstanding Terms of Years, and b> a
complete Bar of all Estates Tail, and other Estates*
Titles^ Trusts,;
and Interests whatsoever.
XL And be it further eiiactdd, That in alLGases where there shall be
Occasion to cutthrough,. take,, or use, for the Purposesiof this Act* any
Part or Parts of any Commons,or Waste Grounds, or other Lands?
Tenements, or Hereditaments, which shall be charged with; or subject to
any Right
Rights of Common
whether of
bary, Estover,. Piscary, or. any other Profit* Appendrer off Easement*
whether appendant, appurtenant,,
in gnoas, and. wh«ther, cheated or
then subsisting by Grant* Prescription, Custom^ or otherwise, howsoever j
the Conveyance thereof by anybody
Corporate, or Collegiate,
9 other
57aGEORGII III. Gp.fadii.
other Person or Persons having siidh and the like Estate or Intere"s{ of and
in ,the Manor wherein such Lands jTeriements^ Common or Waste Ground
shall be situate; or if the same shall not be the Waste of any Manor then
having such and the like Estate or Interest of and in the Soil of such Lands,
Tenements, Wastes, Common, and Hereditaments^' as the Body or B'ddies
Politic, Corporate^ or Collegiate, or Persons who
herein-befofe enabled
to sell and convey other Lands, Tenements* and Hereditaments* shall be
a good and sufficient Conveyance to the said Company bf Proprietors for
the Purpose of vesting in them the Fee Sirriple and Inheritance of such
Waste Ground or Common, or otheY Lands, Tenements, or Heredita-
ments, as fully and effectually as If.every Person having such Right or
Rights of Common or Commons upon such Commons or Waste Grounds^
or other Lands, Tenements* or Hereditaments, were seised thereof in
Fee Simple in Possession^ and had joined in and executed such Convey-
ance ; and that the Compensation to be paid for any Right of Common
upon any such Commons or Waste Grounds as aforesaid shall be1 paid
by the said Company of Proprietors fio the Churchwardens of the' respee.
tive Parishes wherein suCh Commons or Waste Grounds shall lie* arid
shall be by such Churchwardens received and applied for such general Or
public Purposes, Within
a Vestry of every such
be convened by
Churchwardens for thatPurpciseshall direct j
and that in Gases where stich Rights, Gonimoris** Profits," or Easements,
shall be and extend over* and,be enjoyed and taken out of
Laflds, Tenements, or Hereditaments than such Wastes and Common's,
the Compensation shall be paid or tendered to the Person or Persons,
Bodies Politicj Corporate* or Collegiate, having such Estate or Interest
as aforesaid in the Said Rights, Commons, Profits, or Easements* or in
the Lands, Tenements* or Hereditaments, whereunto the same shall 6b
appendant or appurtenant* or deposited in the Bank of
in Mcmnfet
by this Act directed, as the Case may be j provided that in Cases where
afiy such Manor is vested in Freeholders or Inhabitants at large* Or in
any greater Number of Persons than Four, or vimere it is not known tb
what Lord or Lady such Manor
or in what Ma'nor such Common
or Waste .Ground is situated* the Conveyance by Four dt least of the
Freeholders whose Estates have Common Right in suchCommon or'WaS'fe
Ground, and whose, said Estates amount in yearly Va'Ius as aforesaid^ fb
the Poor Rates* to Three-fifths at least of the whole of the Estate which
have such Common Right to the said Company* shall als6 be a go6d an'd
sufficient Conveyance*
And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Company em-
Company of, Proprietors* by Indenture under their Common Seal, to sell* powered to
grant, and convey* by way of absolute Sale, all stich of the Mes'stfag'es, resellLan^s
Buildings, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments which shall
purehWd not want
by and conveyed to the same Company, as shall kot
WaMtdd for ffie
Purpose of, the said Canals and Works* or any Part' or Parts
such Sum or Sums in Money as in such Conveyances shall be
that all such Grants and .Conveyances shall be valid and1 effectualy anfy
thing to the contrary notwithstanding;" arid upon Payment of the Money
which shall arise
such Sale or
of such Messuages, MM&, Tene-
ments, or Hereditaments, or any Parts or Parcels thereof*--or of afiy
Land bf virtue of this Act, it shall and may be lawful for life'TFea^er
or Treasurers'for the Time
sign arid gwe Receipts fortee'Mdney
Owners of
Lands used
in making a
new Road to
have the first
Offer of the
old Road.
57°GEORGII III. Cap.ixin.
for which the same shall be sold, (which Receipts shall be sufficient Dis-
charges to the Purchaser or Purchasers for the Money for which such
Premises shall be so sold), or for so much thereof as in such Receipts shall
be acknowledged or expressed to be received; and such Person or Persons
shall not be answerable or accountable for any Losses, Misapplication, or
Non-application of such Purchase Money, or any Part
said Money shall be applied by the' said Company of Proprietors for the
same or for the like Purposes as the Money hereby authorized to
is to be applied : Provided that the said Company, before they shall con-
tract for the absolute Sale and Disposal of any such Messuages, Lands,
Tenements, and Hereditaments, shall first offer to resell the same to the
Person or Persons from whom the said Company shall have purchased
such Premises, his, her, or their Heirs, at a Price to be fixed on by the
said Company; but in case of Difference in that respect, then the Price
at which the same shall be resold shall be adjusted and settled by a Jury in
like Manner as the Price for any Land to be taken in pursuance of this
Act is herein directed to be settled in case of Difference or Dispute as to
the Value
and in case such Person or Persons, his, her, or their
to whom such Offer shall be made, shall not then and thereupon
agree, or shall refuse to repurchase the same, any Affidavit to be made
and sworn before a Master Extraordinary in the High Court of Chancery,
or before One of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County where
such Premises shall lie, by some Person or Persons no way interested in
the said Premises, stating that such Offer was made by or on behalf of the
said Company of Proprietors, and that such Offer was not then and there;-
upon agreed to or was refused by the Person or Persons to whom the same
was so made, shall in all Courts whatsoever be sufficient Evidence and
Proof that such Offer was made and was not agreed to, or was refused by
the Person or Persons to whom it was made, as the Case may be.
XIII. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That wherever the
Course of any Road or Way shall be altered in pursuance of this Act, and
a new Road or Way opened and made in and upon the adjoining Land,
the Offer of the Purchase of such old Road or Way shall be first made to
the Owner of the Land which shall be cut and used for the Purpose of
making such new Road or Way ; and in case such Owner shall be desirous
of becoming the Purchaser of such old Road or Way, and shall hot agree
with the said Company of Proprietors or their Committee, or the said
Commissioners, for the Price to be paid for the Purchase of the sarriei
then and in such Case the Value thereof shall be settled and ascertained in
such and the like Manner as the Price for any Land to be taken in pursu-
ance of this Act is herein directed to be settled and ascertained, and such
Owner shall be deemed the Purchaser thereof at the Sum to be asceri-
tained by the Jury j and in case such Owner shall refuse to pay such Money
upon Demand made thereof by the Clerk to the said Company, and Tender
of the Conveyance of such old Road or Way, the same shall and may be
recovered by the said Company by Action of Debt, or on the Case, in any
of His Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster', and in case any such
Owner shall not agree, or shall refuse to purchase any such old Road or
Way, it shall and maybe lawful for any Person or Persons not interested
in the Premises to make an Affidavit, to be sworn before a Master Extra-
ordinary of the High Court of Chancery, or before One of His'Majesty's
Justices of the Peace for the County where such old Road or Way shall
stating that such Offer
by or on behalf of the said Com-
pany, and that such Owner has riot agreed or hath refused
such old Road, as the Case may be; arid such Affidavit shall in all Courts
whatsoever be sufficient Evidence and Proof that such Offer was made
arid not agreed to or refused by such Owner: Provided
Lands of Two or more Persons shall be taken for any such
of Way as aforesaid, each and every such Owner shall be entitled to the
first Offer of so much of the' old Road or Way as is lying immediately
adjoining to his, her, or their Land respectively, in Manner aforesaid,
XIV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That in case the Person or
Persons to whom such Offers'as aforesaid shall be made shall be willing
to purchase the Lands, Tenements,' or Hereditaments so offered to them
said Company of Proprietors, but shall be desirous that the Price to
be paid for the
shall be ascertained by the Commissioners herein-after
appointed, or by a Jury in like Manner as the Price to be paid for Land
to be taken by the said Company in pursuance of this Act, then and in
such Case the Price to be paid for the same to the said Company of Pro-
prietors shall be adjusted, settled, and ascertained by the said Commis-
sioners or
Jury, in like Manner as the Price for any Land
be taken in
pursuance of this Act, is hereby directed to be settled in
of Difference
or Dispute as to the Value
XV. And be it further enacted, That if any Contract, Agreement,
For adjusting
gain, or Sale of or concerning any
Tenements, or Hereditaments the
Mode of
to be purchased, taken, or used by virtue of the Powers of this Act for settling Con-
the Purposes
shall be made or entered into, of any Lands, Tene- jngVopThold
ments, or Hereditaments which shall be Copyhold or of the Nature of Lands.
Copyhold, the same shall be executed and completed by Surrender thereof
in the Court of the Manor of which the same is or are holder according
to the Custom of such Manor ; and such Lands, Tenements, or Heredi-
continue subject to the same Fines, Rents, arid Services as
are due and payable, and of Right accustomed, in the same Manner as if
this Act had not been made, unless the Lord or Lords, Lady or Ladies
of the Manor for the Time being, shall be willing and desirous to enfran-
chise the same, in which Case such Lord or Lords, Lady or
is and
are hereby empowered so to do,' notwithstanding he, she, or they shall be
seised of or entitled to the
Manor or Manors for a less Interest than
an Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple; but inasmuch as the vesting and
continuing of such Copyhold Premises in the said Company would prevent
such Lord or Lords, Lady or Ladies, from receiving the Benefit of Fines,
Heriots, and other Services due upon Death, Descent, or Alienatiori, in
like Mariner as he, she, or they would have done in case such Copyhold
Premises had continued to be the Property of Individuals, the said Lord
or Lords, Lady or Ladies of the said Manor or Manors, in case he, she,
or they shall decline to enfranchise the respective Parcels of Copyhold
Lands, Tenements, arid Hereditaments held of such Manors which-shall
be'so purchased by or vested in the said Company for the Purposes afore-
said, shall be entitled to, and shall be paid by the said Company;'a reason-
able Recompence and Satisfaction for the Loss that will arise
him, her,
or them in respect of such Fines, Heriots, or other Services,'the Enjoy-
ment of which;will be diminished or lost by the vesting and continuing
such Copyhold premises in a Body Corporate} which Recoriipence1 and
[LacalQ »7 5 Satisfaction,
Value of
Lands sold by
the Company
may be ascer-
tained by a
IM2 57°GEORI in. Caplmi.
Satisfaction, if not settled by Agreement between the Parties, shalt be
ascertained and settled by the; said Commissioners,. or by a Verdict: of a
Jury, if required* is is directed by this Act.
Lands to be
XVI. And whereas
said Canals^ from the Harbour of
andtfnve ed ^ said PlaGe called The Halfway Houses *in the Parish of
to Hi^Ma-
*h'e s^id Harbour of
to the North Part of the Harbour of
jesty for
in the Parish of
will pass near to some of His Ma-
nance Pur- jesty's Fortifications* Lines', and Works erected at or near
-powns of
and at
in the Parish
for the better Security of His Majesty's Docks, Dock.Yards,
Arsenals, and Stores at the Port of
And whereas Four Pieces
or Parcels of Ground, will, in; making the said Canals, be cut through and
divided or separated from the Other Parts of the said Lands of the said
Ownersj and will remain and
on the South Sides of the said'Canals, so
that the same cannot be conveniently occupied by them without Bridges
being erected for making Communications therewith: And whereas the
Erection of any Buildings on the Borders of the said Canal, near to the
said Fortifications, Lities, or Works, or on the said several Pieces or Par.
eels of Ground, or the Formation of any Banks at the Sides of the said
Canal, or. elsewhere, Within One,thousand two hundred
of, the said
Military Defences, by the Soil excavated therefrom* or by any other
Means, would be detrimental and injurious to such Defences; be it
therefore further enacted, That the.said Company of Proprietors shall, if
required by the Master General .and the Principal Officers of His Majesty's
Beard of Ordnance for the Time being, also take and purchase the said
several Pieces or Parcels of Ground lying and being on the South Side of
the said Canals, so cut through* divided, or separated from the other
Parts of the before-mentioned Lands, and shall pay for the same after the
same Rate and in the same Manner as they shall pay for the Land or
Ground adjoining thereto, which shall be taken and used for making the
said Canals; and that it shall be lawful for the said Company of Proprie-
by Indenture under their Common Seal, to sell, grant, and convey,
by way of absolute Sale, to and for the Use of His Majesty, His Heirs
and Successors, all such of the said Pieces or Parcels of Ground which
shall be purchased by and conveyed to the said Company of Proprietors,
as shall not be wanted for the Purpose of the said Canals and
any Part ot Parts
for such Sum or Sums of Money as in such
Conveyances shall be expressed^ or to,exchange the same, or any Part, or
for any Land of His Majesty through which the said Canals
shall pass, or which shall be requisite for the Purpose of completing the
same; and that all such Grants and Conveyances and Exchanges shall be
valid and effectual, any thing tp the contrary nptwithstanding: Provided
always, that nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed to ex-
so as
to enable the said Company of Proprietors, or the Commissioners
acting under the Authority of this Act, to erect, make, or set up, or cause
to be erected, made, or set up, any Messuages, Tenements, Warehouses,
or other Buildings, on any of the Lands, or other Hereditaments which
shall be purchased by the said Company of Proprietors, or the Commisr
sioners acting under the Authority of
for the making such Canals*
or on the 'said several Pieces or Parcels of Ground so to be purchased, or
Bioeptiom any Part thereof j save and except
the Basin or Basins at or near the
staid Place called TheHaffway Ewes* such Buildings only as may be in-
dispensaMy necessary
an Entrepdt for carrying on the Business of the
said Canal or Gut, and any such Steam Engine House and Toll House
or Toll Houses as may be necessary for the Supply of the said Canals and
Basins, and taking the Tolls, and Rates authorised to be taken for the
or to form any Embankment or Embankments upon the
Sides of such intended Canals, or elsewhere, within One thousand two
hundred Yards pf the said Military Defences, with the Soil to be exca-
vated therefrom, or with any other Soil or
whatsoever above the.
natural Surface of the Ground in which such intended Canals shall be cut,
except where such Surface may in the small Hollows or Valleys be under
the Surface of the Water in the said Canals between the said Harbour of
and the said Place called The
in the Parish of
and between the same Harbour of
and the North Part
of the said Harbour of
in the Parish of
or to land
or load from or into any Barge, Boat, or other Craft navigating the said
Canals, (except at
in the Basin or Basins of the same to be made at or
near the said Place called
The Halfway
or from or on the Borders
thereof), any Goods, Wares, Merchandise, and other Things, at any
Part of the said intended Canals between the said Harbour qt
and the said Place called The
in the said Parish of
and between the said Harbour of
and the North
of the said
Harbour of
.said Parish of
XVII. And whereas Differences may arise between the said Com* Commiasion.
pany of Proprietors and the Owners of or Persons interested in the Lands, |rs
Grounds, Tenements, Waters, or Hereditaments which shall or may be
taken, used, affected, damagedf or prejudiced, in pursuance or execu-
tion of the Powers hereby granted, touching the Purchase Money or
Recompence to be paid or made for the same; be it therefore further
enacted, That every Person seised or entitled in his own Right, or in
Right of his Wife, (but not as Mortgagee), at the Time.of his acting, of
or to any Freehold or Copyhold Estate or Estates, or both, in the said
Counties of
or either of
of the clear yearly Value
of Two hundred Pounds; and also every other Person residing in the said
Counties, or either of them, and within Twelve Miles of the Line of the
said intended Canals, or either of them, and having a Personal Estate, or
a Real and Personal Estate together, of the
of Five thousand Pounds,
shall be and is hereby appointed a Commissioner for settling, determining,
and adjusting all Questions, Matters, and Differences.which .shall or may
between the said Company of Proprietors and the several Proprietors
of and Persons interested in any Lands, Grounds, Tenements, Waters, or
other Hereditaments, that shall or may be taken, used, affected, damaged,
or prejudiced, in pursuance or execution of any of the Powers hereby
granted, and for other the Purposes in this Act mentioned.
XVIII. Provided always, and be it further
That no Person shall Qvt^Mmm
act as a Commissioner in the Execution of this Act who shall be the °.f
Owneror Occupier of any Land intended to be purchased, in order to M0M^,
be cut through or used in making the said Canals and other Works, or
who shall not be resident in the County wherein the Matter in question,
or some Part
is situated; or who shall hold any Place of Profit
under the said Company of Proprietors, nor during the Time of his being
a Proprietor in the said intended Navigation and Undertaking, .or who
Engine and
Tofi House.
Oath taken
by the Com-
Penalty on
Person not
qualified act-
ing as a Com-
ers tnay act
as Justices of
the Peace in
Execution of
this Act.
Meetings of
ers to be
public, and
Notice there-
of given.
57'GEGRGII III. C^.lxiii.
shall be in. anywise interested or concerned in the Matter in question j or
who shall* act as a Commissioner in the Execution of this Act (otherwise
than in administering an OatK or Affirmation to the Effect following), until
he shall have taken and subscribed such Oath or Affirmation before some
one or more of the said Commissibners, who is and are hereby authorized
and empowered to administer the same; (that is to say),
* T do swear
(or> being one
of the
People called
6 do solemnly affirm), That. I am truly and
bond Jide
in the actual
' Possession or Enjoyment of the Rents and Profits of Freehold or Copy-
* hold Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, or both, in the Counties of
and Hants, or one of- them, of the clear yearly Value of
* above all Reprizes (or possessed of, or entitled to a Per-
' sonal Estate, or a Real and Personal Estate together, to the Amount
' or Value of ); and that I will, without Favour
* or Affection, truly and impartially, according to the best of my Skill
« and Knowledge, execute and perform the Powers and Authorities vested
* in me as a Commissioner, by an Act made in the Fifty-seventh Year
« of the Reign of His Majesty King
the Third, intituled
' Title of this Act]?
And that no Person shall act as a Commissioner at any Meeting of Com-
missioners (other than and except the First Meeting to be held by virtue
of this Act, and at any Adjournment
to be held within One
Month of such'First
unless he shall have taken the said Oath at
some other Meeting One Month at least previous to the Time of his
claiming to act as such'Commissioner; and if any Person, not being qua-
lified as herein-before is mentioned*. or hereby made incapable to act asa
Commissioner, shall nevertheless act
such in the Execution of
hereby given, or any of them, every such Person shall for every such
Offence forfeit the Sum of Fifty Pounds to the said Company of Proprie-
to be recovered with full Costs'"of Suit by Action at Law in any of
His Majesty's Courts of Record at
and every such Person'so
sued or prosecuted shall prove that he is qualified as aforesaid, or other-
wise shall pay the said Penalty, without any other Proof or Evidence on
the Part of the Plaintiff than that such Person hath acted as a Commis-
sioner in the Execution of the Powers given by
Act: Provided always
nevertheless, that it shall be lawful for any of the said Commissioners
who are or shall be in the Commission of the Peace for the said Counties
or either of them, to act as Justices of the Peace
in.or relating to the Execution of this Act, notwithstanding their being
XIX. And be it further enacted, That the said Commissioners
their First Meeting for the Purposes of this Act in the Town of Havant,
in the County of
at such Time as they shall be thereunto required,
by Noticeto be given in some one Newspaper published or circulated in
each of the said Counties of
respectively, by Order of the
Committee of Management,' to be appointed as herein-after mentioned
at their First Meeting; and the said Commissioners may afterwards meet
from Time to Time by Adjournment or otherwise, as they shall think
necessary or proper; but no Meeting whatever (except adjourned Meet
ings) of the said Commissioners shall at any Time be had (except in'such
Cases as
are herein-after otherwise ordered and provided for), unless Four-
ORG It III. CapAxnL 1545
•teen Days previous Notice at least of the Time. Place, and Purpose-of
such 'intended Meeting, shall be given and inserted in some Newspaper
published or circulated in the County wherein such Meeting is intended to
be held ; and that every Meeting of the said Commissioners by virtue of
this Act shall be public; and that no Act, Order, or Proceeding1 of the
said'Gom'missidners or any of them in or relating to any of the Matters
or Things hereby meant to be submitted to their Decision' and Determi-
nation (except in such Cases as are hereby ordered and provided for), shall
be valid, unless the same shall be done or made at a Meeting to be held in
pursuance of this Act, and of the Directions herein contained; and that Commission-
all and singular the Powers and Authorities hereby given to or vested hi *r8t^Q^ers
the said Commissioners shall and may from Time toTime be exercised by executed'uy
the Majority of the .Commissioners assembled at such Meetings respect- less'tha"
ively, the whole Number'present at such Meetings respectively^not being Three.
less than Three; and at every such Meeting One of the Commissioners
present shall be appointed President or Chairman, who, in case of an equal
Division of Votes, shall have the decisive or casting Vote.
XX. And be it further enacted, That upon Requisition" to be made General
by the said Committee1 of Management to be chosen ai herein-after 3irectedj Meeting of
or upon Application by any Three or more Owners or Occupiers of any
Grounds, liands. Tenements, or^ Hereditaments1 to be affected' by'.the be called.
said Canals and other Works, or any of the Works'hereby authorized
to be made or carried on, unto the Clerk to the Company of Proprietors,
to appoint a General Meeting of the said-Commissioners, the said' Clem
shall and is hereby required, within Fourteen Days after such Requfsi-
tibri or Application made to him, to give public,Notice in Manner afore-
said of a General'Meeting of the said Commissioners, to be held at such
Time and Place as shall be specified in such Notice, such Time riot being
less than Fourteen Days nor more than Twenty-eight Days from the Day
&i which such Requisition or Application, shall be made as aforesaid; and
|He said Commissioners are hereby authorized and required to assemble at
the Tirrie arid: Place so to be appointed, in order to put this Act, and the
Powers and Authorities hereby given to and vested in them, into Execu-
tion, notwithstanding any previous Adjournment of the said Commissioners;
and;ih case the Business to be transacted at any Meeting of the said Com-,
ttissirihers,vtd be held'itfpursiiance of this Act, shall not be concluded or
firiiSHed on or within the Day mentioned in such Notice, then the Commis-
sioners present at such Meeting shall and may adjourn themselves, and
afterwards meet at such Time'and Place as tfiey shall think proper rand
expedient; and'if it shall happen that there shall hot appear at any Meet-
ing, which7 shall be .appointed to be held by the said Commissioners;, a
ficient Number of Commissioners to act at such Meeting, and to adjourn
to any other Time, then and in such Case, and from Time to Time,'and
as often as the same shall happen, the Clerk to the said Commissioners for
the Time being shall and may by public Notice,, to be given in. the Man-
ner aforesaid, appoint the said Commissioners to meet at the Place wherelai
Meeting of the said Commissioners was lastappomted to be held, upon the
Day Three Weeks next after the Day last appointed for such' Meetirig:
Provided also, that every Meeting of the said Commissioners for the hearing Meetings of
and determining of any Complaint, Controversy, Dispute, or Difference Commission-!
between the said Company of Proprietors'arid any 'otherPerson or mihingDis-
Persons, shall be held at some Place within' Fifteen Miles' of 'thi Place putestobe
where or respecting which such Complaint, Dispute, or Difference shall heidwithi»
rXoca/.] i7 T
arisen *"*" Mll<*
1546 A7*GBORGII III. Cap
Place arise
and that no Business shall "commence at any Meeting of the said
in Dispute. Pommissioners hpfnrp Eleven of the P.lnrlc in the Forennnn. finr aft*>r
ers to deter-
mine what
Sums of
Money the
shall pay for
the Purchase,
of Lands, and
what Sums
they shall pay
fdr Damages.
Commissioners before Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon,. nor after
Three of the Clock in the Afternoon.
XXI. And be it further, enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said
Commissioners from Time to Time assembled at a Meeting to be held in the
Manner herein-before directed, and they are hereby fully authorized and
empowered by Writing under their Hands (except in such Cases as are
herein-after otherwise provided for), with the Consent of the Parties con-
cerned, to determine and adjust what. Sum or Sums of Money for
the absolute Purchase of any Lands, Tenements, Grounds, or.'.Heredita-
ments'which shall be set out and ascertained, or be intended to be taken
or used as aforesaid, for making the said Canals and other Works, or the
Towing Paths thereto, or any Part thereof respectively, or, for other the
Purposes herein mentioned, or which shall be taken by the said Com-,
pany of Proprietors pursuant to any of the Directions of this Act* ought,
in the Opinion of the said Commissioners, to be paid by the said Company
of Proprietors unto the Bodies Politic, Corporate, or Collegiate, or other
Person or Persons respectively who. shall be entitled thereto, and also to
determine and adjust what other separate and distinct Sum or Sums of
Money ought, in the Opinion of them the said Commissioners, to be paid
by the said Company of Proprietors as a Recompence for any Damages
which shall or may, at any Time or Times before such Meeting; have;
been sustained by any Bodies Politic* Corporate, or Collegiate, or other
Person or Persons respectively, being Owners of or interested in any
Lands, Grounds, Tenements, Waters,;, or Hereditaments, and for the
future, temporary, or perpetual Continuance, of any recurring Damages
to be by such Bodies and Persons thereafter sustained, which shall before
such,Meeting have been only in,Part obviated, repaired, or remedied by
the said Company of Proprietors, and shall have been by, them occa-
sioned,:for or by reason of the severing or dividing, the same Lands,
Grounds, Tenements, Waters, or. Hereditaments, or by reason of the
making, repairing, or maintaining of the said Canals and Towing Paths,
or any
of the Reservoirs,, Aqueducts, Feeders, Drains, Back Drains,
Trenches,, Passages, .Gutters, Watercourses, Roads, Ways, Sluices, or
other; Works hereby authorized to be made and carried on and main-
tained,, or. by reason or means of the flowing,, leaking,
.oozing of the
Water oyer or through the Banks of the said Canals, Reservoirs,
Aqueducts, Feeders, Drains, Trenches, Passages, Gutters, and Sluices* or
any of them, 6r of the supplying the same or any of them with'Waterj
or by not cleansing ..the said Watercourses, Trenches, and Passages, or
by turning or diverting any Streams or Brooks into the same or any of
them, or by reason, or nieans of the Execution of any. of the Power;s
hereby, given to the said Company of Proprietors or their Agents,
Syorkmen, or Servants, in case such Purchase Money, Damages, and
Recompence respectively, cannot be settled, adjusted, and agreed uppn.by
anil between the said Company:of Proprietors and the Owners of.or
Persons entitled in such Lands, Grounds, Tenements, Waters, or Heredi-
taments as aforesaid.
Incise the XXII. And be it, further enacted,That if the said Company of Prp:
Parlies refuse
or their Committee" of Management for. the Time being, or if any
theDeu'rmT- suc.hB9y Politic, Corporate, or Collegiate, Trustee or Trustees, or other
nation of
Person or Persons so interested or entitled as aforesaid, for and on behalf
57°GEORGII 111. %?.1xm. 1547
or themselves, or- for and on behalf of
respective Commission-
C^tuique Trusts, or of the Person or Persons entitledjn Remainder after
them as aforesaid, shall refuse to submit such Compensation or Recompence trJat, the
as aforesaid to the Determination of the said Commissioners, or, shall be Value to be
dissatisfied with their Determination respecting the samej and of such Dis- settled by a
satisfaction, shall, within Twenty-one Days next after such Determination, Jury'
give Notice to the Commissioners making such Determination,, or if any
such:Body Politic,-Corporate, or Collegiate, Trustee or Trustees, or other
Person or Persons entitled or interested as aforesaid, shall refuse to receivej
upon due Tender
such Purchase Money or such Recompence as
shall be so adjusted and determined to be paid as aforesaid, or shall for the
Space of Twenty-one Days next after Notice in Writing shall be given to
the principal Officer or Officers of such Body Politic, Corporate, or Colle-
giate, or to such Trustee or Trustees, or other Person, pr Persons respec*
tively, or left at his, her, or their usual or last Place or Places of Abode,
or with the Tenant or Tenants, Occupier or Occupiers of such Lands,
Grounds, Tenements, or Hereditaments respectively as aforesaid, neglect
or refuse to treat, or shall not agree with the said Company, of.Proprietors
concerning the same, or shall by reason of Absence be prevented fronv
treating, or shall by reason of Nonage, or other Impediment not provided
for by this Act, be incapable of treating or making such Agreements as
shall be expedient for enabling the said Company to proceed in the making
and carrying on of the said Canals and other the Works aforesaid; then
and in any or either of the said several Cases, the said Commissioners or
any Three of them, although not assembled atany Meeting to be holden
in manner herein-before mentioned,, upon Application made to them
either by the Clerk of the said Company, of Proprietors, or by any other
Person or Persons interested as aforesaid, are hereby empowered and re-
quired from, Time to Time to issue a Warrant o'r Warrants under their
Hands and Seals, to the Sheriff of the County wherein such Lands,
Grounds, Tenements, or Hereditaments as aforesaid are situated, or in
whichvthe;Matter or Question,in Dispute shall arise; or in case such
Sheriff or his Under Sheriff shall happen, to be one of the said Company
of Proprietors, or enjoy any Office of Trust or Profit under them, or
shall be otherwise interested in the Matter in Question, then to any Qne\
of ,the<v Coroners of the same County, not interested as aforesaid; or if all
the;.Coroners shall be so interested, then to the last Person then'in being
who ..filled the Office of Sheriff.of the same County, and who shall not be
interested as aforesaid, commanding such Sheriff or Coroner or other.
Person to impannel, summon, and return, and the said
or. other Person is hereby accordingly authorized,, empowered,,and;rje»
quired to impannel, summon, and return, a Jury of Eighteen sufficient arid
indifferent Men, qualified according to the Laws of this Realm to be
returned for the Trial of Issues joined in His Majesty's Courts of Record
to appear before the said Commissioners or such of them as.
shall be assembled at such Time and Place as in such Warrant or Warrants
shall be appointed, not being less than Nine nor more than Twenty-one,
Days after such Warrant or Warrants shall be served upon the said
Coroner, or other Person as aforesaid; and the Clerk of the said Com-,
parry for the Time being is hereby also required forthwith, by such public
Notice, as herein-before mentioned, to call a Meeting of the said Commis-
sioners at the same Time and Place mentioned, in such Warrant; and in In Default of
case a sufficient Number of Jurymen shall not appear at the Time and a sufficient
Number of
may be sum-
Penalty upon
Sheriffs, &c.
making De-
57°GEORGII III. Cap.htm.
Place appointed as aforesaid, the said Sheriff or Coroner or other Person
shall return tither honest and indifferent Men of the Stahders-byj"or t
can speedily "be procured to atterid!:that Service', being so qualified as
afore^d,-to makeup the said'Jury to the Number of Twelve; and- all
Parties concerned ^shall arid may have their 'lawful Challenges against any
of the said Jurymen, but shall not challenge the Array; and the said
Commissioners or any Three or'more of them, although not assembled at
such Meeting as aforesaid, are hereby empowered also to summon and
call before the Commissioners to be so assembled, or before the said Jury
(as the Case mayjbe), all and every Person and Persons who shall be
thought necessary to'be'examined'as a Witness or Witnesses touching the
Matters in Question; and the:said Commissioners or any Three, of theni;
although not so assembled, shall and may order and authorize the said
Jury, or any Six or more of them, to view-the Place or Places or Matter
in Controversy, and such Jury upon'their Oatfas-'fdr being of the Society
of Persons called Quaker^ upon their solemn Affirmations), which Oaths
and solemn Affirmations, as well'as the'Oaths iirid solemn Affirmations
to such Person or Persons as shall foe called cupon to give Evidence, any
Three such"Commissioners are- hereby''empowered to administer, shall
inquire of, assess; and ascertain th'e'SurhorS'urnsof'Mbney'to'be/paid for
the Purchase of such Lands!, Grounds, Tenements,'or Hereditaments'as
aforesaid, and also what other separate arid'dis'tirict Surrr of Sum's'df Money
shall be paid byway of Recompense, whether for the'Damages which
shall or may before that Time have been so sustained as aforesaid, or for
the future, terhporary, qrperpetual'CdhtiriUanee oPariy(recurririg;Daimages
which shall have been so occasioned asafdresaidy and the Cause of Occasion
of which shall have'bee'ii. 6'nlyin part'obviated, repaired, or remedied !by
the said Company of Proprietors, and''which can or will be no further
obviated, repaired,'or r'emedied:by them ;- arid-the-said Commissioners sb
to be assembled shall accordingly give Judgment for such Purchase Money
or R'ecompenee as shall be assessed'by
Jury;;''which saidVerdicti'and
the'Judgment to be thereupon pronounced
aforesaid,1 shall be binding
ahd;'cMelusive to all intents and Purposesi;'agamstf all 'Bodies Politic^ Cori
pbrate, or Collegiate, arid all bther'Persohs whomsoever.
XXIII. And be it further enacted, That1 if srich Sheriff or his Deputy,
c;f:any!CcJrorier'b*rfother;Persdri herein-befa're; authorized' arid directed-(ft
act in the Stead'of sueh^Sheriff;1 shall make Default in'the Preihis(es5;h'e
shall-fdr every such' Offence •forfeit the Sunt of Fifty Pounds
and if any
PeVsd'rPso to be'summoried-and returhed'upon^ariy'such Jury'as aforesaid
shall" not 'appear,
appearing'shall refuse to give his Verdict, or iri'any
other Manner'wilfully1 neglect his'©lity, contrary to the true Intent of th'fe
Act;J' or if any-Person'8b to
suihrdoned- to-' give;'Evidence as aforesaid
shall not appear, on; being paid or1 tendered a reasonable Sum for htsy'her'}
or their Costs' and? Expences, dr-'appearing shall refuse
be "sworhV exaS
mined*- or to give Evidence*' then and in such Case 'every suchf:Person
offending-shall forfeit'andpay-'for every"such Offence, fbr'thg Benefit bf
the said Party; any SuftYnot? ekeeeding'Ten Pounds, to be levied by virjue
of any Warrant or Warrants-under the Hands ! and Seals of tthe said
Gbmmissioners, by Distress'arid Sale of the Goods and Chattels of! the
Person or Persons so offending, rendering to him or them the Overplus
of the Money thereby produced, after such ^Penalty and the Charges- of
such Distress and
shall be deducted.
57°GEORGIl III. Cap.teii. 1549
XXIV. And be it further enacted, That.every such Jury, and Jurymen Juries to be
as aforesaid shall be liable and subject to the same Regulation's, Pairis,'and
. _
Penalties as if such Jury and Jurymen had been returned for the Trial of tions asjuries
any Issue joined in any of His Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster;
and that all-and every Person arid Person's who, in any Examination to be ster-
taken by virtue of-this Act upon their Oath (or being of the Society of Persons giv-
Persons called Quakers, upon their solemn Affirmation), shall wilfully and !"£ false Evi-
corruptly give false Evidence before the said Commissioners, or before to"the Penal-
any Justice of. the Peace acting as such in the Execution of this
shall ties of Per-
and may be prosecuted for the'same,' and upon Conviction
shall jury-
be subject and liable to the same Pains and Penalties'as Persons guilty
of wilful and corrupt Perjury are by the Laws in being subject and liable
XXV. And be it further enacted, That where the Determination of .the Expences of
Commissioners to be made as aforesaid shall be acquiesced in.by both Commission-
Parties .concerned, then and in such Case, if the Determination shall be ^Vto'be17
made for more Money to be paid as'a Recompence and Satisfaction for borne.
any Lands,
Grounds, Hereditaments, or Property, or for any Damage
which may be done to any Lands, Grounds, Hereditaments, or Property
whatsoever^ than shall have been previously offered or tendered by or on
•Behalf of the said Company of Proprietors, or if no such Recompence or
Satisfaction shall have been offered or tendered by them or on their Behalf
to the Person or Persons competent to accept "and fake the same, all the
Expences of the calling and meeting of such Commissioners shall be de-
frayed by the said Company; but if the Determination shall not be made
for more Money than shall have been previously offered or tendered by the
said Company-as aforesaid, the Expences of calling and meeting of such
Commissioners, or so much, thereof as the said Commissioners shall judge
reasonable and proper, shall be defrayed by the Person or Persons with
whom the-said Company shall, have; had such Controversy or Dispute;
and where either of the said Parties concerned shall refuse to submit any
such Matter as aforesaid to the Determination of the said Commissioners^
or shall be dissatisfied with their Determination therein,"and give Notice
of such Dissatisfaction as aforesaid, then and in every such Case, if the
Verdict of the Jury shall be given for more Money to be paid as a Recom-
pence or'Satisfaction as aforesaid, than shall have' been previously offered
or tendered by and on the Behalf of the said Company, or determined
by the said Commissioners, as the Case shall be, or if no such-Recompence
or Satisfaction shall have been tendered by them or on their Behalf to
the Person or Persons competent to accept and take the same, "all the Ex-
pences of the calling and meeting of such Commissioners, summoning such
Jury, and taking such Inquest, shall be defrayed by the said Company;
but if the Verdict of
Jury shall not be given for more Money than shall
have been previously offered or tendered by the said Company as aforesaid,
or determined by the said Commissioners, as the Case shall be, the Ex-
pences of the calling and meeting of such Commissioners, summoning such
Jury, and taking such Inquest, or so much thereof as the said Commis-
sioners shall adjudge reasonable and proper, shall be defrayed by the Person
or Persons with whom the said Company shall have such Controversy,or
Dispute; and all such Expences as aforesaid. shall be settled by .the said.
Commissioners present at. such Meeting respectively; "and in all Cases
where the whole of such Expences shall not be directed by the said Gom-
\LocaJ.'} \jU missioners
persons re-
enter into
Bonds to
Notice of In-
jury to be
given to the
Company be-
fore Com-
plaint made
to the Com-
Notices to be
served on]the
Clerk of the
Company, or
affixed on
the Market
Houses of
Arundel and
57°GEORGU IU. CapAm.
misslonersto be paid.by such Person o(r Persons as afpresaid^the Remainder
shall^be paid by the said .Company of Proprietors.; and.the'Expences which
aire herein-before'directed to be paid.by the Person^r Persons with whom
the said Company shall have had any Controversy or Dispute,, shall and
may be deducte^ out of the
sto be determined or adjudged to ,-b.e
paid to sucH Person or Persons as aforesaid, as so much Money advanced
tp and ^for' his, 'her, or th^ir U^e; and the Payment or Tender of the
'Remainder of the Money so to be determined pr adjudged shall be deemed
and taken, to all Intends and Purposes whatsoever, to be a good Payment
pr a Tender' in 'Satisfactioni pf die whple
Provided always, that
in all Cases where, by reason pf Absence or otherwise, any Person or
Persons shall have been prevented from treating and agreeing as aforesaid*
whole of such Charges and Expences shall be borne and paid by the
said Company of Proprietors.
XXVI. And be, it further enacted, That all and every Person and Per-
son's with whprn the said Company shall have such Controversy or Dispute
as a'fp.resaid, and who shall refuse to submit any such, Matter as aforesaid
to the Determination of the said Commissioners, or shall be dissatisfied
with their Determination"-
shall, before, the said Goinmissipners
shall be obliged to issue out their Warrant or Warrants for the summoning
such Jury, first enter into a Bond to the Treasurer
Treasurers to the
said Company for the Time being in the Penalty of Fifty Pounds, or in
such pther'Penalty as the said Commissioners shall appoint, not'.exceeding
the Sum of One hundred founds, to prosecute such. his, her, or. their
Complaint, and to bear and pay the Expences of the calling and meeting
of such Commissioners, of summoning such Jury,
taking.sych Inquest*
in case such Costs and Expences shall fall upon him, her, or thenij to be
paid according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act,
XXVII. And be it further enacted, That the said Commissioners or any
of them shall not be obliged by virtue of this Act to receive
take Notice
of any Complaint or Complaints to, be .made, by any Person, or Persons
whomsoever for any Injury or Damage by him? her, or them sustained or
supposed'to be. sustained as aforesaid, unless such supposedi Injury or
Damage shall have commenced and been sustained within the .Space of Siic
Calendar Months next before the Time when: Application, shall first ibe
made in relation, thereto by or on Bej^alf.of suchPerspn or Perspnsi.to.the
said Cpmpany of Proprietors, or to their Clerk.
XXVIII. And be it further enacted, That all Writs, Notices, and, other
legal Proceedings against the. said Company, of Proprietors shall and-.may,
be served on theClerWjfor theaTame being to, the^aid[Cpmpany, and.shall
be deemed and taken to be good and valici Service on the said Company.;
or all such Notices, and. Notices of such, Writs and,other, legal Pro*
ceedings, shall and may be affixed on^theTow,^. or, MafketHouseS) of
Afundelzxid. Portsmouth, ..which shall, in, every such Case be deemed; and
taken to be good and valici.Service, of. such Notices, Writs* andiosher legal
the said Company,.
to be made
XXIX. Arid,
it further exacted, Thatfidl^Recpmpence a:nd;Satisiac-
tipn shall beniadeby the's.aid,
of ^rpprietorsrfpr alliTithes* both
Great and Small', of. the,Lands which, shall or may be taken pr made use
5 of
57°OEORGII HI. (hpM&. IM1
of by the said Company of Proprietors for 'the Purposes arid inpufsu^nte
of the Powers of this Act, to the respective Persons entitled tor who' wdtiljj
have been entitled 'to such Tithes; in case sucK Lands had- not been; io
taken or made use of, according-to the respective Interests thereih'; sucri
Tithes to be Estimated at the average Value of Pour YeairsjTc6mmehtingit
Michdeltnas One thousand eight hundred stfi'd twelve; arid ending at Michdeh
One thousand eight hundred and sixteen j such AVer age Valde to hh
ascertained (in case of any Difference concerning the same) in like Manner
as the Value of any other Hereditahlehts is hereih-Jbefofe directed to be
XXX. Provided always, ind be it enacted, That the said Company of Compensation
Proprietors shall make .Compensation foranf LahdsyTeneriierits,or* Here- tobemgross
ditaments to be purchased under the Powers of this Act, or for jfjeTithes u
payable in respect
or for ally Damages thait may be doiie thereto
by the said Company^ in gross Sums of Moriey, and riot By Mf of annual
XXXI. And be it further enacted. That all Orders' arid Proceedings of proceedings
the said Commissioners
be regdlafly entered in a Book,
be kep't for
that Purpose by .their Clerk or Clerks, which Book shall be provided,'^t eXSSa
the Expence of the said Company of Proprietors';' arid shall be ope'ri a't' all Book.
seasonable Times for the Inspection of any Person or Persons' iri'tere'ste'd. in
the said'Proceedings, without Fee or Reward ; and such' Entries being
signed by
Number of: the said Com'fhiss'ionef's
are emp/ovtefe'd by
this Act to make such.Orders, or carry oh sucK Proceedings respectively,
shall be deemed.Originals, and the sa'rn'e' or true* Copies thereof shall b'e'
admitted as,Evidence in all Courts whatsoever
arid that tftWsaid Corirmi's- clerk to
sipners shall appoint
and propel* Person to b'e the .Clerk-to the said' Commission-
Commissioners appointed by this Act; and that tne said, CoMrriis^io'riers"'
e how to
stall and ,may from Time to Time remove any such Clerk;
on sricfi ap
Removal,, or in case any such Clerk shall die or quit the saidrEiripioyrnerit,
the said Commissioners shall arid may appoint-ariprher fit arid proper Persori
to be^the GJerk to the said Corrirrfissioriers, arid dvery'such' Cferk srhall' Bse
paid for his Cafe, Expende, and Trouble hi the Execution'of t'his Office",
by the said Company of Proprietors.
XXX'II, And be'it further enacted. That upon Payment of such Sum Power to
of Money'sb'contracted arid'agreed for; between', the Parties', or enter Lands,
determined or adjusted by the said Corhriiissioners-, or assessed
a Jury &c'd
as aforesaid, for the Purchase^ of any such Lands', Grounds, Tenements, or, WorkI, on
Hereditaments'as aforesaid,.to the Owner or Owners
or"other Persqrj Payment of
or Persons-entitled to receive such Moriey, or upon legal Tender of sudh Purchase
such Owner or Owners, or other Persori or Persons, or textile MoneT> &c*
principal Officer or Officers of any B6dy Politic, Corporate,, 6r Collegia"^ at
any Time-after such Moriey shall have been so agreed'for,'deterrfiiried^ of
assessed; or if such Owners or'other Persons cannot be fotiinti'of ,-ascer'l.
tained,; or shall refuseto accept such Moriey^-or incase it d'o.thri^t appear'
whom the same ought to"'be paid, then' upon' Payment of the', said
Sum or Sums of Money into the Bank of England as herein-after directed
and required, for the Use of the Person or Persons entitled thereto,;, but
not,before,,;it-shall be lawful' for "the' said Company of Pr(bprie|dfs,' arid,
their Agents,. Senvantsi' and' Work-irieny, immediately* to* efttdr1'
tions of Com-
missioners and
Verdicts of
Juries to be
thereupon the
Lands pur-*
chased to vest
absolutely in
the Company.
upon such Land,; Grounds, Tenements,, and Hereditaments respectively,
arid to dig, cut, trench, sough,: and remove Earth, Stones, Rubbish,
Roots of Trees, and other Obstructions, and do all other Matters
and Things necessary and proper for,the, making, using, maintaining, and
repairing of the said Canals and the Towing Paths on the Sides
and other, the Works and Conveniences aforesaid, in or upon such Lands,
Grounds, Tenements, or Hereditaments respectively, and thereupon to
make, erect, carry on, complete, repair,.and maintain the said Canals,
Towing Paths, and other Works and Conveniences respectively, as they
the said Company of Proprietors shall think fit, and to have, use, and
enjoy such Lands, Grounds, Tenements, or Hereditaments respectively, to
and for their own Use and Benefit, for the Purposes of the said Canals
and other Works, save and except as herein-after mentioned.
XXXIII. And be it further enacted, That all Determinations of the
said Commissioners which shall be submitted to and acquiesced in by the
Parties concerned, and also the Verdicts of the Juries, and the Judgments
of the said Commissioners thereon as aforesaid, shall with all convenient
Speed be transmitted to and shall be kept by the Clerk of the Peace for
the County or Counties in which the Lands or Hereditaments are situated,
respecting which such Determinations, Verdicts, and Judgments respect-
ively shall be made or given, amongst the Records of the (Quarter Sessions
of such County s and shall be deemed Records to all Intents and Purposes ;
and the same or true Copies
shall be allowed to be good Evidence
in all Courts whatsoever ; and all Persons shall have free Liberty to inspect
the same, paying for each Inspection the Sum of One Shilling arid no
more j and also to take Copies
paying for each Copy after the
Rate of Sixpence for every One hundred Words ; and that immediately
after the Payment of such Sum or Sums of Money as aforesaid, and after
such Determinations, Verdicts, and Judgments of such Commissioners
and Juries shall be transmitted: to such Clerk of the Peace as aforesaid, the
Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments so purchased, and concerning
which such Determinations, Verdicts, and Judgments shall be made and
given as aforesaid, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Use, Trust,
Property:, Claim, and Demand, at Law or in< Equity, of the Person or
Persons for whose Use such Money shall be paid as aforesaid, in, to,: and
out of the same, and also the Fee Simple and Inheritance
vest in the said Company of Proprietors, and they shall be deemed in Law
to be in the actual Possession and Seisin
to all Intents and Purposes
whatsoever, as fully and effectually as if every Person having any Estate
or Interest therein had actually conveyed the same to them by any legal
Conveyance whatsoever; and such Payment shall not only bar all Right,
Interest, Claim, and Demand of the Person or Persons to or for
whose Use the same shall be made or given, but also shall bar the Dower
of the Wife of every such Person respectively, and all Estates Tail, and
other Estates and Interest in Possession, Remainder, or otherwise, against
the Issue of such Person or Persons, and against all Infants, Femes Covert,
and all and every other Person and Persons whomsoever, having or
claiming any Right, Title, Estate, or Interest therein^ either in Law or in
Commission- XXXIV. And be it further enacted, That the said Commissioners and
^p°ortfoVof the 8a"* Jury shall and are hereby respectively empowered to settle what
p Shares
57°GE0RG1I III. CapAxm. 1553
Shares and Proportions of the Purchase Money or Compensation. for Purchase
Damages which shall be agreed for, determined, and adjusted, or assessed Moneywbere
in Manner as aforesaid, shall be allowed to any Tenant or other Person different
or Persons having a particular Estate, Term, or Interest in the Premises, interests.
for such, his, her, or their Interest or respective Interests therein.
XXXV. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That in case any TheCom-
Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments to be taken and used by the said pany
Company of Proprietors for the Purposes or pursuant to the Directions of jyjonigarto s
this Act, shall happen to be in Mortgage to any Person or Persons, then it Mortgagees
shall be lawful for the said Company of Proprietors, upon Application being of the Lands
made to them by the Mortgagee or Mortgagees
his, her, or their
Executors of Administrators for that Purpose, to pay such Sum or Sums require
of Money as shall have been so agreed for, adjusted, or assessed as afore;.
said, for the Purchase of or for the Damage done to such Lands, Tene-
ments, or Hereditaments in Mortgage, or the Residue of such Sum or
Sums after such Allowance and Payment thereout to any Lessee or Tenant
as aforesaid, unto such Mortgagee or Mortgagees, his, her, or their Exe?
cutors or Administrators in part Discharge and Satisfaction of the prin-
cipal Money due on such Mortgage: Provided always, that upon Receipt
of such Sum or Sums, such Mortgagee or Mortgagees, his, her, or their
Executors or Administrators respectively, shall acknowledge the Receipt
thereof by an Endorsement to be made upon the Back of such Mortgage or
Mortgages, and to be signed by such Mortgagee or Mortgagees, his, her, or
their Executors or Administrators respectively, in the Presence of One or
more credible Witness or Witnesses, in Satisfaction of so much of the prin-
cipal Money and Interest due upon such Mortgage or Mortgages.
XXXVI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That no Sum or Mortgages
Sums of Money so lent and advanced on Mortgage shall be paid off and nottobepaid
discharged by the said Company of Proprietors (save and except with the ^
Consent of the Mortgagee or Mortgagees), unless Six Calendar Months pre-
vious Notice, under the Hand 6f the Principal Clerk of the said Company
of Proprietors shall have been given to such Mortgagee or Mortgagees, or
left at his, her, or. their last or usual Place of Abode, of such Intention to
pay off and discharge the
or unless the said Company of Proprietors,
in lieu of such last-mentioned Notice, shall pay to the said Mortgagee or
Mortgagees Six Calendar Months Interest of the Money so intended to be
paid off, in addition to the Interest then cdue to the said Mortgagee or
Mortgagees in respect
XXXVII. And be it further, enacted, That in Default or Refusal of
Monies to
Payment by the said Company of Proprietors of such Sum or Sums of
for Da-
Money, and at such Times and in such Manner as shall be agreed upon,sThto
awarded, or assessed as herein-before is mentioned, as a Recompence for be recovered.
any Damages to be done in Exercise of the Powers hereby given, it shall
be lawful for the said Commissioners, and they are hereby authorized and
required by Writing under their Hands, to appoint One or more Person
or Persons, from whom the said Commissioners so assembled shall take a
proper Security to collect and receive the Tplls, Rates, and Duties by this
Act imposed, or any of them, and thereout in the first Place to pay all
such Damages so to be agreed upon, awarded, or assessed as aforesaid,
and the Costs (if any) occasioned by such Default or Refusal of Payment
[Local.'] ly X
1554 57°GEORGII III. Cap.hau.
together with legal Interest for the same, to be computed front
the Time such Damages shall be agreed upon, awarded, or assessed, and
also the Costs and Expences of collecting and receiving the said Tolls,
or Duties ; and the Person or Persons so to be appointed shall be
deemed a Collector or Collectors of the said Tolls, Rates, and Duties,
and shall have such and the same Powers for collecting the same as if he
or they had been appointed for that Purpose by the said Company of.
prietors ; and the Money so to be collected and received by such PersorJ
or Persons shall be and is hereby declared to be as so much Money re-
ceived to and for the Use of the Person or Persons who shall be entitled
to receive such Satisfaction for Damages as aforesaid, in Order and Course
respectively as such Agreement, Award, or Assessment shall be in Priority
of Time ; and after such Damages, Interests,' and Costs shall be paid and
Satisfied, the Power and Authority of such Collector or Collectors.for
the Purposes aforesaid shall cease and determine ; or otherwise it shall be
lawful for the said Commissioners, in case such Damages, Interests, and
Costs shall not be satisfied and paid within the Space of Four Calendar
Months after such Damages shall be so agreed upon, awarded, or assessed
as aforesaid, on Complaint to them by or on the Behalf of the Person
or Persons sustaining such Damages, to issue their Warrant under their
Hands and Seals to the Sheriff of the County wherein such Damages shall
be occasioned, authorizing and. requiring him to levy
and raise such
Damages, Interests, and Costs as aforesaid, by Distress and Sale of the
Goods and Chattels of the said Company of Proprietors, together, with
such reasonable Charges as the
Commissioners shall in such Warrant
direct and appoint; or otherwise the Party or Parties so aggrieved shall and
may recover such Sum and Sums of Money so to be agreed upon, awarded,
or assessed, and which shall not be paid as aforesaid, together with Interest
and Costs for the same, by Action at Law in any of His Majesty's Courts
of Record at
against -the said Company of Proprietors, with
full Costs of Suit.
IncaseTolls XXXVIII. Provided nevertheless,.and be it further enacted, That in
case the Tolls, Rates, or Duties hereby granted shall be let to any Person
*ees,n certain or Persons at the Time such Money shall be in Arrear and unpaid, then
theSuinVtc^ tne^ Commissioners shall have no Power or Authority to appoint any
Persons en- Person or Persons to collect and receive the said Tolls, Rates, or Duties
titledtoCom- as before mentioned, but shall and may order and direct the Lessee or
pension. Lessees of the said Tolls,. Rates, or Duties, to pay to the Person or Persons
entitled to Satisfaction for Damages as aforesaid the Rent or Sum which
would have been due and payable to the said Company, until the Money
due to such Person or Persons, together with lawful Interest for the same,
shall be paid off and discharged ; and the Receipt of such Person or Per-
sons'shall be a sufficient Discharge to such Lessee or Lessees for the Money
thereby expressed to be paid, which shall be deemed and taken to be Money
paid for or on account of the said Company.
Application XXXIX. And be it further enacted, That if any Money shall be agreed or
awarded to be paid for any Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments purchased,
taken, or used by virtue of the Powers of this Act, for the Purposes
200J. which shall belong to any Corporation, Feme Covert, Infant, Lunatic,
or Person or Persons under any Disability or Incapacity, such Money
shall, in case the same shall amount to or exceed the Sum of Two hundred
57°GEORGII III. C^.kiii. 1555
Pounds, with all convenient Speed be paid into the Bank of.
the Name and with the Privity of the Accountant General of the High
Court of Chancery, to be placed tp his Account ex parte the said Com-
pany of Proprietors, to the Intent that such Money shall be applied, undei
the Direction and with the Approbation of the said Court, to be signified
by an Order made upon a Petition to be preferred in a summary Way by
Person or Persons who would have been entitled to the Rents and Profits
of the said Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, in the Purchase of the
Land Tax, or towards the Discharge of any Debt or Debts, or such other
Incumbrances, or Parts
as the said Court shall authorize" to ,be
paid, affecting the same Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, or affecting
other Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments standing settled therewith, to.
the same or the like Uses, Intents, or Purposes;. or where" such Money
shall not be so applied, then the same shall be laid out and invested,
under the like Direction and Approbation of the said Court, in the Pur-
chase of other
Tenements, or Hereditaments, which shall be conveyed
and settled to, for, and upon such and the like Uses, Trusts, Intents, and
Purposes, and in the'same Manner as the Lands, Tenements, or Heredita-
ments which shall be so purchased, taken, or used as aforesaid stood settled
or limited, or such of them as at the Time of making such Conveyance and
Settlement shall be existing undetermined and capable'of taking Effect; and
in the meantime and until such Purchase shall be made, the said Money shall
by Order of the said Court of Chancery, upon Application thereto, be in-
vested by the said Accountant General inhisName,;in the Purchase.of Three
Pounds per Centum Consolidated or Three Pounds per Centum Reduced
Bank Annuities ; and in the meantime, and until the said Bank Annuities
shall be ordered by the said Court to be sold for the Purposes aforesaid, the
Dividends and annual Produce of the said Consolidated or Reduced Bank
Annuities shall from Time to Time be paid, by Order of the said Court,
to the Person or Persons who would for the Time being have been entitled
to the Rents and Profits of the Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments so
hereby directed to be purchased, in case such Purchase or Settlement
were made.
Provided always, and be it further enacted, That if any Money When less
so agreed or awarded to be paid for any Lands, Tenements, or Heredits- than
ments purchased, taken, or used for the Purposes aforesaid, and belonging *"_ ™°'e
to any Corporation, or to any Person or Persons under any Disability or In-
capacity as aforesaid, shall be less than the Sum of Two hundred Pounds,
and shall amount to or exceed the Sum of Twenty Pounds, then and in all
such Cases the same shall, at the Option of the Person, or Persons for the
Time being entitled to the Rents and Profits of the Lands, Tenements, or
Hereditaments so purchased, taken, or used or of his, her, or their Guar-
dian or Guardians, Committee or Committees, in case of Infancy or Lunacy,
to be signified in Writing under their respective Hands, be paid into the
Bank, in the Name and with the Privity of the said Accountant, General ol
the High Court of Chancery, and be placed to hisAccount as aforesaid,
in order to be applied in the Manner hefein-before directed ; or otherwise
the-.same shall be paid, at the like Option, to Two Trustees, to be nominated
by the Person or Persons making such Option, and approved of by Three
or more of the Committee of the said Company of Proprietors,, such
Nomination and Approbation to be signified in Writing under the Hands
of the nominating and approving Parties, in order that such Principal
When less
than 202.
In case of not
making out
57° GEORGI1 111, Cap.h&L.
Monies* and the Dividends arising thereon, may be applied in any Manner
hereifi-before directed, so far as the Case be applicable, without ob-
taining or being required to obtain the Direction or Approbation of the said
Court of Chancery.
XLI. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That when such Money
so agreed or awarded to be paid as last before mentioned shall be less
than Twenty Pounds, then and in all such Cases the same shall be ap*
plied to the Use of the Person or Persons who would for the Time being
have been entitled to the Rents and Profits of the Lands, Tenements; or
Hereditaments so purchased, taken, or used for the Purposes of this Act,
in such manner as the said Commissioners or any Three or more of
them shall think fit, or in case of Infancy, or Lunacy, then to his, her, or
their Guardian or Guardians, Committee or Committees, to and for the
Use and Benefit of such Person or Persons so entitled respectively*
XLII. And be it further enacted, That in case the Person or Persons to
whom any Sum or Sums of Money shall be awarded for the Purchase of
any Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments to be purchased by virtue of this
Act, shall refuse to accept the same, or shall not be able to make a good-
Title to the Premises, to the Satisfaction, of the said Company of Pro-
prietors ; or in case such Person or Persons to whom such Sum or Sums of:
Money shall be so awarded as aforesaid, cannot be found, or if the Person,
6r Persons entitled to such Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments be not
known or discovered, then and in every such Case it shall and may be law-
ful to and for the said Company of Proprietors to order the said Sum or
Sums of Money so awarded as aforesaid to be paid into the Bank of England,
in the Name and with the Privity of the Accountant General of the Court
of Chancery, to be placed to his Account to the Credit of the Parties inte-
rested in the said Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments (describing them),
Subject to the Order, Controul,andDisposition of thesaid Court of Chancery;
which said Court of Chancery, on the 'Application of any Person or Per-
sons making claim to such Sum or Sums of Money, or any Part
Motion or Petition, shall be and is hereby empowered, in a summary Way
of Proceeding or otherwise, as to the said Court shall seem meet, to order
the same to be laid out and invested in the Public Funds, and to order
or Payment of the Dividends
according to
the respective Estate or Estates, Title or Interest of the Person or Persons
making claim thereunto, and to make such other Order in the Premises
as : to the said Court shall seem just and reasonable; and the Cashier
or Cashiers of the Bank of England, who shall receive such Sum or
Sums of Money, is and are hereby required to give a Receipt or
Receipts for' such Sum or Sums of Money, mentioning and specifying
for what and for whose Use the same is or are received, to such Person
or Persons as shall pay aiiy such Sum or Sums of Money into the Bank of
as aforesaid.
la case of
XLIII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That where any Ques-
tion shall arise touching the Title of any Person to any Money to be
paid into the Bank of England, in the Name and with the Privity of the
Accountant General of the Court of Chancery in pursuance of this Actj
for the Purchase of any Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, or of any
Estate, Right,-or Interest in any Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments to
11 be
57°GEORGII III. CapAxm. 1557
be purchased in pursuance of this Act, or to any Bank Annuities to be
purchased with "any such Money, or the Dividends or Interest of any
such Bank Annuities, the Person or Persons who shall have been in Posses-
sion and Receipt of the Rents, or in the actual Occupation as Owner of
Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments at the Time of such Purchase,
and all Persons claiming under such Person or Persons, or under the Pos-
session of such Person or Persons, shall.be deemed anil taken to have been
lawfully entitled to such Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, according to
such Possession, until the contrary shall be shown to the Satisfaction of the
said Court of Chancery ; and the Dividends or Interest of the Bank An-
nuities to be purchased with such Money, and'also the Capital of such
Bank Annuities, shall be paid, applied, and disposed of accordingly, un-
less it shall be made appear to the said Court that such Possession was a
wrongful Possession, and that some other Person or Persons was or were
lawfully entitled to such Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, or to some
Estate or Interest therein.
XLIV. Provided also, and be it enacted, That where by reasonof Court of
any Disability or Incapacity of the Person or Persons, or Corporation, en- Chancery to
titled to any Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments to be purchased under ^Bt ofay*
the Authority of this Act, the Purchase Money for the same shall be re- Expences.
quired to be paid into the Court of Chancery, and to be applied in the
Purchase of other Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, to be settled
to'the like Uses' in pursuance of this Act, it shall and may be lawful to
and for the
Court of Chancery to order the Expences of all Purchases
from Time to Time to be made in pursuance of this Act, or so much of
such Expences as the said Court shall deem reasonable, to be paid by the
saut Company of Proprietors out of the Monies to be received by virtue.of
this'Act, who shall from Time to Time pay such Sums of Money for such
Purposes as the said Court shall direct.
XLV. And be it further enacted, That the said Company of Proprietors Towing
shall, when required so^to do by the Owners or Occupiers of the Lands
through and over which the same shall extend and pass, by Writing under from A^0\n.
their, his, or her Hands or Hand respectively, to be delivered to or left at ing Lands.
the'last usual Place of Abode of the Clerk of the said Company of Pro-
prietors,!'^ their own proper Costs and Charges, divide and separate, and
keep constantly divided and separated, the Towing Paths on the Sides of the
said-Canals, and the several Trenches, Feeders, and Aqueducts to be
made by virtue of
Act; or such and so many or such Part or Parts
of: such Trenches, Feeders, and Aqueducts to be made by virtue of; this
Act, or such and so many or such Part or Parts of such Trenches, Feeders,
and Aqueducts respectively (incase of any Dispute about the same), as
shall, by Two Justices of the County in which such Lands or Grounds are
situatedj be thought necessary to be divided and separated from the Lands
or Grounds adjoining to such Towing Paths, Trenches, Feeders, and
Aqueducts respectively, with good and sufficient Posts, Rails, Hedges,
Ditches, or other Fences, to be set or made on the Lands or Grounds
which shall be purchased by.or conveyed to or vested in the said Company
of Proprietors as aforesaid, and shall from Time to Time repair,, maintaihi
and support the .said Towing Paths, Posts, Rails, Hedges, Ditches, and
Fences so to be made or set up as aforesaid} and the said Company of
Proprietors shall also, at their-own Costs and Charges, make, erect, and
[Lww/.] 17 T set
I55B 57°GEORGII III. Op.brifi.
set up, and from Time to Time maintain, support, and keep in good
Repair, such arid so many convenient Gates and Stiles, upon and across
totferecte'd the said Towing Paths, and in and through the Hedges and Fences
by them so made on the Sides of such Towing Paths as aforesaid, and also
pany. such good and sufficient Fences around the Shafts or Pits that shall be
made in any Tunnel or Tunnels of the said Canals, and also such arid so
many convenient Bridges, Arches, Culverts, Passages, and Roads over,
under, or by the Side of the said Canals, and the.Feeders, Trenches,
Levels, and Watercourses communicating therewith respectively, at such
Places, and of such Dimensions, and in such Manner, as the said Justices
shall from Time to Time judge necessary and appoint (in case.there shall
be any Dispute about the same), for the Use of the Owners and Occupiers'
of the. Lands, Grounds,.. or Hereditaments adjoining to such Canals,
Trenches, Feeders, Watercourses, and Towing Paths respectively, and
of all Persons who now have or may hereafter have a Right of Way over:
or through the Lands or Grounds which shall be'used for making
Canals, Trenches, Feeders, Watercourses, and Towing Paths, or any of
them respectively} and that the said Company qf Proprietors shall not
make or carry the said Canals, or any Feeder, Trench, or Watercourse
in or across any Highway, Public or Bridle Way, or Footpath, until suchi
Time as they shall at their own proper Charges have made and perfected
such, Bridge or Bridges, Arch or Arches,, or other convenient Passages
over or under the Places where the said Canals, Feeders, Trenches,- or
Watercourses respectively shall be intended to be made or carried, and
of such Dimensions and in such Manner as the said Justices shall adjudge
proper incase of any Dispute about the same; and in case it shall be"
found necessary for the. Purposes of the said Navigation to alter or widen
any Arch or Arches already existing, the; same shall be done;
the Ex-
pence of the said Company of Proprietors; bui such! Arch and Arches
shall always afterwards be repaired and' supported at the joint and equal
Expence of the said Company of Proprietors, and of the Person or
have [beea liable to repair the same, if the same had
not been so altered or widened,
In ca^s.of 38LVL. And be it further enacted, That?, in .case the said Company o|
Failure to Frdpmetprs:.
their Agents, having been required so .to-, do- in Marines
Towlne aforesaidv:shall refuse or neglect to make* ereet„and set- upsuchgoodiand
Paths and sufficient'Posts, Rail's,
w other Fences for the Purpose'
makeBridges, . separating* the said Towing'Pathsj, Trenchea, Feeders*.
*)wners °f from the Lands or Grounds adjoining as aforesaid* or to' make, erect,, and
jofoint8may set) up such Gates and Utiles) upon and across the saidfTowing Pathsi,and\
do the same in and ttytaughithje Hedges and! Fences to, be made on the.Sidesjthereof,
at the
and.of the Arches* Culverts*, Passages, and Roadsvover^ under,)or byi th&
gye 0| t^ say (jana^, Feeders, Trenches,, and- Watercourses respect
pence. jifeely asi aforesaid, fon
andLConvenience) olsuchj
hereinbefore .mentioned* and
such;Dimensions andi in such? Manner as>
said Justices; shall from! Time, to Time direct and; appoint (id; case
there-shall be any
about theisamej,, or ,toj repair^, maintain^ and
support such- Postsj Rails, Hedges, Ditches, and Fences,,
fridges; Arches, CuiVertsj.Passages,, and Roads^or any of them, after)
the same:shaD
made,, crested;, and setfiip asvaSjresaid, for the Space; o|
ThreeiiCalendafe Momtbffi n^xlt ar the.'Timejs>.toj be; appointed
Purposes) respectively)
said Justices;;, then and
suahiGase, it
10 shall
shall be lawful for every or any of the Owners or Occupiers of the adjacent
Ldiids or Grounds, and everjr tithef Person and Persons' wKb shall finU
br themselves aggrieved by ariy such Refusal •drNlglect,
tb make, erect, and det up such Posts', Rails, Hedged, DitcheS- and
fences, Gates, Stiles, Bridges, Arches, Cdlverts, Passages, arid Roads1,
as are herein-before directed or appointed to be made, erected; drtd sfet lip
by the said Company of Proprietors
aforesaid, 6r to repair, maihtairi,
and support such Posts, Rails, Hedges, Ditches,' arid Fenced; Gate's*,
Bridges, Arches, Culverts, Passages, and Roads'^' df ariy 6f theiri!,
frbm Time to Time as Occasion shall require, so that in making, rtiaffi1-
taijiing, or repairing the same respectively, the said Canals' df the Banks
or any Feeders Or Aqueducts befdrigiiig thereto,' shall ftof bk
stopped or injured for any longer Space of Time tit. iii any other Maririelr
than shall be necessary for the doing
and all the reasonable Costs
arid Charges thereof (to be settled and allowed by the' said Justice^) shall
be repaid to the Person or Persons whb shall have expended; incurred, or
sustained the same, by the said Company of Proprietors, within the Spafe
bf Twenty-one Days next after the sdhie sHall Have been1 so settle'dalM
allowed, and an Account and Demand 'thereof shall have beeri delive'red
and made to and from the Clerk to the si'id Cbmpariy for the Tiriie beirig J
and in Default of Payment of the said Costs and Charges' within thte'Time'
aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the said Justices, and they £fe hereby iii
q'uifed, by Warrant under their Hands and Seals, to levy' the sa'i'dJGdsW
and Charges fey Distress arid Sale of the Goods and Chattel's of' iherald
Cbmpariy of Proprietors which shall be found in or Upon the1 said Cari'alV,
of the Wharfs', Quays, 01 Warehouses belonging to'the" said Company;
to and for the Use'of the Person and Persons whd shall1 have incurred Or
Sustained such Costs and Charge's, rendering to the said Company of PrOi
rirfetbrs, or to some or one' Of their Agents or Collectors, the Overplus
(if any), after deducting the'reasonable Charges and Expences of making
such Distress and Sale, to be settled also by the said Justices j Or others
wise the Person or Persons who shall have expended, incurred, or sus-
tained such Costs and Charges, shall and may sue for and recover the
sianfe against the' said Cbrnpany' bf Proprietor's; by Action of
dr on
tlife'Gase, iii aiiy bPHis1Majesty's Courts of Record at
XLVII. And 6e it further enacted, That the said Company of Pro-
Canals to
piM6i% shall at their bwn Costs'and^Charges divide and: separate,.: arid 55^^°
Rjge'ri constantly divided arid separated, the Sides' of the said Canals bppdsite
tffe Towing Path ftbm ih adjbinittg Lan!d arid Premises,' in such' Manner
aWdat such Places' as the said Justices may from'Time tbTim'e'dr&SfJsttM
direct, and front Tiriieto Time' tb maintain; support',
the Fsncefc
sb directed tb be'rhadefor the Purposes'afotesaidiri gbbdaiid s^fficlant
XLVffl. And be it'further enacted, That the said Company of Pro-The Com-
prietbrs shall also at theft own Costs and' Chirges'make, riiairitSin, andpany
to make
- - .-•... ... ... -c. .. _ . . .. .-»
siipport such proper arid convenient'Watering Places'fbr Cattle',' whereverj ^in^Ha3"
By rheans of die said Canals or othe¥ Word's hereby1 authorised* tb' be for Cattle
itiade, Cattle shall have;been deprived bf their aft^ielit'b^ fbrnie'rtVateriri^
Places, arid shall at" all Tifaies' supply- the satiie with W^ater* inLs\ich>
the said'
WottiTMV toTiffie'(in11 case0 of Sir/
Bftpuie abdut: tfie sameyor,derafta< direct1; an«- that m sWGbropany
57°GEORGII III. Cap.im.
of Proprietors shall also, wherever the said Canals or other "Works to
be,,made in pursuance of this Act shall interfere with any Rivers.*
or Streams of Water
now used for watering the Farms or
Grounds contiguous or adjoining thereto, erect and make.proper and sufi
ficient Hatches, Water Carriages, and Back Drains for conveying. and
securing the Water not taken by virtue of.this Act, for supplying the.said,
Catfals, in such Manner as the said Justices (in case of any Dispute about
the same) shall direct, in order that the Enjoyment of such Water. may.
be continued to such Farms and Grounds in as
ample and beneficial .a
Manner as at present, or as near thereto as Circumstances will' permit;
and in case the said Company of Proprietors.shall, refuse as. aforesaid
to erect and make any such Hatches, Water Carriages, and Back Drains
as aforesaid for the Space of One Calendar Month next after the firrie
to be appointed for that Purpose by the said Justices, then and in every
such Case it shall be. lawful for the Person or Persons, who. shall be
damaged or aggrieved by such Refusal or Neglect to make or'maintain
or support such Watering Places, and to erect and make, such Hatches,
Water Carriages, and Back Drains respectively, so that the said Canals
or the;Banks
or any Feeders or Aqueducts belonging thereto, shall
not be thereby stopped or injured for any longer Space of Time or in.
any other Manner thanshall be absolutely necessary for the making arid.
dojng the same; and all the reasonable Costs and Charges attending the
same (to be settled and allowed by the said Justices) shall be repaid to the
Person or Persons who shall have expended, incurred, or .sustained such
by the said Company, .of. Proprietors, within-the Space
of Tweuty-one Days next, after the same shall have,been,so'settled and
allowed, .and an Accqimt and Demand, thereof shall'have been delivered
.and made, to and from the
to,the said Company of Proprietors;, and
iniDefault of Payment of the said.Costs and Charges, within, the Time
aforesaid,, the same shall and may be levied or: recovered in such or the
Manner as
the Costs' and Charges herein-before mentioned are
directed to be levied or recovered.
Owners and XLIX. And be, it.further enacted, That it
and.may be lawful,to
Occupiers and for the Owners, or Occupiers, of any Lands or Grounds through which
may erect fae saj(j Canals," or any Trenches, Feeders," and Aqueducts shall be made
c. as,.jj.foreSaie}5.qr any other. Person or Persons haying a Right of :Way or
overmuch Lands,or,Grounds (with the Consent, and Approbation
ofi-'the .Committee of Management of the said Company for the Time
upon Request made to them for,that Purpqse (or in case of their
Refusal,to consent thereto, for the Space of Twenty-one Days after such
Request, then ,with; the,Consent and Approbation of the said Justices), tc
fix, and erect at their own proper Costs ,and Charges such Gates,
Bridges, Arches, Culverts, and Passages, Watering Places, Hatches;
Water Carriages, and Back Drains, or other Conveniences, upon, in, over,
qr.'near jhe said Canals,;. Trenches,. Feeders, Aqueducts, andi^wing
respectively, in ; such
Places and in such. Manner, as. the said
Qw.ners and Occupiers shall judge most necessary ,and convenient for(th_'e
better; Use, Cultivation, Improvement, or Occupation of the said respec-
tive (Lands^or Grounds, oyer and besidesany such Gates, Stiles, Bridges,
Arches,; and Passages, Watering Places,,Hatches, Water Carriages, Back
J^rains, or^other Conveniences^'as,shall have been made;or erected by the
said/Company, and to repair and support
respectively at,their
57°GEORGII III. Cap.lxin.
own like Costs and Charges, as Occasion shall require, so that the Navi-
gation of the Passage of or' upon the said Canals, Trenches, Feeders,
Aqueducts, or Towing Paths respectively, be not thereby prevented or db»
strutted for any ionger Space of Tiftle than as aforesaid, or in any other
Manner than shall be absolutely necessary; and so that no Damage of
Injury, otherwise than by such Obstructions as aforesaid, be thereby
done to any of the Works belonging to the said Company of Pro-
L. And be it further enacled, That before any Clay, Gravel, Sand, The Com*
Rubbish, or other Materials (except Soil to be dug up or gotten in panyto
the cutting of making of the said Canals, Reservoirs, and other Works, and spread Clay,
which shall not be used or intended to be used in or about the saihe) shall jo^n"
be laid upon any Land adjoining or near thereto1, all the Soil or sUch Lands, and
adjoining Land, to the Depth of Nine Inches at least, shall be taken
to cover
off and removed, and the same, together with the Soil which shall in like
Manner be taken off and removed from the Land to be used for the .said
Canals, Reservoirs, and other Works, shall be laid in Heaps, distinct and
apart from such Clay, Gravel, Rubbish, and other Materials, upon some
convenient Part or Parts of such adjoining Land; and that the said Clay,
Gravel, Sand, Rubbish, and other Materials (except as aforesaid), shall,
as soon as may be, in a proper and husbandlike Manner, be spread abroad
and levelled upon such Part of such adjoining Land from whence the Soil
shall have been so previously taken off and removed as aforesaid, and that
then the whole'of such Soil as aforesaid shall in like Manner be carried
and spread upon and over the Surface of the said levelled Clay, Gravel,
Rubbish, and Materials, so and in such Manner as to render such JLanii
as fit and proper, as may be for the Purpose of Vegetation, Culture,, aiid
Husbandry; and that such levelling of the said Clay, Gravel, Sand,
Rubbish, and Materials, and that such carrying and spreading of the said
Soil thereon as aforesaid, shall be fully and effectually done and com-
pleted in each and every Close or separate Piece of Ground in or through
which the said Canals or Works shall be made, within Three Calendar
Months next after the same shall be cut and made through such Close or
separate Piece of Ground; and that if the said Company of Proprietors,
or their Agents or Servants, shall refuse or neglect, within the respective
Times as aforesaid, to remove and place in Heaps such Soil as aforesaid,
or any Part
or to spread abroad and level such Clay, Gravel,
Sand, Rubbish, and Materials as aforesaid', or to carry and spread the said
Soil thereon in the Manner herein-before specified, then and iri every such
Case it shall be lawful for the Owner or Owners, Occupier or Occupiers
for the Time being of the Close, Land, or Ground wherein or whereon
the Subject Matter of such Refusal or Neglect shall be or arise, or he, she,
and they respectively is and are hereby fully empowered to cause the Clay,
Gravel, Sand, Rubbish, Materials, and Soil respectively, where such Refusal
or Neglect shall be made or arise, to be respectively removed, turned oyer,
levelled, separated, and spread so. and in such Manner as to effect the
bringing the Soil to the Surface, and thereby rendering it Land fit and
proper for the Purposes aforesaid j and all the reasonable Costs, Charges,
and Expence's attending the same, to be settled aiid allowed by the said
Justices, shall be paid to the Person or Persons who shall have expended,
incurred, or sustained the same, "by the said Company of Proprietors,
within the Space of Twenty-one Days next after the Same shall have been
£Local.~} 17 Z so
1562 57°GEORGII 111. Cap.lxm.
so settled and allowed, and an Account and Demand thereof shall' have
been delivered and made,to arid, from the Clerk to the said Company for
the Time being ; and in Default, of Payment of such Costs, Charges, and
jLxpences within the Time aforesaid, the same.shall and may be levied and
recovered in such and the same Manner as the Costs and Charges of
erecting Bridges and other Works by the Owners and Occupiers of Lands,
upon the Refusal or Neglect of the said Company to make and erect the
same, areherein-before directed or appointed to be levied or recovered.
TheCompany LI. And be it further enacted, That the said Company of Proprietors
to puddle
the gj^ij ^ theirown Expence well and effectually, puddle the
of the
Canal and s?l^ Canals and Reservoirs respectively, at all Places wherever it shall be
Reservoirs necessary so to dp, so as to prevent as much as possible the Water from
where neces- oozing through, such Sides, to the Detriment and Injury of the Lands or
sai> Grounds lying below the said Canals and Reservoirs respectively.
TheCompany LII. And be it further enacted, That the said Company of Proprietors
to make shall also, at their own proper Costs and Charges, make or cause to be
omveythe 'rria'de such Arcfies, Tunnels, Culverts, Drains, or other Passages, over,
Water.from under, by the Side of, or into the said Canals, arid the Trenches, Streams,
the adjoining and Watercourses' communicating therewith, and the Towing Paths on the
Lands, and Sides
of such 'Depth, Breadth, and Dimensions as shall be sufficient
clean. esame at,all Times to convey the Waters from the Lands adjoining or laying-near
the said Canals, "without obstructing or impeding the same j and shall
likewise rnake or cause to be made such Back Drain or Drains as may be
necessary and shall be. sufficient to carry off any Water which may, ooze
rjr pass through any of the Banks of the said Canals to the Prejudice of
any of the. Lands or Grounds contiguous thereto; and that all such
Arches, Tunnels, Culverts, Drains, Back Drains," and other Passages,
shall from Time to Time be supported, cleansed, scoured, and kept.in
good and sufficient Repair by the said Company of Proprietors; and if
at any Time or Times after One Calendar Month's Notice shall have been
given in Writing.by and on Behalf of the Owner or Occupier, Owners
or Occupiers of the adjacent Lands' or Grounds who shall find
or themselves aggrieved by. the Obstruction'of any such Water-
course's, to the Clerk to the said Company of Proprietors for the Time
being, the said Arches, Tunnels, Culverts, Drains, Back Drains, or other
Passages, shall riot be made, cleansed, or repaired and maintained acr
cording to the true Intent and Meaning of! this Act, then
.in such
Case, and when and so often as the same shall so happen, it shall and may
be lawful to and for such Owner or Occupier, Owners or Occupiers,
having an Order in Writing for that Purpose from the said Justices, from
Time to Time, to make, cleanse, scour, and repair such Arches, Tunnels,
Culverts, Drains, Back Drains, and other Passages, in such Manner as
shall be found expedient, and the, reasonable Costs arid Charges thereof
(to be ascertained by the said Justices) shall be defrayed by the said Com-
pany of Proprietors, and in case of Refusal or Neglect to defray theisame
for the Space of Twenty-one Days after Demand thereof made upon their
Clerk for the Time being, such. Costs arid Charges shall and may be levied
and recovered in such and the same Mariner as the Costs and Charges qf
rnakihg and erecting Bridges and' other Works by the Owners and Occu-
piers of Lands, upon the Refusal or Neglect of the said, Company of
proprietors to make and erect'the same, are herein-before appointed and
57°GEORGIJ III. Cap.lxm. 1563
directed to:be levied and recovered: Provided always, that such Owner
or Occupier, Owners or Occupiers of the Lands adjoining or contiguous
to the said Canals, shall, at the Time of giving such,Notice to the,Clerk
to the said Company as aforesaid, have his, her, or .their own Ditches,
Drains, and Watercourses leading to or from the said Canals, or to or
from the Trenches, Drains, and Watercourses belonging to the said Com-
pany, sufficiently cleansed and opened to convey the Water to and from
the same; and provided also, that nothing herein contained shall extend
to enforce the admitting of any Water arising from any Floods or Land
Floods into.the said Canals, or either of them, which may injure the
said Navigation.
LIII. And be it further* enacted,,That.;if .at any Time hereafter.theeCc2^
Ditches, Drains, or Watercourses belonging to the Owner or Occupier adjoining
of any Lands adjoining or contiguous to the said Canals, shall not be suf- Ditches and
ficiently open for the free Passage of the Water from, the Drains, Tunnels, Drains
Culverts, and Watercourses belonging to the said Company, of Proprietors,
and the, same shall, not be remedied within One Calendar Month: after if neglected
Notice in Writing for that Purpose shall be given to such Owner or Occu- by them.
pier, or left at his on her usual Place of Abode by the Clerk ;to. the
said Company of Proprietors, it shall be lawful for the said Company
of Proprietors,'haying an Order in Writing: for that Purpose from
the said,Commissioners, from Time to Tiine, as often as there, shall
be Occasion, to order, cause and procure such Ditches, Drains, and
Watercourses as aforesaid, to be opened and cleansed in such Manner. a*s
may be necessary or expedient, and the reasonable Expences thereof (to be
ascertained and allowed by the said Justices) shall be repaid to the said Com-
pany of Proprietors by such Owner or Occupier as aforesaid; and incase
of Refusal to pay the same for the Space of.Twenty
Days after Demand
the same shall and maybe recovered in such Manner as any Penalties
are by this Act directed to be recovered.
LIV. And whereas it may happen from sudden Floods, or from some For repairing
unexpected Accidents, that the said Canals, or the Locks, Weirs, Flood.
Dams, Banks, Trenches, Aqueducts, or other Works belonging. FI00(JS) an(j
to the said Company of Proprietors, may be damaged or destroyed,: and' preventing
adjacent Lands may thereby likewise beendangered and damaged.; and further
that it may be necessary the same should be immediately repaired or rebuilt "?af>e m
to prevent further Damage; be it therefore enacted, That when and so often
as any such Floods or Accidents shall happen,, it shall be lawful for the said
Company of Proprietors, or their or any of their Servants, Agents, or
Workmen, from Time to Time, without any previous Application to the
said Justices, and without any Delay or Interruption from any Person or
Persons whomsoever, to enter into any;
Grounds, or Hereditaments
adjoining to'the said Canals, Trenches, Aqueducts, or other Worksv or any
of them, (not being the Ground whereon any House stands, or a Park,
Garden, or Ground planted as a Nursery for Trees, or an Avenue' to an
House), and, to dig for, get, work,
carry away, and use all such
Stones, Gravel, and other Materials, as may; be necessary or proper for
the Purposes aforesaid, without any previous Treaty whatsoever with the
Owner;or Owners* or Occupier, or Occupiers of* or other Person,or Per?
sons interested in such Lands, Grounds, or Hereditaments, or any of .them*
1564 57°GEORGII HI. Cap.Un.
doing thereby as little Damage as the Nature of the Works will admit of,
and making Recomperice- to the Person or Persons sustaining such Damage
within the Space of Thirty Days next after the same shall be demanded, for
all Damages which shall or may be done by means of the digging
for, getting, working, taking, carrying away, and using such Stones,
Gravel and Materials, or any of them; all which Damages, and the
Satisfaction and Recompence to be made for the same, shall be adjusted,
assessed, ascertained, settled, and determined by the Ways and Means and
in the Manner herein-befdre prescribed with respect to any other Damages
to be done in the Course of making and completing the said Canals and
other Works.
tion in, case
of Flood*.
Fresh Water
tobe supplied
the Canals
between the
River Arun
and Chiches-
ter Harbour.
to raise
among them-
LV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That the said Company shall
make ample and full Satisfaction and Compensation to the Owners and
Occupiers of any Lands, Hereditaments, and Premises that may be pre-
judiced or damaged by reason of any Floods or Accidents happening by
reason or in consequence of the making of the said Canal and other Works,
for all such Damage or Loss which they may respectively sustain by reason
of any such Floods or Accidents so happening as aforesaid ; the same to be
ascertained and settled, in case of Difference, in Manner aforesaid.
LVI. Provided also, and be it enacted, That in order to preserve the
Water of the said intended Canals and Cuts between the River Aruh and
Chichester Harbour from any Mixture of Salt Water, the same shall not
be supplied with any Water out of the said Harbour of Chichester; and in
case the same is supplied from the River Arun, then it shall be supplied at
such Times of the Ebb Tide as shall be not less than Two Hoiirs after
High Water, and from thence until not exceeding One Hour after Flood }
and that in order to prevent the Water of the said intended Canals and
Cuts from becoming putrid and stagnant, and thereby noxious to the
Health and offensive to the Persons inhabiting the Vicinity
said Company of Proprietors, or their Committee of Management, shall
from Time to Time cause the said Canals or Cuts to be furnished with
a Supply of such Water as aforesaid, fully sufficient to keep the Water
of the said Canals and Cuts pare and free from noxious and offensive
Qualities ; the Extent and Sufficiency of such Sapply* in the Event of any
be determined by the said Commissioners appointed under or
by virtue of this present Act.
LVIl. And to* the End that the' said Company of Proprietors may be
enabled to carry on the said Undertaking, be it further enacted, That it
shall and. may be lawful to and for the said Company of Proprietors1 to
raise and contribute among themselves, in such Proportions as to them
shall' seem meet and convenient, such Sum or Sums of Money as they
shall think necessary for. the making, carrying on, and completing of the
said Canals, Reservoirs, Aqueducts, Quays, Wharfs, and other Works
and Conveniences hereby authorized to be made, not exceeding in the
whole the Sum of
hundred and twenty-six thousand Pounds (except
as herein-before
and that the same shall be divided into such
Number of Parts or Shares as herejnyafter directed ; and that nq Fersosi
subscribing to or becoming
Proprietor in the said Undertaking shall bei
come a Proprietor of less than One Share j and that the Money- so
raised1 as aforesaid, or a sufficient Part
shall be laid out and ap-
9 plied
plied in the first Place in Payment, Satisfaction, and Discharge of the
Charges, and Expences attending the obtaining and passing of
this Act, and the making the proper Surveys, Plans, and1 Estimates, and
the doing and providing of all the Matters and Things preparatory and
previous thereto ; and that all the Residue of such Money shall be applied
or disposed of for or towards the making, carrying: on, completing, and
maintaining of the said Canals and other Works respectively, and for other
the Purposes of this Act.
LVIII. And be it further enacted, That the said Sum of One hundred
The Money
and twenty-six thousand Pounds, or such Part thereof as shall be so raised *?'?';c,,t? bo
and contributed
aforesaid, shall be divided into Two thousand five hun- shares which
dred and twenty equal Shares, and that such Shares shall be numbered in
regular numerical Progression, and every Share shall for ever afterwards bered in Pro-
be distinguished by the Number to be appointed for the same, and that all gre9i>>on.
such Shares shall be deemed Personal Estate, and be transmissible as such,
shares to be
and not of
Nature of Real Estate ; and the said Two thousand
hun- Personal
dred and twenty Shares shall be and they are hereby vested in the several Estate.
Bodies Politic and Corporate and other Persons subscribing for and under*
taking to raise and contribute the same, and their respective Successors,
Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, to and for their own respective
Use and Benefit, according and proportionably to-the Number of Shares
which they
respectively subscribe for and undertake to raise and con-
tribute, and that all Bodies Corporate and other Persons, and their respec-
tive Successors,
and Assigns who shall subscribe
for any Share or Shares in the said Undertaking, and pay such Sum or
Sums of Money as shall be demanded on account
not exceeding
in the whole their proportionable Part of the said Sum of One hundred
and twenty-six thousand Pounds towards the. carrying on and completing.
the said Canals and such other Works
aforesaid, shall be entitled to and
receive, after the said Navigation shall be completed, a due and just Pro-
portion, according to their respective Number of Shares, of the clear
Profits and-Advantages which shall
may arise or accrue by or from the
Tolls, Duties, and other Monies to be raised, recovered, or re*-
ceived by virtue of this Act, and shall also from Time to Time bear and
pay a like, due, and just Proportion of the Money wanted for carrying
on the said Navigation and Undertaking in the Manner herein-after
LIX. And for the better securing to the several Subscribers towards the
Names of
said Navigation and Undertaking their respective Shares therein, be it Proprietors
further enacted, That the said Company of Proprietors, or their Com- andtheNura-.
rnittee of Management, shall, as soon as the same can or may be done, share" to
<:aus class="ls1">e
the Names and Additions of the several Persons who shall be entitled entered
in a
to any Share or Shares in the said Navigation and Undertaking, and the
Number of Shares to which they shall respectively be entitled, and also T'ckets wtn
the proper Number by which every such Share shall be distinguished, to NumDers to
be fairly and distinctly entered in a Register Book to be kept by the Clerk
to'the said Company of Propraetors, and after, such Entry to cause the to Ahem.
Common Seal of the said Company of Proprietors to be affixed -thereto,
which said Book shall from Time to Time be altered 'and corrected, and
new Books from Time to Time shall be sealed with the >said (Common Saal,
as the Change of Proprietors and Transfer of Shares shall render necessary
[Local.'] 18 A or
1566 57°GEORGII III. CapAxiil
or expedient; and the said Clerk shall also cause .as many Tickets or In-
struments to be prepared as.there shall be Shares in the said Navigation
and Undertaking, bearing respectively the same Numbers as in the said
Books,,and the Common Seal of the said Company of Proprietors to.be
affixed to each such.Ticket or Instrument; and thereupon to cause to be
delivered to every Subscriber towards the Navigation and Undertaking,
upon Demand, a Ticket or.Tickets specifying the Share or Shares to which
he or she is entitled in the said Undertaking; and every such Subscriber
shall pay to the Clerk to the said Company Two Shillings and Sixpence
and no more for every such Ticket or Instrument,- and every such Ticket
Or Instrument shall be admitted in all Courts whatever as Evidence of the
Title of such Subscriber, his or her Executors, Administrators, and Assigns,
to the Share therein specified,.but the Want of any such Ticket or Instru-
ment shall not hinder or prevent the Owner, of any Share from selling or
or from receiving annually his Share, of the Profits of
the said Navigation and Undertaking in respect
the Sum
of LX. And be it further enacted, That if the said Sum of, One hundred
is and twenty-six thousand Pounds, herein-before authorized to be raised,
the Co 6nt' sna^ De found insufficient for the making, completing* and maintaining of
may raise tne sa^ Canal and other. Works .hereby authorized to be made, and all
more among necessary Charges,and Expences^ relating thereto, then and in such Case
themselves, it shall be lawful for the said Company of Proprietors, after an-:Order or
Resomtnr that.Purpose shall, be made at a Special Meeting of the Pro-
' ' prietors, to be called by the Committee of. Management of the said Com-
pany of Proprietors, and of which Meeting Fourteen Days.previous Notice
shall.haye been'given in some Newspaper or Newspapers published and
usuallyt'circulated in
said Counties of Sujfex and Hants, to vraise, in
such Shares and Proportions, and in.Manner and Form as herein-before
directed, any.further.or other Sum .or Sums of Money for,perfecting or
completing the said. Navigation
other Works, not exceeding Ten
thousand Pounds; and towards raising such further or other Sum orSums,
any Member or Members of the said Company of Proprietors shall,and
may in the .first Place, at his; her, or their Discretion, subscribe and
become a Proprietor or Proprietors of any of such additional Shares; and
in case such further Sum or any Part
shall not;be raised and con-
tributed, among .the original.Members of the said Company of Proprietors
in the Space of Three Months after such Order or Resolution made,as,
aforesaid, the said additional Sum of Ten thousand Pounds, or any Part
shall and .may be raised by the Admission of'new Subscribers;
and every such new Subscriber (if any) shall become a Proprietor in the
said Navigation and .Undertaking hereby'authorized to; be; made, and
shall be entitled to, exercise, and enjoy the same Powers, Privileges, and
Advantages, and shall be, also liable to the same Restrictions, Penalties,
and Forfeitures, as if such further of other Sum hereby allowed to be
subscribed for,and raised had.constituted Part of the original Sum hereby
authorized to be raised.
Or they
LXI. Provided always, .and be it further enacted, That if the said
raise the said Company of Proprietors .shall be desirous of raising by Mortgage of the
by g^j Navigation and Undertaking the said additional Sum of Ten thousand
or anv
or in case the.said Company of Proprietors
shalli for the more speedy Completion of the said Canals or Cuts, be de*
57°GEORGII III. Cap.lxiil a
sirous of borrowing any further Sum of Money not exceeding the SW. ^
Forty thousand Pounds, in lieu of raising the same, or the Whole or any
by Calls under the Provisions of this Act, and shall make an
Order or Orders, or enter into a Resolution or Resolutions to that Effect
at any Special Meeting or Meetings of the said Company of Proprietors to
be called for that Purpose by their Committee of Management for the
Time being, and of which Meeting Fourteen Days previous Notice shall
be given in the Manner aforesaid, stating-in every such Notice the Purpose
then'and in such Case it'shall and may be lawful for the said
Company of Proprietors, pursuant to such Order'pr Resolution, to borrow
and take up at Interest such Sums, or any Part or Parts*
the Credit of the said Navigation and Undertaking, as to them shall seem
meet and convenient; and the said Company of Proprietors are hereby
accordingly fully authorized and empowered to grant, assign, and make
over by way of Mortgage to any Person or Persons lending any such
Money, or by way of collateral Security to any Person or Persons who
shall borrow either of such Sums of Money, or any Part or Parts of either
of such Sums of Money for the Use of the said Company, the several
Rates, and Duties granted to them by this Act, or any Part
the Costs and Charges of which Assignment shall be paid out of
the Tolls, Rates, and Duties, as a Security for the.Sum or Sums of
Money so to be borrowed, together with Interest for the same, unto the
Person or Persons who shall lend'-and advance any such Sum or Sums of
Money, or who shall have borrowed any such Sum or Sums of Money for
the Use of the said Company, or unto-his, her, or their Trustee or
Trustees j all which Assignments or Mortgages shall be made by Deed in
Writing under the Common Seal of the said Company, in fhe!Forni or to
Effect following j (that is to say),
virtue of an Act made in the Fifty-seventh Year of the Reign of Form of
His Majesty King
the Third, intituled [insert the Title of this Mortgage.
' Act\ we^he Company of Proprietors of the said Navigation, incorporated
' by virtue of the said Act, in consideration of the Sum of
c of lawful Money of Great Britain to us paid by
' , of do hereby bargain, sell, and assign unto the
* said , his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, the said
* Navigation and Undertaking, and all and singular the Tolls, Rates, and
' Duties granted or arising and payable to us by virtue of the said Act,
' and all the Estate, Right, Title, and Interest of
the said Company of
' Proprietors, of, into, or out of the same respectively, to hold unto the
' said , his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns,
' until the said Sum of , together with Interest
« for the same, after the Rate of per
' Annum, shall be fully paid arid satisfied to him or them. Given under
* our Common Seal, this Day of
or in any other Form, or to any other Effect, which may appear to be bet-
ter adapted to the Circumstances under which any such Sum of' Money
shall be borrowed, or collateral Security given : And that all Persons to
whom such Assignments or Mortgages shall be made, shall be equally
entitled one with the other to the said Tolls, Rates, Duties, and Pre-
mises thereby assigned, according and in proportion to the Sums by them
respecstvely jerit and advanced.on the Credit thereof as aforesaid; without
any Preference by reason of the Priority of Date..of any such Assignment
A Memorial
of the Mort-
gage to be
entered by
the Com-
pany's Clerk.
be trans-
m 57°GEORGII III. Cap.htii.
or Mortgage* or upon any other Account whatsoever; a;nd that the Money
stf to be borrowed aS;aforesaid shall be applied and: disposed of for the
carryifig 6ni completiligV dnd inaintaining of the said Navigatidn* and
other Wtirks hereby authorized to be made, and for carrying the' several
Powers and Authorities hereby given into Execution.
LXII. And be it further enacted) That an Entry or .Memorial 6f every
such Alignment or Mortgage as aforesaid* containing the Date
the Name or Names a*nd Additions of the Party or Parties to whom the'
same shall be made, and the Slim thereby secured, with the Rate of Interest
to be paid for the sarne, shall
made and entered in
Book to be kept
for that Purpose by the Clerk to the said Company of Proprietors for the
Time being, and that sdch Book shall and may be perused gratis at all sea-
sonable Times by any of the Proprietors or Creditors 6f the said Naviga-
tion and Undertaking; and that all arid e'Very Person or Persons td whom
any such Assignment or Mortgage shall
made' as aforesaid, or who shall
be.entitled to the Money thereby secured, shall
may from Time to
Time assign'; transfer, and set Over, his* her, or their Right, Title, or
Interest therein uritoariy Person of Persons whomsoever, either: by Indorse-
ment thereonof otherwise ; which Transfer shall and may be made by a
Deed in Writings in the Form or to the Effect following; Videlicet,
Form of ' T in consideration of the Sum of
Transfer. « to me paid by of , do hereby
' transfer the within Mortgage (or a certain Mortgage made to me by the.
' Company of Proprietors'of the
and Arundel Navigation, bear-
' irig Date the Day of ), and the
* Principal Sum of thereby secured, and the Interest
' now due and hereafter to grow due for the sarhe^ arid all my Right and
' Property therein* unto the said , his Executors^
' Administrators, "and Assigns. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set
* my Hand and Seal this Day o'f
Memorials of And that every such Transfer shall, within Thirty Days after the Date
the Transfer
be produced to the Clerk to "the said Company of Proprietors,
to be
wfr0 shall thereupon cause an Entry or Memorial thereof to the same Pur-
port and Effect as herein-before directed with respect to the original Assign-
rneht or Mortgage to be rnadeor entered in the Book to be kept for enter-
ing the Memorials of such original Assignments or'Mortgages; and'that
afteVsuth Entry shall be"made, but nor.'before* such Transfer shall entitle
the Assignee or Assignees therein named, and his, her, or their Executors,
Administrators, and'Assigns, to the full Benefit of the original Mortgaged
to have a.
Vote for
every Share.
LXIII. And be it further-enacted,-That every Body Politic and Corpo-
arid all'and every other Person and Persons who shall by virtue of this
Act' have subscribed for, or shall become entitled to, and be in the actual
Pos'ses&n'of'One or niore-Share'or-Shares, .in the said Navigation* shall
be deemed -a Proprietor for.every such .Share-*.and shall have a Vote in
respect -of etaerysuch Share at all. Meetings .-jof the said Company of Prd*
pfcietx3rs,to jbe>iheId;H»ipurBuance of this Act for. carrying on the,said Navt*
and Undertaking^ or Irelaring thereto:; and «uch Vote or Votes 'shall
and.may in.aE Cases .tee given by Such BodyuPolitic or Corporate, arid
father: Person arid
;or by thein,
im her Proxy duly constituted
under the Seal of such Body Politic or Corporate, or the Hand or Hands
7 of
of such other Person or Persons, or in case of the Infancy of any such
other Person or Persons, then under the Hand or Hands of his, her, or
their Guardian or Guardians, such Proxy being a Proprietor of one or
more Share or Shares in the said Navigation; and that every such Vote by
Proxy shall be as good and valid to.all Intents and Purposes as if the Prin-
cipal or Principals had voted in Person, or being an Infant or Infants had
been of full Age; and the Appointment of every such Proxy shall and
may be made in the Form or to the Effect following; (that is to say),
T Proprietor {or we Guardians of Form of Apr
a Proprietor of Share or Shares P°'ntment of
in the
and Arundel Navigation), do hereby nominate, con- tox^'
stitute, and appoint to be my {or his or her) Proxy,
in my {or his or her) Name, and in iny {or his or her) Absence, to vote
and give my (or his or her) Assent or Dissent to any Business, Matter,
or Thing relating to the said Navigation, which shall be mentioned or
proposed at any Meeting of the Proprietors of the said Navigation, or
any Adjournment
in such Manner as he the said
shall think proper, according to his Opinion and Judgment,
for the Benefit of the said Navigation, or any Thing appertaining thereto,
until I {or we) or the said shall revoke this Ap-
pointment, by Notice in Writing to the Clerk to the said Company of
Proprietors., In Witness whereof I {or we) have hereunto set my Hand
{or our Hands) the Day of
And,that every Question, Matter, and Thing whatsoever, which shall be At Meetings
proposed, discussed, or considered at any Meeting of Proprietors to be all Questions
held by virtue or in pursuance of this Act, shall be finally determined by '"K ^i
the Majority of Votes and Proxies then present, computing One Vote to Majorit/.
every Share in the said Navigation as aforesaid; and that at every such chairman
Meeting one of the Proprietors present shall be appointed President or shall have
Chairman, who shall not only have such Vote or Votes as a Proprietor the carting
or Proxy for any other Person or Persons as aforesaid, but shall also, in Vote'
case of an equal Division, have the decisive or casting Vote; and if at any
Time Two or more Persons shall be proposed as President or Chairman,
and shall have.an equal Number of Votes, then the Persons so proposed
shall draw Lots for the said Office.
LXIV. And be it further enacted, That no Proprietor of any Share No Proprie-
or Shares in the said Navigation and Undertaking, either in Person or by tor to vote
Proxy, shall give a Vote or Votes in respect of the same at any Meeting "U
of the said Proprietors, unless the same shall be standing in the Name of
such Proprietor in the said Register Book at and immediately before such
Meeting, and unless the Sums of Money from Time to Time called for
by the Committee of Management to be appointed as hereinafter men-
tioned, and due and payable lor or in respect of such Share or Shares,
and all Arrears
shall be duly paid to the Treasurer or Treasurers
of the said Company of Proprietors.
LXV. And be it further enacted, That all Proxies shall be produced
Proxies to be
to the. Clerk to the, said Company of Proprietors, and entered in a
entered in a
Book or List to be kept by him for that Purpose, before any Vote B
shall be given in respect of such Proxies; which Book shall be sufficient
Authority for any Person deputed by such Proxies to give his Vote
[Local.'] 18 B without
The Affairs
of the Com-
pany, except
in certain
to be
managed by
of Fifteen.,
57°GEORGII III. Cap.hiil
without Production of the Proxy at the Time of his Voting, until such
Pr'bxy is revoked!
L^CVI. And be it further enacted, That for the better carrying the
''Uk"es of this Act iritb Execution1, all the Affairs' and Business of tfie
fleeting of
The General
Meeting of
to elect Mem-
bers of ,the
Co'mtni'ttee to
Affairs 'of tfife
said Company'of Proprietors (except tyith respect to such Matters as afe
By this/Act expressly directed to be dcine at a Meeting or Meetings of the
Proprietors at large) shall be transacted arid Managed bf a Committee of
Fifteen Persons, to be from Time to Time appointed and elected, and qua-
lified in, the Manner herein-after mentioned; which said Committee of
Fifteen Persons shall be called The
of the Ports-
mouth'and JrundelNavigation; and that in all Cases where the Committee
of Management is, mentioned in this Act it shall be deemed and construed
to mean the said Committee of Management of The Portsmouth and
Arundel Navigation, except where , otherwise expressed ; and that Sir
Lucius Curtis Baronet, Rear Admiral Peter Halkett, William Turner,
Trevor Hull Lethem, Moses Greetham, John Williams, William Gutfield,
John Snook, Thomas
and Robert Park, Esquires, together with
Five othgr Persons to be elected in the Maimer herein-after mentioned,
shall be the First Committee of Management, and shall continue in Office
for Three Tears from the. passing of
Act, and until others, shall be
chos"en in their Stead; and that for the Purpose of electing the. Five,ad-
ditional Members of such Committee there shall be a General Meeting
of the Proprietors at
Town Hall, in the .Town of
in the
County of
/or 'some otrVer convenient Place in the said Town herli
after'tob'e fixe'd^'arid of which Ten Days Notice at least shall be given, in
Manner 'that other 'public Notice's of Meeting's are by this Act directed to'
b£ given, within S'i'x Weeks after the passing,of ,'tliis Act, at Elevehbf the,
Clock- in the Forenoon; and,ai like General Meeting of the Proprietors
srVallv be held' once,'jn every tuture Year, on the THircl Tuesday ih the
Month of iifay, at/Eleven of the "Clock in the Forehobri; at the Town
Hall, in the Towrijo'f Portsmouth aforesaid, or at such oiher Place in the
said Town as shall have been fixe'd uponfor that Purpose at tfte preceding
peneral Meeting; and that.at such First "General Meeting, arid al/s'o at
every subsequent General Meeting to be held on 'the .said Third Tuesdayln
the Month of May yearly, after the Expiration 6f Three Years\frb'iri,the
passing of this Act, the.said Proprietors, or such of them as shall be pre-
sent^ together with such Proxiesas/shall be present, shall 'elect arid make
Choice of Fifteen Pe'rsbri's, who shall be respectively Proprietors of Five
'br'rriore Shares irrtfie said.Navigation arid Und'e'rt'akirig, to be Member's bf
the said Committee to tri'anage'the Affairs and Business of the said Cbriipari'y
in lanne'r h'ereiri-afte^ directed, for the 'Space of One Year th'eri 'ti^x't
ensuing, and Until other, Persons/quaiified in like Manner shall be ele'cred
in their Stead, pursuant to the Directions of this Act: Provided always1,
In case a
ficient Num-
ber of Per-
sons for .the
Ejection of
shall not at-
tend, the
Meeting to
arid in such Case no Election of'Corri'mitVee Men shall take'place at Such
peering, bin such Wiling Snail be adjourned %\hat Day Three WSells,
'to.pe,.'men h'olde'n at thi saWe'fiace, and'so Wtfni Tiriie to Time, 'xftffl
there shall be such?Persbris preterit at s'u'cft'GenSfal Meeting, hav'irig sucli
9 Number
57°GEORGII III. Cfljo.kiii. 1571
Number of Shares as aforesaid; and of every such adjourned Meeting Ten
Days Notice at the least shall be given in one or more Newspapers circu-
lated iri the said Counties of
attd Hants respectively.
LXVII. And be it further enacted; That in case any Person or Persons No Persons
elected by the said Company as a Member or Members of the Committee holding a
6f the said Company shall die or refuse to act in the Execution of this
Act, of shall cease to be entitled to Five Shares at the least in the said on'the Coft-
Undertaking, or shall hold of be in Partnership with any Person who shall mittee.
hold any Place, Office, Ernployrhefit, or Contract u'nder the said Com-
pany, then and in every such Case it shall and may be lawful to and for
the Committee to elect out of the said Company of Proprietors some
Person or Persons qualified as aforesaid to be a Member or Members of
the Committee of the said Company in the Room or Stead of the Member"
or Members of the Committee so dying or refusing to act, or ceasing to
be qualified, or holding or being in Partnership with any Person who shall
hold any Place, Office, Employment, or Contract under the said Com*
pany; arid every such Election of a Member of the said Committee shall
be submitted by the said Committee to the said Company of Proprietors at
their then next General or Special Assembly, when the Election of such
Person or Persons shall either be confirmed, or.such other Person 6r Per-
sons qualified as aforesaid shall be elected a Member or Members of such
Committee as the said Company of Proprietors at such General or Special
Assembly shall think proper; and every Person or Persons so elected shall
have the like Powers and Authorities, arid be subject to the like Rules,
Regulations, and Restrictions, as the Person or Persons in whose Room or
Stead he or they shall be so elected, and shall continue in Office as a Mem-
ber or Members of the Committee for such Time, and no longer, as the
Person or Persons in whose Room or Stead he or they shall be sb elected
would have continued in Office.
LXVIII. And be it further enacted, That a General Meeting of every
such Committee of Management shall be held for putting this Act into Committee,
Execution on the Second
next after the Day of their Election, and of
a like General Meeting of the Committee of Management shall afterwards
be held TShree Times in every Year in the Months of Jug'ust, Noveriiber,
respectively, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, at
such Place and on such Days as the said Committee of Management shall
at their preceding General Meeting appoint; of all which General Meet-
ings public Notice shall be given in some Newspaper or Newspapers pub-
lished or usu'ally circulated in the said Counties of
and Hants respec-
tively, Seven Days at the least before the Time appointed for every such
Meeting; and it shall be lawful for the said Committee of Management,
at any G'enera' Meeting to be held in pursuance of this Act, to adjourn
themselves from Time to Time, and from Place to Place, as they shall
think proper and expedient.
LXIX. And be it further enacted, That the said Committee of Manage- Committee
ment shall at their First General and every other Meeting tb be held of Manage-
in pursuance of this Act, elect a Chairman out, of the Members of ment**
such Committee then present to preside at such Meeting, and' that any Select*1"*
Five r more Members of the said Committee of Management, but not Chairman.
shall be a sufficient Number to constitute a Meeting far the Purpose
Questions to
be decided by
a Majority.
Chairman or
his Deputy
to have the
casting Vote.
If sufficient
Members do
not attend,
those present
or the Clerk
may adjourn.
57°GEORGII III. Cap.hml
of doing all Acts, Matters,, and Things, and exercising all the Powers
and Authorities hereby directed to be done by and vested in such Com-
mittee ; and that all Questions, Matters, and Things which shall be pro-
posed, discussed, or considered by the said Committee at their Meetings
to be held in Manner aforesaid, shall be decided and determined by the
Majority of Members then present, but no Member shall have more than
One Vote at any such Meeting,, save and except that, in case of an equal
Division, the Chairman shall, besides his own Vote, always have the castr
ing Vote; and if at any Meeting Two or more Persons shall be proposed
to fill the Office of Chairman, and shall have an equal Number of Votes,
then the Persons so proposed shall draw Lots for the same: Provided
always, that if, on the Day appointed for any such Meeting of the Com-
mittee of Management as aforesaid, there shall not attend so many Mem-
bers of such Committee as are hereby required to constitute a Meeting for
exercising the Powers hereby vested in such Committee, then and in such
Case, and when and so often as the same shall happen, the Meeting shall
be adjourned to that Day Week by the Member or Members then present j
or if no Member, by the Clerk to the said Company of Proprietors, or
such other Person as shall attend in his Place.
Time of hold-
ing General
where the
Time is not
fixed at pre-
ceding one.
a Treasurer.
LXX. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That in case no Time
shall be .appointed by the said Committee at any General Meeting for hokU
ing the then next General Meeting, in such Case the Clerk to the said
Company shall and may appoint the Time and Place for holding the next
General Meeting of the said Committee some Time in the Months of
August, November, ;and February respectively, as the Case shall require;
and also that the.said Clerk, at the Requisition in Writing of any Five, of
more of the said Committee, shall at any Time or Times convene a Meet
ing of the said Committee of Management for any special Purpose, to be
held at such Time and Place or Times and Places as shall be mentioned
in such Requisition, provided that the like Notice shall be given of such
Meeting in any such Case as is by this Act required to be given of the
holding of General Meetings.
LXXI. And be it further enacted, That the said Company of Proprietors
shall at their first Assembly elect and choose, and under their Common
Seal appoint, a Treasurer or Treasurers to the said Company; and in case,
by reason of any Negligence, Misconduct, or Inability in any Clerk or
Treasurer or Treasurers to execute such Office or Offices, it shall be re-
quisite to displace or remove him or them, then and in every such Case
shall and may be lawful to and for the said Company of Proprietors, at
any General or Special Assembly to be held as herein directed, to remove
any such Clerk or Treasurer; and in case
such Treasurer shall die, be
removed from, or quit the Service of the said Company of Proprietors,
then and in every such Case it shall and may be lawful to and for the said
Company of Proprietors, at any such General or Special Assembly, to
appoint any other fit Person or Persons to execute such Office or Offices
in the Place of the Person, or Persons who shall so die, be removed from,
or quit the Service of the said Proprietors.
Same Person LXXII. Provided always, and be it further enacted,- That it shall not
^e l*™^r tne sa^ Company of Proprietors to appoint the Person who
Treasurer. may be appointed to act as their Clerk in the Execution of this Act, or
57°GEORGII III. Cap.lxm. 1573
the Partner of any such Clerk, the Treasurer forthe'Purposes of this Act,
or to appoint the Person who may be appointed Treasurer, or the Partner
of any such Treasurer, the Clerk to the said Company of. Proprietors ;
and if any Person shall act in both the Capacities of Clerk and Treasurer
for the Purposes of this Act, or if any Person being > the Partner of any
such Clerk shall act as Treasurer, or being the Partner of such Treasurer
shall act as Clerk in the Execution of this Act, every Person shall for every
such Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds to any Person on
Persons who shall sue for the same, to be recovered in any of His Majesty's
Courts of Record at
by Action of .Debt or. on the Case, or
by Bill, Suit, or Information, wherein no Essoign, Protection, or Wager
of Law, nor more than One Imparlance, shall be allowed.
LXXIII. Provided always, and be it further, enacted, That the. said Security to
Company of Proprietors from Time to Time electing any such Treasurer be taken
or Treasurers as aforesaid shall direct such Security to be taken frOm him £,om *"e
or them for the faithful Execution of his or their Office, as they
Discretion shall deem sufficient, and such Security shall be required and
taken accordingly before such Treasurer or Treasurers shall be permitted
to receive any Monies for or on.account of the said Company.
LXXIV. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful Committee
for the said Committee of Management at any such General Meeting as of Manage-
aforesaid, and they are hereby authorized and required, from Time to
Time to nominate and appoint a Clerk or Clerks, and a Superintendent clerks, &c.
or Superintendents of the Works of the said Company of Proprietors, if
they shall think it expedient; and such Engineers, Surveyors, Collectors
of the Tolls, Rates, and Duties herein-after granted, and other Officers
(except the Treasurer or Treasurers), as the said Committee of Manage-
ment shall think proper and expedient for the better carrying the Purposes
of this Act into Execution, the said Committee always taking good and taking Secu.
sufficient Security from all Collectors, and other Officers who shall have rity from
the Care and Custody of any Money to be raised and .received by virtue
of this Act, for the faithful Discharge of the Trust reposed, in them ; and 0f Monies.
also from Time to Time to discharge and dismiss any such. Clerks,.Super-
intendents, Engineers, Surveyors, Collectors, or -other Officers, and ap-
point others in their Stead, as there shall be Occasion; and that al] such
Clerks, Superintendents, Engineers, Surveyors, Collectors, and other
Officers of the said Company of Proprietors, who shall at any Time quit
or be dismissed from the Service of the said Company, and the respective
Executors or Administrators of those who may happen to die, shall im^
mediately thereupon produce and deliver up to the said Committee, of
Management, or to such Person or Persons
they shall direct, all Books*
Accounts, Writings, and Papers whatsoever, which shall be in.the Cus-*
tody or Power of such Clerks, Superintendents, Engineers, Surveyors,.
Collectors, or other Officers, Executors, or Administrators respectively,
in anywise relating to the said intended Navigation and Undertaking; and
the said Committee of Management, or any Sub-committee or Sub*
Committees to be appointed in Manner after mentioned, shall also have
full Power and Authority, and they are hereby required, at the General
Meeting to be heldannually in the Month of May as aforesaid, to call for,
audit, and settle all Accounts of Money received, paid, laid .out, and
disbursed up to that Time, for" or on account ofthe. said Company of
{Locals 18 C Proprietors,
1574 57°GEORGII III. Cap.Wm.
Proprietors, by the Treasurer or Treasurers, Collectors, and other Officers
so to .be appointed as aforesaid, or by any other Person or Persons to be
employed on behalf of the said Company, in or about the said intended
Navigation and Undertaking: Provided always, that it shall be lawful
for the said Committee to call for, audit, and settle such Accounts^ or
any of them, oftener than once a Year, if they shall deem it expedient
so to do: Provided also* that in case of the Death, Removal, or Re-
signation of the Clerk'to the said Company, the said Committee of
Management shall,; and they are hereby required, within One Month
after such Death, Removal, or'Resignation, to elect another Person in
his Room.
Officers te LXXV. And be it further enacted, That every such Treasurer, Engi-
accouot. neer, 'Superintendent, Surveyor, Clerk, "Collector, arid every other Officer
and Person so to be appointed as aforesaid, shall under their Hands, at
such Time and Times, and in such Manner as the said Company of Pro*
prietors, or their Committee of Management-shall direct, deliver to the said
Company of Proprietors, or to the said Committee, or to'such Person or
Persons as they shall respectively appoint, true and perfect Accountsin
Writing of all Matters and Things committed
.their Charge by virtue of
this Act, and also of all Monies which shall have been by such Treasurer,
Engineer, Superintendent, Surveyor, Clerk, Collector, Officer or Officers,
and Person or Persons respectively received by virtue and for the Purposes of
this Act, and how much thereof hath been paid and disbursed, and for what
Purposes, together with the proper and legal Receipts orVouchers for such
Payments; and shall pay all such Monies as shall remain in their respec-
tive Hands to the said Company of Proprietors, or to the said Committee
of Management, or to such Person or Persons as they respectively shall
appoint; and if any such Treasurer, Engineer, Superintendent, Surveyor*
Clerk, Collector, Officer, or Person, shall refuse to produce or deliver up
such Receipts or Vouchers, or to make Payment as aforesaid, or shall not
deliver to the said Company of Proprietors, or to the said Committee, or
to such Person or Persons as they shall respectively appoint, within Twenty-
one Days after being thereunto required by the said Company of Pro-
prietors, or by the said Committee, all Books, Papers, and Writings in
his or their Custody or Power relating to the Execution of this Act, or
shall refuse or neglect to pay such Monies as upon the Balance of any
Account or Accounts shall appear to be in their respective Hands to the
said Company of Proprietors, or the said Committee, or as they respec-
tively shall direct or appoint, then and in any of the Cases aforesaid the
said Company of Proprietors may and they are hereby, authorized and
empowered to bring or cause to be brought any Action or Actions against
the Treasurer, Engineer, Superintendent, Surveyor, Clerk,
Officer or Officers, Person or Persons, so neglecting or refusing as afore-
said, for the Recovery of the Monies that shall be in the Hands of such
Treasurer, Engineer, Superintendent, Surveyor, Collector, Clerk, Officer
or Officers, Person or Persons respectively; or if Complaint shall be made
by the said Company of Proprietors, or by the said Committee, or by
such Person or Persons as they respectively shall appoint for that Purpose
of any such Refusal or Neglect as aforesaid, to any one or more of the
Justices of the Peace for the County, City, or Place wherein the said
Treasurer, Engineer, Superintendent, Surveyor, Clerk, Collector, Officer
of Officers, Person or Persons, so neglecting or refusing, shall be or re-
i side,
57°GEORGII III. CapAxm. 1575
such Justice or Justices may, and he and they is and are hereby au«
thbrized and required, by a Warrant or Warrants under his and their
•Hand and Seal or; Hands and Seals, to cause the Treasurer^ Engineer,
Superintendent, Surveyor, Clerk, Collector, Officer or Officers, Person
or Persons, so neglecting or refusing, to be brought before him or them ;
and upon his or their appearing, or having been summbned, and not ap-
pearing, without giving some reasonable Excuse for such Non-appearance^
to the Satisfaction of such Justice or Justices, or not being to be found, to
liear and determine the Matter in a summary Way; and if upon the Con-
fession of the Party or Parties, or by the Testimony of any One or more
credible Witness or Witnesses upon Oath (which Oath such Justice or
Justices is and are hereby empowered to administer), it shall appear to
such Justice or Justices that any of the Monies which should have been
collected and raised by virtue of this Act shall be in the Hands of such
Treasurer, Engineer, Superintendent, Surveyor, Clerk, Collector, Officer
or Officers, Person or Persons, such Justice or Justices may and is and
are hereby authorized and required, upon Non-payment
by a
Warrant or Warrants under his or their Hand or Seal or Hands and
to cause such Money to be levied by Distress and Sale of the Goods
and Chattels of such Treasurer, Engineer, Superintendent, Surveyor,
Clerk, Collector, Officer or Officers, Person or Persons respectively;
and if no Goods or Chattels of such Treasurer, Engineer, Superintendent,
Surveyor, Clerk, Collector, Officer or Officers, Person or Persons respec-
tively, can be found sufficient to answer and satisfy the said Money and
the Charges of making and levying the
or if such Officer or Officers,
Person or Persons, shall still persist in refusing or neglecting to deliver up
all such Books, Papers, and Writings as aforesaid to the said Company of
Proprietors, or to the said Committee, or
they respectively shall appoint,
then and in any of the Cases aforesaid such Justice or Justices shall com-
mit every such Offender to the Common Gaol for such County, City, or
Place, there to remain without Bail or Mainprise, until he shall give and
make a true and perfect Account and Payment as aforesaid, or till he shall
compound with the said Company of Proprietors, or with the said Com-
mittee, and shall have paid such Composition in such Manner as they re-
spectively shall appoint, and until he shall deliver up such Books; Papers,
and Writings as aforesaid, or give Satisfaction in respect thereof to the
said Company of Proprietors, or to the said Committee:' Provided always,
that no Treasurer, Engineer, Superintendent, Surveyor, Clerk, Collector,
Officer, or Person so committed for want of sufficient Distress, shall be
confined or detained in Prison by virtue of this Act for any longer Space
than Three Calendar Months.
LXXVI. And be it further enacted, That all Books, Accounts, Writ-
and Papers whatsoever, which shall be in the Custody of any such counts, &e.
Treasurer, Engineer, Superintendent, Surveyor, Clerk, Collector, and £ec^repto_
every other Officer and Person so to be appointed as aforesaid, his Exe- pert_ 0f
cutors or Administrators respectively, in anywise relating to the said in- Company.
tended Navigation and Undertaking, shall be and the same are hereby
declared to
and shall be construed, deemed, and taken to.be, the Right
%nd Property of the said Company of Proprietors.
LXXVll. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That it shall and Clerk may
itfay be lawful for the said Clerk to the said Company :6f Proprietors, appoint a
with Deputy.
of Manage-
ment mar
make Calls
for Money,
and may
contract for
and purchase
Lands, and
treat and
agree con-
cerning Da-
mage, Sec.
U III. Gy.brfiL
with the Consent.of ;the
.Qpnfttfittee, of Management,- tp- be given at
any ;G;eneralr;]VIefctir>g *of such Committee,
b.y! a.ny Writing mhder his
Hand;, to"
pne or- more-Deputy or Deputies; and 'all;-Acts re-
dofte-ky-the s'aid,Glerk, and all Notices, and Processes;which
bykthis.Act may
served^- iipbti the said Clerk, shall be equally goodj
sali'dyi binding,
and -effectual', if done by or served upon such Deputy or
LXXVIII* And be it further enacted,.That the Committee of Manage-
ment-shall also have full Power and Authority from Time, to Time, at' any
Meeting of .the said Committee;to:be,held in pursuance of the said Powers
and Provisions of .this Act, tornake.suqh Call or Calls, for Money from the
seyeralProririetbrs" of the'said.'Nayigatioh:, and Undertaking, in order to
defray^thfe Experic.es !of or carrying on
the samfej as;they, shall from Time
to Time-find wanting
necessaty-for those Purppses, so that no such.
Call shall-exceed-the Surn of Five Pounds for or inrespect of every; Share
in the said Navigation and:Undertaking,' and so that no such Calls be made
but at the Distance of Three Calendar Months.-at least from each other,
and so that Twenty-eight Days-Notice at .least shall be given of every such
Call by Advertisement in; some Newspaper, or Newspapers published or
usually circulated in the said Counties of Sussex and Hants respectively,
and also in some London Newspaper or Newspapers; all which Money so
to be called for. as aforesaid shall be paid'into the Hands of the Treasurer
pr:;Treasurers of the said Company, of ;Prpprietdrs,.so to.be issuedj/.paidi
and. applied for carrying, on the said -Navigation, and Undertaking;, •ih.suQri
Manner as the. said Committee of- Managejn^nt^shjllj from Time; to Time
order and;.direct;, and; that the said Committee:©/Management shall have
full Poker^and Authority
Meeting as aforesaid to contract
fqriand purchase all such T,a'ndsj Tenements,; or Hereditaments, and all
such Matters and other Things as shall-or may.be wanted for the said
Navigation and other Works hereby, authorized to be made, and; to treat
and agree with any Person or Persons whomsoever touching the Compen-
sation to be made for any Damages to" be done in the-Exercise of the
Powers hereby given';
to enter into' and make such Contracts or Agree-
ments with any Engineer.' or Engineers,, Surveyors, Agents,-Workmen^
Servants, or other Persdn.s, "in.' and: about or. for the carrying
the said
Navigailioh:.arid, qther Works/ or, any. Part
as shall be thought
and make all such Contracts, -Bargains, arid
Agfe'emetnts;-whatsoever, -touching ..or. in .anywise concerning^ the /said
Undertaking, as they.or. he. shallcthink proper.; and to;order and direct
how the several Works shall from Time .'to Time- be; carried; on,. anU
generally to direct arid manage ali and singular the Affairs and Busi-
nesses vof the
Company of Proprietors,-.and t'q do, execute, and per-
Matters; -and; Thing^which the said. .Company, are.bjr
this Act authorized'a'ndierhpbWere'd'rto-'dq,'.save and except (such; only
as are hereby expressly; directed 'to/be done by :the Proprietory laj; :large
at any Meeting or; Meetings -of such Proprietors
Two-thirds LXXIX. Provided.;alwftysra'nd.be it further enacted, That in order to
the Completion of'so much of ^the*said intended Canals and Cuts
to be applied ag aye ;ntended
be situate between the River Artln .and
CuT&the0 Chichester
with as much Expeditipa as possible, the said Company of Pro-
°GEORGII III. Cap.lxiii. 1577
prietors or their Committee of Management shall and they are hereby River Aran
required-to- lay out-aiid^expend at least Two eqiial Thir.diPafts °f -all- the
Monies- which shall from Time -to-Time
raised 4bylCalj.Sj 'or borrowed Har^our-
under the Provisions j and 'for' the Purpdses. of
Act,/i£ sp niuch be
necessary, infmaking-and exeeuting so much of the said Canals and Cuts
as are situated betweeh the River dt-un arid! the Harbour •pirGBicbesteri
said -Part of the said Canal shall be fully completed*
LXXX. And-be it further "enacted, That all and every person and'Per- Forcompel-
sbns who'hath or have already subscribed, or who shall hereafter subscribe, ling Payment
to advance any Money for: and towards the making aM.rnaihtaihirig of of Subscrip*
Canals :and other Works hereby authorized to be made
afore- tlon"'
said; shall paylthe'Suni or Sums of Money by them respectively.subscribed
or to ;be subscribed; or such Part or Parts thereof as shall-from Time to
Time be called for by the Committee of .Management of the said Company
of Proprietors, by virtue of the Powers, and: pursuant to the Direction of
this Act, at such Times and Places as'shall be appointed for, that Purpose
by. the said Committee in the Manner herein-before mentioned; arid in
case any Person or Persons shall:neglect.or.refuse to pay the Sumor Sums
to! be called for from him, ;her, or them,;, at,the.Time. and in the
Manner to be appointed for: that Purpose' as.aforesaidj ,: lawful
for the said Company of .Proprietors tosue for ;and.recover, the.same in any
'of His Majesty's Courts of Record.!at Weiiminster^in. an, Action of Debt*
or, in an Action;of> Trespass upon the.Case upon Promises; or'in: an Action
upon:the,Case in,Torti. as they.shall deem most,expedients
LXXXI. And'be^it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Coni4 Commute*
mittee, of Management,; at any; such General Meeting as aforesaid, to of Manage-
nominate and appoint out of their own Body One or more Subcommittee men.tmayap-
or Sub-committees (every such Sub-committee to consist :of.Five or more ^mittee"
Persons'^ who shall.have' full;Power arid.Authority to enter into and make with Powers
any such'Gontracts or Agreements oh behalf of.the said Company of Pro-
prietors as-aforesaid,, and to hire and employ any Agents, Workmen, and tract5> &c'
Servants in and;about'the said Undertaking, and..to; do, execute, and
perform all other 'Matters and Things whatsoever,.'ih and.about the.said
Naviga'tion:and Undertaking^'. which the said .Committee of Management
are themselves herein-before authorized to
or such of them as the said
Committee of Management shall think proper to intrust to the Care and
Management of any such Sub-committee or Sub-corhmittees;(save and ex-
cept nevertheless the appointing of Clerks, Collectors, Engineers, Sur-
veyors, .and other principal Officers, and the making Calls:fprMoney, upon
the Proprietors of. the'said Navigation and Undertaking, all which; shall
be done: by the .said. Committee, of Management only;. as hereirirbefore
directed); and it
be lawful for the said Committee, of Manage-
ment, by.:an Order or Resolution for that Purpose atany General Meeting,
to break:upland dissolve anyJsuch Sub-committee or Sub^pmmittees,: or
to rem.py e or displace tany; Member or Mernbers
and-appoint some
other or others in his or. their
or Stead, when;
so often: as such
Committee of Management shall think proper and expedient;; and such
full Power and Authority to ineet from Time to
Timev^nd; adjourn fromPlace to Place, as they shall think proper, and as
Occasipntshajl.requirei fox efl^ctuating the Purposes as aforesaid;; and all
Powers .and Authorities hereby vested, or'which shall by the said Com*
[Local] 18 D mittee
1578 57°GEORGII III. Cap+htm.
mittee of .Management be vested in any such Sub-committee, within the
Injtent and Meaning of this Act, shall and may be exercised by the rftajor
Part of the Members present at their respective Meetings (the whole-Num-
ber of Members present not being less than Three); and at all Meetings
of such Sub-committees respectively, one of the Members present' shall
be.appointed President or Chairman; and all Questions shall be decided
by the Majority of Votes, and the President or Chairman shall, besides.
his own
have the casting Vote, in case of an equal Division, but
no other Member shall have more than One'Vote.
of Manage-
ment and
mittees to
keep Ac-
counts of
Monies re-
ceived and
paid, fccc.
Expences of
of Manage-
ment and
mittees to
be defrayed
by the Com-
pany; and
Treasurer to
be drawn on
for-the same.
LXXXII. And be it further enacted, That the said Committee of
Management, and also every such Subcommittee as aforesaid, shall enter
or cause to be entered into Books, to be provided for that Purpose" at the
Expence of the said Company of Proprietors, a full and true Account of
all Monies disbursed and Payments made by such Committee and Sub-
committees respectively, and by all and every Person and Persons employed
by or under them, and of all Monies which shall be paid to or rec'eived
by them respectively, for or on account of the said Company of Pro-
prietors ; and also a full and true Account, and proper Notes and MinuteSj
of every Contract, Bargain, and Agreement which shall be entered into
by them respectively for or on behalf of the said Company of Proprietors^
and of all and singular their respective Orders, Transactions, and Pro-
ceedings whatsoever in and about the Affairs and Business of the said
Company; and all reasonable Expences to be incurred at or by the re*
spective Meetings of the said Committee of Management, and of such Sub±
committees respectively as aforesaid, shall be paid and defrayed out of the
Cash or'Stock of the said Company of Proprietors; and such.Committee
of Management and Sub-Committees respectively shall and may, from
Time to Time, draw for the Amount of such Expences respectively upon
the Treasurer or Treasurers to the said Company; but no other Money
shall be issued or paid by the said Treasurer or Treasurers, for or on ac-
count of the said Company of Proprietors, without an Order being made
for that Purpose by the Committee of Management at some such Meeting
as,aforesaid, nor without a Draft or Order* signed by Five or more.of the
Members of the said: Committee of Management; and every such'Book',
and all such other Books, Papers, and Writings, belonging to the said
Gompany of Proprietors, shall at all reasonable Times be opened to the
Inspection of all the said Proprietors, who may take Copies thereof or
Extracts therefrom.without Fee or Reward<
mittee to LXXXIII. And be it further enacted, That every such Sub-committee
so to be appointed as aforesaid shall from Time to Time make Reports of
oTtfTei^Pro? their Proceedings to tJle Committee of Management, and' shall at all
ceedings. Times be subject to the Examination and Control of such Committee of
Management, and shall pay due Obedience to all their Orders and Direc-
tions in and about the Affairs and Business of the said Company, so as
such Orders and Directions be not contrary to the express Directions',
Regulations, or Provisions contained in this Act.
Company of
may make
LXXXIV. And be it further enacted, That the said (gompany of Pro*
prietors. shall also have full Power and Authority from Time toTime^at
any General Meeting of the said Contpany of Proprietors to be held ih
Manner herein-after mentioned, to make such Rules, Orders, and-Bye^
4 laws
57°GEORGII III. G^.lxiii.
laws as to them shall seem meet and proper for the good Government of
the said Company of Proprietors, and for regulating the Proceedings of
the.said Committee of Management and Sub-committees respectively, and
for the regulating of all Officers, Workmen, and Servants, to be employed
in or about the Affairs or Businessesof the said Company of Proprietors,
and for the well and orderly using of the said intended Navigation, and
the Tunnels, Locks, Sluices, Weirs, Hatches, Aqueducts, Railways,
Rollers, Feeders, Wells, Trenches, Levels, Reservoirs, Stanks, Dams*
Wharfs, Cranes, Warehouses, Towing Paths, Ways, Roads, Gates,
Bridges, Culverts, Engines, and other Works thereto belonging* and for
regulating the Commencement, Continuance, Suspension, Cessation, Turn*
and Order of the passing and repassing and navigating of all Vessels, Boats,
and.Barges, Persons, Horses, and Carriages; and:the'Structure, Dimen-
Forms, and Manner of Building of all such Vessels, Boats, Barges,
and Carriages, as shall from Time to Time be Used upon the said Canals,
Navigation, Railways* Towing Paths, Road-ways, or Wharfs, and of
the Oars, Poles, Wheels, and other Implements to be used above or
with: the same respectively ; and the conveying of all Goodsj Wares, and
Merchandize, which shall be navigated or conveyed'thereon, >and for the
orderly Behaviour of all Bargemen, Watermen, Boatmen, and others
who shall be employed in carrying or conveying any such Goods', Wares',
Merchandize, and for the Superintendahce and Management of the said
Navigation in all other Respects whatsoever; and from Time to Time to
alter and repeal siich Rules, Orders, and Bye-laws, or any of them, and
to make others* and to impose and inflict such reasonable Fines arid Fori
feitures upon all Persons offending againstsuch Rules, Orders, and Bye-
or any of them,, not exceeding the Sum of Five Pounds for any One
Offence, as to the said Company of Proprietors shall seem nieet and expe*
dient; and all Rules,-. Orders, and Bye-laws so to be made as aforesaid,
being, reduced into Writing, and the Common Seal of the said Company
of Proprietors thereto affixed, shall be binding upon and be observed
by all Persons using or in anywise concerned in the said Navigation and
Works, and shall be sufficient in any Court of Law or Equity to justify all
Persons who shall act upon the same; provided that such Rules, Orders,
and Bye-laws be not repugnant to the Laws of that Part of the United
Kingdom called England, or any of the express Directions or Provisions
of- this Act; and provided, that Copies of such Rules, Orders, and Bye-
or such of them as shall concern or relate to the using of the said
intended -Navigation and Works, and the Tunnels, Locks, Reservoirs
and Aqueducts, Roads and Ways, belonging thereto; or to the Conduct
and Behaviour of Bargemen, Boatmen, Watermen, and others convey-
ing Goods thereon, or to the Conduct and Behaviour of any Officers,
Servants, or other Persons employed in or about-the said Navigation and
Works, or of the Persons resorting to or making use
shall be
Written or printed in large Characters, and be affixed and continued in
some conspicuous Place of Places upon or near adjoining all the Wharfs
on the said Navigation* and renewed as often as the same shall be oblite-
rated or defaced*
LXXXV. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That in all Cases Authehti-
of Prosecution for Offences against the said Bye-laWs, the Production of a cated Bye-
printed Paper, purporting to be the Bye-laws of the Company, and authen- law,>
ticated by the engraved or printed Impression or Copy of Impression of
of Manage.
ment may
call Special
Meetings of
the Proprie-
tors at large.
to pay their
Shares of the
Money called.
for at the
Time ap-
such .Bye-laws, having the Common Seal of the Company affixed thereto*
shall be sufficient Evidence of the Existence of such Bye-laws, and it shall
be sufficient to prove that a printed Paper, in Characters sufficiently plain*
be a Copy of such Bye-laws, hath been affixed and published
in Manner aforesaid, and, in case of its being afterwards displaced or da-
maged,'hath been replaced1 with;another such Paper as soon as conveniently
might, in some conspicuous Place upon or near adjoining the Place where
tlje Offence was committed; unless Proof shall be adduced by the De-
fendant that such printed Paper is not a Copy of such Bye4aws, or hath
not been duly kept up and generally continued in such Wharf in Maniief
LXXXVI. And be it further; enacted, That if it shall at any Time"
appear to the Committee ofvManagementj or to-;Tenor more Proprietors
of Five Shares at the least, -to be necessary; or expedient to call a Special
Meeting of the Proprietors at large for the more effectually putting this
Act in Execution,-'or in order to take their Opinion respecting any Mat-
ters or Things to be done in or about-the said-Navigation, or respecting
any:Matter or Things in which the Interest of the said Navigation and
Undertaking, the Extent of its Trade, or the Interests of the Proi
prietprs, is in any. respect implicated or concerned,' it shall be lawful for
the said'Committee of Management pursuant to an Order or Resolution
fqr. that Purpose, to be made at any Meeting of the same Committee, or
for the Clerk of the said Company of Proprietors, upon the Requisition
of any Ten or more of the Proprietors of Five Shares or more in the said
Undertaking, to call a Special Meeting of
the Proprietors at large by
public-Advertisement in some Newspaper or Newspapers published or
usually circulated in the said Counties of Sussex and Hants respectively,
and also in some London Newspaper or Newspapers, specifying in such
Advertisement the Cause of calling such Special Meetings and the Time
and Place when and where the same shall be held, the Time not being less
than Fourteen Days after such Notice shall be, given; and the Company
of Proprietors are;hereby authorized and required to meet'according to
such Notice, and to take into Consideration the Matters to be submitted
to them by. the said Committee of Management, or expressed in such
Requisition and specified in such Notice
and the Decision and Determi-
nation of the Proprietors present at such; Meeting, or the major Part oi
them,: according to the Number of Votes they shall have a Right to give,
either as Principals or Proxies, respecting such Matters only, shall behind-
ing and conclusive upon, the rest of the Proprietors to all Intents and
Purposes,, and shall be observed and acted upon accordingly.
LXXXVIL And be it further, enacted, That every Proprietor of any
Share or Sharesjin the said Navigation shall from Time to Time pay his
or:her Proportion of the,Money so to be called for, as herein-before .is
mentioned;, into, the Hands of-the Treasurer or Treasurers to the said
Company, ;at such Time; and Place ;as shall be appointed for that Purpose
by the Committee of Management making such Call^ and of which Notice
shall be given as herein-before is directed; .and that if any Person or Per-
sons shall neglect'or refuse-to pay his, ,'her,
or their proportionable Part
of the Money so
be-called for as aforesaid> at the-Time, and Place which
shall be appointed for that Purpose.in Manner, aforesaid, it shall be lawful
for the said Company of Proprietors,»'in'case'theyjshall so think fity to sue
57°GEORGII HI. C^.lxiu. 1581
for and recover the same, together
with ^h'e
Penalty herein-after mentioned,
in any of His Majesty's Courts of Record at
by Action of
Debt or on the Case; and the Person or Persons so neglecting or refusing Persons
to pay' such his, her, or their proportionable Part of such Money in Man-ak,ng pe-
ner aforesaid, shall forfeit to the said Company of Proprietors, if such Pay- f*||
ment shall not be made within Thirty
next after the Time appointed Shillings per
for Payment of the same, the Sum of Five Shillings per Share; and if
if Pay-
such Payment shall not be made within Sixty Days next after the Time ments not
appointed for the Payment of the same, the Sum of Ten Shillings per JJjJj "D**?
Share, for and in respect of every Share of such Person or Persons, in andVenShili
respect whereof such Person or Persons shall so neglect or refuse to pay lings per
her, or their proportionable Pait of the Money, so to be called for as Share.ifwith-
aforesaid, for the Space of Three Calendar Months after the Time- to be ^ Slx.ty , .f
appointed for Payment thereof as aforesaid, together with the said Penalty calls not
of Ten Shillings per Share as aforesaid ; and if the same shall not have answered in
been sued for by the said Company of Proprietors as aforesaid, or if sued Xhree
for, shall not have been recovered by them, then and in such Case the shares to be
Person or Persons so neglecting or refusing shall, if the said Committee forfeited.
pf Management shall so determine, but not otherwise, absolutely forfeit
all his, her, or their Share, Part, or Interest, in the said Undertaking, and
all Profit and Advantage
and all Money theretofore advanced by
him, her, or them, on account
to and for the Use and Benefit
of the other Proprietors of the said Navigation; and all Shares which
shall or may be
forfeited shall be sold by the said Committee of Manage-
ment by Public Action, for the most Money that can be gotten for the
same; and the said Penalty of Five Shillings per Share, or Ten Shillings
per Share, as the Case may be, and the Produce of the Shares so to be
forfeited and sold, shall be and the same respectively is and are hereby
directed to be paid to the said Treasurer or Treasurers, and applied" in
making, furnishing, completing, and maintaining the said Navigation and
Works: Provided always, and if there shall be no Bidder for such Share
or Shares at such Auction for the Sale
the same Share and Shares
shall, or may- be sunk and merged in the rest of the Shares in the said
Navigation, if the said Committee of Management shall think fit ; and in
that Case the Name or Names of such Proprietor or Proprietors, and the
Number or Numbers of
Share or
be expunged and struck
out of the Books of the said Company.; and the said Committee of
ment shall and may in such Case borrow and raise any Sum of Money not
exceeding the Amount of Fifty Pounds a Share on the Number of Shares
so forfeited and merged, and to secure the same with Interest in like Man-
the said Company are enabled by this Act to borrow and secure
any Sum or Sums of Money for
Purposes herein mentioned: Provided
Shares not
always nevertheless, that no such Forfeiture of any Share or Shares in the
to be
said Navigation and Undertaking as aforesaid shall take place until after
^f1 thout
personal Notice shall be given by the Treasurer or Treasurers or;Clerk of wkhouVbs-
the said Company of Proprietors to the Owner or Owners
or ing declared
until Notice in Writing shall be. left at his, her, or their usual or last forfeited at
Place or Places of Abode, or published Three several Times in the
Gazette, and also in some Newspaper or Newspapers published and circu- theecommit-
lated in;.the said Counties of
and Hants respectively, nor unless:the tee.
same shall be declared to be forfeited at some General Meeting of the
Committee of Management: Provided also, that every such Forfeiture,. Forfeiture
after'the same shall be taken Advantage of by the rest of the said Company; Shares to be
[Local.'} X8£ 0f an Indemnity
In case of
Deaths of
before their
are complet-
ed, Executors
to complete
the same.
In case, of
want of As-
Company to
admit other
Persons to
such Shares
im paying
the same.
57°GEORGII III. Cap.lxni.
of Proprietors as aforesaid, shall be an absolute Indemnification and Dis-
charge to and for the Proprietor or Proprietors so forfeiting against all
Actions, Suits, and Prosecutions, for any Breach of Contract or Agree-
ment between such Proprietor or Proprietors so forfeiting, and the rest
of the said Company, with regard to the future carrying on and Manager
ment of the said intended Navigation and Undertaking.
LXXXVIII. And be it further enacted, That if the Proprietor of any
Share or Shares in the said Navigation shall die before Payment shall
have been made by hirn or her of the full Sum to be called for and ad-
vanced as aforesaid, in respect of each Share which he or she shall have
been possessed of or entitled to, the Executor
Administrator of such
deceased Proprietor, being possessed of sufficient Assets, shall pay the Call
or Calls then due, and the future Calls to be made in respect of such Share
or Shares; and if such
Proprietor shall not have left Assets
ficient, the said Company of Proprietors shall and they are hereby autho-
rized and required (unless such Executor or Administrator shall duly pay
such Call and Calls) to admit any other Person or Persons to.be a Pro-
prietor or Proprietors of the'Shareor Shares of such deceased Proprietor,
on Condition that such Person or Persons so to be admitted do and shall,
on or before such Admission, pay to the Executors or Administrators of
such deceased Proprietor, orthe Trustee or Trustees, Guardian or Guar-
dians of any Infants or pthers entitled to his or her Effects, the full.Sum
or Sums of Money which shall have been paid by such deceased Proprietor
in his or her Lifetime, in consequence of any Call or Calls or otherwise
upon or in respect of such Share or Shares, or so much Money as the same
can be sold for.
Treasurers LXXXIX. Provided always, and belt further enacted, That if any Sub-
allow scriber to the said Navigation shall be minded or desirous to pay or ad-
Interest to vance immediately into the Hands of the Treasurer or Treasurers of the
for Payments sam Company of Proprietors the full Amount of his or her Subscription
in Advance, for such Share or Shares for which he or she may have subscribed, or any
not being less than Fifty Pounds, without waiting for the
said Call-or Calls, then and in such Case it shall be lawful for the said
Treasurer or Treasurers to pay to the said Subscriber or Subscribers, out
of ;the Funds of the said Company, Interest for the same at the Rate of
Five Pounds per Centum per Annum upon the Amount which such Pay-
ment or Advance may be, over and "above the said Calls, and from the
Period of the Call immediately preceding such Payment or Advance, up
to the Period of such subsequent Call respectively, according to the Sum
then in Advance, and above the Amount of such Call.
The Clerk
to euter Cer-
tificates of
Marriages in
a Book to be
kept for that
And whereas much Inconvenience may arise by the frequent Trans-
fer of the Right and Title to the Shares of and in the said Undertaking
by the Marriage and Death of Proprietors, and it may be difficult in such
Cases to ascertain to whom the Dividends arising or becoming due upon
such Shares ought to be paid, and do belong ; be it therefore further en-
a&ed, That before any Person or Persons who. shall claim any Part or
Share of the Profits of the said Undertaking in Right of Marriage shall
be entitled to receive the same, an Affidavit containing the Copy of the
Register of such Marriage shall be made and sworn to by some credible
Person before One of the Judges at Westminster, or Master Extraordinary
57°GEORGII III. C^.lxiii. 1583
in Chancery, or One of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace,.
shall be
transmitted to the'Clerk of the said Company, who shall file the same,
and make an Entry thereof in the Book or Books which shall be kept by
said Clerk for the Entry of Transfers and Sales of Shares in the said
Undertaking; and that before any Person or Persons who shall claim
any Part or Share of the Profits of the said Undertaking by virtue of any
Bequest or Will, or in the Course of Administration, shall be entitled to
deceive the same, the said Will, or the Probate
or the Letters of
Administration, shall be produced and shown to the said Clerk, or a Copy
of so much of such Will as shall relate to the Share or Shares of the Tes-
tator shall be made and sworn to by the Executor or. Executors of such
Will before One of the- Judges of His Majesty's Courts of Record at
Westminster, or Master Extraordinary in Chancery, or One of His Majesty's
Justices of the Peace, and shall also be transmitted to the said Clerk, who
shall file and enter the same in the Manner herein-before mentioned ; and
that in all Cases other than as herein-before mentioned, where the Right
and Property in One or more Share or Shares in the said Undertaking
shall pass from the original Proprietor thereof to any Person or Persons by
any other legal Means than by a Transfer or Conveyance thereof as
herein directed, an Affidavit shall be made and sworn to by Two credible
Persons before One of the Judges of His Majesty's Courts of Record at
Westminster, or a Master Extraordinary in Chancery, or One of His Ma-
jesty's Justices of the Peace, stating the Manner in which such Share or
Shares hath or have passed to such other Person.or Persons, and such
Affidavit shall be transmitted to the Clerk of the said Company of
prietors hereby incorporated, who shall thereupon enter and register the
Name or Names of every such new Proprietor or Proprietors in the
Register Book, or List of Proprietors in the said Undertaking.
XCI. And be it enacted, That the Bodies Politic and Corporate, and The Persons
all and every Person and Persons, whose Name shall at any Time hereafter
whose Names
stand in the said Register Book or List of Proprietors of the said Company, ?PP^ar m tlle
either as a Proprietor or Proprietors of One or more Share or Shares in Bookfto be
the said Navigation, whether as original Subscribers, or as Successors, deemed tha
Executors, Administrators, or Assigns of original Subscribers, shall be Proprietors
deemed and taken to be Proprietors of the several Shares standing in the ?r the Shares
said Book in their respective Names, and shall be subject and liable to the ^am^ and
Payment of all and every Call and Calls made and to be made thereon, answerable
and to all Actions, Suits, Forfeitures, and Penalties to which Proprietors for
of Shares in the said Navigation are made subject and liable by this Act; ^ntl1 ^rans*.
and that all Notices by this Act required to be given previous to the For- enroUed.
feitures of Shares to the Proprietors thereof shall, if given to the Per-
sons appearing by the Register Book of the said Company to be such
Proprietor or Proprietors, or their Representatives, be in all respects
good, sufficient, and conclusive, and all Payments of Interest and Divi-
dends due and to grow due on any such Shares, shall be made to such
Persons as by the said Book of the said Company shall so appear to be
and that no Assignment, Transfer, or Bargain and
Sale of any Share or Shares, or other Instrument giving Title to any such
Share, or Shares, which shall not have been brought to the said Clerk to
be enrolled or registered as directed by this Act, shall be given or admitted
as Evidence, either to defeat any Action or Suit brought or to be brought
by the said Company of Proprietors to recover the said Calls, or to entitle
Shares may
be aold, and
Form of Con-
veyance of
Shares on a
57°G£OfiGlI HI. Cap.h&i.
any Person or Persons to recover, any Share or Shares forfeited to the
Company of Proprietors, to make the said Company of Proprietors liable
fx> the Payment of Interest or Dividends to any other Person or Persons
than, such as appear upon the said Book to be Proprietors
the said
Shares'; but that in all such "Cases, unless where it .'shall be expressly
proved that thg^said "Book is defective, by reason of some Neglect or Dei
fault of the said
the said Book shall be considered as sufficient and
conclusive Evidence of
Proprietorship of the said Shares*
XCII. And be it further
That it shall be lawful for the several
Proprietors of the said Navigation, or-any of them, to sell, dispose of, and
transfer any Share or Shares which he, she, or'they shall respectively be
entitled to therein, unto, any other Person or Persons;.in-the Manner and
subject to the Rules and Conditions herein-after
and that the
Conveyanceof'-aU such Shares respectively shall be effected by a Deed or
Deeds in Writing, to He prepared by the said Clerk, in .the Fo'fm or to
the-Effect following; (that is to say),
' T in consideration of paid to me by
* of do hereby bargain, sell, assign,.arid transfer to
* Executors. Administrators, and Assign's,
' Share or Shares in the
* being No. of the Shares in the said Navigation, to hold to, the
' .sajd Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, suh^
' ject to the same Rules, Orders, and Restrictions, and on the same Con-
' ditions. that I held the same immediately before the Execution
* and I the said do hereby agree to accept.of the said
« Share (pr Shares) subject 'to.'the same Rules^ Ordersj'
« Restrictions, and Conditions". Witness
Hands and'Seals, the
« Day of
of And, on
such Sale, the Deed of Conveyance'being executed by all
such Sales
Parties shall be kept'by the Clerk to the said Company of Proprietors,
who shall enter in the B,opk or Books .to be kept for that Purpose a Memo-'
rial of such Sale and Conveyance for the Use of the said Company of
Proprietors, and certify the Entry of such Memorial by an Endorsement on
a Copy of such Conveyance, which shall be delivered to the said Purchaser,
for" the Preparation of which Deed! and the Copy
and for which
Entry and Certificate ho more than Five Shillings' per Share shall,be paid^
exclusive*oftlje Sjamp~puty
and until such Memorial shall,fhave b:
ente^eclas before directed, the Purchaser or Purcriase^s sMLnc-t have
Part or. Share of the Promts of the said Navigatibn,-or any Dividend paid;
hjm, her, or thenyfbr or in respect of such Share or.Shares so to'he
pu.rchased|'nor be:,entitled to any Vote, in respect
or Proprietors of the said Navigation'} and.every such Copy, after such
RJemoriai shall be so endorsed,thereon, shall "be .admitted and received"as
Evidence in all
in'which, such original Deed, br Conveyance could
or tnight be received
XCIII. Provided
jpi£ be it further'enacted, That after any such;
Call for Mpney shall
the Cornrnit't'ee of Management as afore-'
said, no Person ox Persons' shall ;sell or; tfaAsfer any Shar6 of Shades
which he, she, oj-.they shall'.then pbssiesVintheiM Navigatfcfn;
Mojiey so to be called for in respect of his, her, or their-Share or Shares
7 intended
ances to be
No Share to
be sold after
a Call, till
the Call be
57°GEORGII III. C^.lxiu. 1585
intended to.be sold shall be paid: and every Person making Default herein
shall fdrfeithis or her Share or Shares in the said Navigation to and for
the Benefit of the rest of the said Proprietors, unless he or she shall, at the
Time of such Sale or Transfer, and immediately after the Execution of
pay to the Treasurer or Treasurers of the said Company of Pro-
prietors the full Sum of Money called for upon every Share so to be sold
or.transferred; such Forfeiture, nevertheless, to be first notified and de-
clared in the Manner herein-before directed with respect to the Forfeiture
of Shares for not answering the Call to be made thereon as aforesaid.
XCIV. And be it further enacted, That in consideration of the Charges The
ana. Expences which the said Company of Proprietors will be at in making pany empow-
ahd maintaining the said Canals and other Works hereby authorized to ^edt0"\akc
be made, erected,, and maintained as aforesaid, and also in excavating the
Mud at theWadeways or Causeways of Langstone and Thorney, and in
maintaining Channels of Communication through the same, as well as in
fixing Beacons through the whole Line of the Channels of
Harbours, which are intended to be used as the Tract through
which the Barges or Vessels are to pass, and in providing and maintaining
One or more Steam Boat or Steam Boats for .towing the said Barges and
Vessels through the said Harbours, and. Channels, it shall and may be
lawful to and for the said Company of Proprietors.from Time to Time, and
at all Times for eyef hereafter, tp ask,,demand, take,, and receive to and
for their own Use and/Benefit, for the Tonnage .'of all. Goods, Wares,
Merchandize, and: Commodities whatsoever, which
shall be carried of
conveyed upon'the said Canals or Navigation, or any Parf thereof respec-
tively, or through the Harbours of
and Langstone, or Channels
Emswortb, qr
or any or either of them, of and from
the Owner or Owners of such Goods,.Wares, Merchandize, and Com-
modities, or of or from the,Owner or Owners, or Person or Persons
having the Care, Custody, or Charge of or navigating the.said Boats,
Barges, or Vessels conveying the same, at the Option of the said Com-
pany, of Proprietors, the respective Rates, Tolls, and. Duties herein-after
mentioned j (that is to say),
For all Dung and Ashes, and for; all'Chalk, Marl, Lime, and Lime-
stone intended'to be used for'Manure, and for all other Articles intended
.'Manure,-theSum ofTwo-pence per Ton for every Mile
6F the'said Canals' orCuts, .Harbours or Channels, and so in proportion
foraiiy greater or less Quantity than a Ton, or a greater or less Distance
than a Mile'tin any Part of the said intended Canals or Cuts, Harbours or
For all Chalkj Marl,-Lime, and Limestone (except such, as shall be
intended to be used for Manure), and for all Goods, Wares, Merchandize,
and'Commodities: whatsoever, in respect'of which no Toll, Rate, or Duty
herein-before made payable, the Sum of Four-pence
Ton for every
Mile of the. said Canals or.Cuts, Harbours or Channels, and so in pro-
portion for any greater or less Quantity than a Tori, or a greater -or. less
Distance than, a Mile, on any Part of the said Canals or Cuts, Harbours
or Channels
And for every empty or light Boat, Barge, or Vessel, of any Sort or
Description whatsoever, passing through any Lock upon the said Canals or
or any Part
the Sum of One Shilling for every such Lock:.
[Local] x%F For
1586 57°GIORGII til.
For .every Passenger or other Person who shall be carried upon the said
Canals or Cuts, Harbours or Channels* or either qf themi bj: any Bo^t,
Barge, or Vessel, not being -a Perspn then employed in navigating the
same, for every Mile which any Passenger shall be carried upon the .say
Canals or Cuts, Harbours,or Channels, or any Part
tfie Sum $f
Two-pence, and so in proportion for any greater or less Distance than,a
For every separate Package, Parcel, or other Article not: exceeding
Two hundred Weight each, and belonging and consigned, to different or
distinct Persons, the Sum of One Penny for every Mile of the said Canals
Harbours or Channels, and so in ^proportion for any less distance
than a Mile which any such Package, Parcel, or other Article, may be
carried upon any Part of the said Canals or Cuis, Harbours or Channels:
Provided always, that nothing in this Act contained shall be construed to
authorize the said Company of Proprietors at any Time to ask, demand,
or receive any Rates, Tolls, or Duties whatsoever for the Tonnage
of any Goods, Wares, Merchandize, or Commodities which shall be car-
ried or conveyed uppn or within the Harbours of
and Channels of Thorney, Emsworth, and
or either of therd,
unless the same shall be carried of conveyed from or to any or either of
the said Canals or Cuts, or through the Excavations hereby authorized to
be made through the said Wadeways or Causeways of Langsiotie and
Thorney, or either of them, or unless the Boat or Vessel in which the same
shall be carried and conveyed shall be towed through the said Harbours pr
Channels, or either of them, by any Steam Boat belonging to the said
Passage-boats XCV. Provided always, and.be it further enacted,That no Boat or
to be
other Vessel used for carrying; Passengers, or any other Person or Person*
not employed in navigating such Boat ;6r other Vessel, shall be used or
havigated upon the said Canals, or either of therrti by any Person or
Persons, without the Licence of the said Company of Proprietors, or the
Committee (if Management of the said Company for the Time being.
Tolls to be X.CVI.; Provided nevertheless, and be it enacted, That in all Cases where
mid fbrafuU any B0ati Barge,
other Vessel shall be navigated pr pass by any Pp§t or
Sae?and°for Mark or Place,' where sqch
pr Mark hacfotopd or been feed op the
a full Quarter Sides i the said Canals, describing ,and regulating the ..Length of One
of a Ton. Quarter of a Mile i(and which PpsjSrpr.Mar&s the jsaid Company pjf, pro-
prietors!/arfe hereby rejpked jtojcajise. tO;be affixed,or-;set up in Manner
herein.after mentioned), the said Rates, Tolls, and Duties shall be.,paid
for: a:>full>iCjuar/ter. ©f& M\l^ although suph Boat, Barge, or other Ve?sel»
^alLnot hive atitualjy parsed'a full Quarterpf a Milef and that,in a}l
(Gates -where theWeight
.Lading contained in iany Bpat, .Btarjxef ,pr
other Vessel, shall npt make up an seven. Quarter of aTp.n> yet $e,5ajd
Rates^Tollsj or Duties, which w,ould be payable £pr a full, QuarterMpf,,ja
Tohj *shall be paid .to Ihei-sajd CJpnjp^iy.f Proprietors for any less
Rates,Tolls, XGVIL Akd^heit/fuwhej e^cte&Tt&tthe, Rates, Tp.l]s, .and.p.uties
hot tob?'
taken by, Jbe m& Company,of
recovered. Etdpwdtcfcai tshall tbe^Ipaldtifta .ssich Pei^ph;priPfirso.as4 at wh Pjaceypr
§7°GE0RGII III. Cap.hm. 1587
Places upon or near to the said Canals, and in such Manner. and under
such Regulations, as the Committee of Management shall in that Behalf
diirect or app^oirvt; and in case of Neglect or Refusal to pay any such R^ates,
or Efiities, or any Part
unto the Person or persons who
shall be appointed to receive the same as aforesaid, it shall be lawful For
the said Company of Proprietors to sue for the
Action of Debt p,r
upon the Case, in any of His Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster;
and in every such Action it shall be sufficient for the Plaintiff to declare,
that under and by virtue of a certain Act of Parliament, passed in the Fifty-
seventh Year of His Majesty King
the Third, intituled [here set
forth the Title of
Ac(\, the said Company, or their Assignees or Mort-
gagees, were lawfully possessed of or entitled to such Tolls, or Duties as
in and by the said Action are sought to be recovered, and to allege when,
where, how, and wherefore such Tolls, Rates, or Duties accrued' ar^l
became payable to the said
or it shall-be lawful for the Person
or Persons to whom such Rates, Tolls, or Duties ought "td have been
paid, and he and they is and are hereby authorized and empowered to
seize and distrain the Goods, Wares, Merchandize, or Commodities, for
pr in respect of which such Rates, Tolls, or Duties ought to have been
paid as aforesaid, or any Part
and the Bpat, Barge, or otheir
Vessel laden therewith, or any other; Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, Goods
or Commodities, belonging to the Owner of such Boat, Barge,
Vessel, and lying or.being upon the said Canals hereby authorized tq be
made? or upon any Wharf or in any Warehpuse adjoining thereto, and
jto detain the same respectively until full Payment shall be made of' such
Tolls, or Duties, and of all Arrears of the same, whj?n, m.^y be
then due from the Owner of such Boat, Barge, of Vessel, to the .'s'ajp
Company of Proprietors, together witljthe reasonableCos'js art'd. Changes
of such Seizure and Distress j and in case such Distress shall not be re-
deemed within Six Days after the taking thereof the same sjiall and may
be appraised and sold as the Law directs in Cases of Distress for Rent.
XCVtII. And be it further enacted,-That it shall be lawful for the Com- -n,e Com.
mittee of Management from Time to Time, at any General Meeting of panymay
the said Committee, to beheld pursuant to the Directions of this Act, to from Time
tower or reduce such of fthe Rates, 'Tolls, and Duties
be paid as afore- ToU^'3^
said,! as tjbe'said Committee shall think proper; and afterwards Froth
Time,. at'any such General Meeting, again to advance and raise
id^'pr ariy.of the said Rates, Tolls, and'Duties which shall have been so
lowered or .reduced: Provided always',' that the Rates, Tolls, and Duties
so to be advanced and raised as aforesaid, shall not in any Case exceed the
respective.Sums and Measures 'her ein-before authorized.'
XCIX. And be it further .enacted,-That it shall and may'be'lawf^l!f^rti Committee of
and after the Te'rrri of Three Years from i;he passing ,of ,this: Act, for the Management
gaid Committee of Management, (or any Five or nibre of them, 'b?y any
Iqsjtrument in Writing under their Hands and Seals, tq let 'or,demise thjb Toi™18
said-Rates, Tolls, and Duties arising from or to |^e pkyable urjd€jr or "b,y
yir,tug of this Act, for any Term not exceeding Three Yearjrat anyone
Time, tb any Person or Persons, for thVhighest Rent''that cah.rbe had^r
gdt fqr the same, either by public Bidding or o'therwise,:
"that Two
Calendar Months previous Notice be given in some of1 tfie' public,NiewS-
papers circulated in the Counties of Sussex and Hants, ofthe Intention
Amount of
the clear Pro-
fits of the
tended Navi-
gation how
to be ascer-
to be free on
paying the
57°GEORGII III. Cap.\xm.
of the said Committee of Management to lease or demise
and Duties, and so as that the Person or Persons renting the same
shall give satisfactory Security to the said Committee of Management, by
Articles in Writing, for the well and true Performance of his, her, or
their Bargain, Contract, or Agreement with them; and the Person or
Persons so renting the said Duties shall have full Power and Authority to
ask, demand, collect, and receive the same, and shall in every respect be
deemed and taken to be a Collector or Collectors appointed by the said
Committee of Management.
C. And be it further enacted, That in order to ascertain the Amount
of the clear Profits of the said Navigation and Undertaking, the Com-
mittee of Management shall cause to be entered and kept, in.a Book or
Books to be provided for that Purpose, a true and particular Account of
the Costs, Charges, and Expences attending the obtaining and passingf
this Act, and of all Money already laid out, and which shall hereafter
from Time to Time be laid out and expended in or in anywise relating
to the making, completing, and maintaining of the said Canals and
other Works, hereby authorized to be made and carried on, and of all
Charges, and Expences which shall from Time to Time be in-
curred on account or by means of the said Navigation and the several
Works thereto belonging respectively, until the same shall be fully made
and completed; and that the said Committee shall from and after the
said Navigation and other Works shall be fully completed, cause a true,
exact, and particular Account to be kept, and annually made up and
balanced to the Thirtieth Day of April,yearly, of. the Rates, Tolls, and
Duties, and other Monies to be collected and received by virtue of this
Act, and the Costs, Charges, and Expences incidental to and attending
the supporting, repairing, maintaining, and using the said Navigation
and other Works; and
said first mentioned Account, as well as every
such annual Account as aforesaid, shall at all reasonable Times be open to
the Inspection and Perusal of every Person being a Proprietor in the said
it further- enacted, That all and every Person or Persons
shall have, free Liberty, to use with Horses,, Cattle and Carriages the
privjate.Ways and .Roads belonging to the said, Company of Proprietors
(except the (Towing-paths), Jfp|(the conveying any Goods, Wares, ,M«r«
cha^di^e, or other Things,
and from, the sud, intended. Canals, and. the
Vtfharfs, Quays andifXandingTplaces belongiqg. thereto; and also' with
Barges, and
navigate, ,pass|Upon, and.use the said
Canal for the Purpose of conveying any Goods, Wares, Merchandize or
Commodities whatsoever'thereon^ respectively ; and also to use the said
Wharfs, Quays, and Landing-places for the loading and unloading-of any
Goods or other Things, and
Towing-paths for the hauling and
drawing of. such Boats, Barges, and .other Vessels, upon Payment of such
Tolls, and Duties for .the same respectively, as shall be demanded by
the said Company of. proprietors, npt exceeding the several Rates, Tolls,
and Duties herein-before mentioned, and subject, always to the Rules,
Orders, Bye-laws, and Regulations which.shall from Time to Time be made.
by the Committee of Management by virtue of the Power herein-before
given in that
57°GEORGII III. Cap.hw. 1589
And for the better ascertaining and more easy collecting the said
Masters of
Tolls or Duties, be it further enacted, That the Master, Owner, or. other
Person, having the Gare of any Boat, Barge, or other Vessel navigating count ;n
upon the said Canals or Navigation, or any Part
shall from Writing of
Time to Time-give in a true and just Account in Writing, signed by
him, to the Collector or Collectors of the said Tolls, Rate's or Duties, at Sectors ^
the Place or Places where they shall attend for that Purpose, of the seve- the Tolls.
ral Quantities, Qualities, and Weight of the Goods, Wares^ Merchandize,
and Commodities contained in every Boat, Barge, or other Vessel* and of
the Place from whence brought, and where intended to be landed or
carried ; and also of the Quantities, Qualities, and Weight of such Goods,
Wares, Merchandize, or Commodities as shall have been discharged or
taken out of such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, within the Limits of the
said Navigation, before their Arrival at the Place where such Account is
to be given ; and if the Goods, Wares, Merchandize, or Commodities on
board any such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel shall be liable to the Payment
of different Rates, then such Master, Owner or other Person shall specify the
Quantities liable to the Payment of each Rate; and in case any such
Master, Owner, or other Person shall neglect or refuse to give such Ac-
count, or refuse to produce his Invoice or Bill of Lading to such Col-
lector or Collectors, if demanded, or shall give a false Account
or shall deliver any Part of his Lading or Goods at any other Place or
Places than what shall be mentioned in. such.Account, every Person so
Offending shall forfeit and pay to the said Company of Proprietors. the
Sumof Five Pounds for every such Offence, over and above all the Tolls,
or Duties which shall be payable for such Goods, Wares, Merchan-
or Commodities.
CIII. And be it further enacted, That if any Difference shall arise be. In
of any
tween any Collector of the said Tolls, Rates, or Duties, and the Master Difference*^
or Person having Charge of any Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, or the about the
Owner of any Goods, Wares, Merchandize, or other Commodities on Weight
concerning -the Weight or Quantity of any such Goods, poods, Col-
Wares, Merchandize, or Commodities, it shall be lawful for any such wlieli
Collector to stop and detain any such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, and to
weigh,: measure, gauge, or cause to be weighed, measured, and gauged,
all such Goods, Wares, Merchandize, and Commodities as shall be therein
contained ; and in case the same shall, upon such-Weighing, Measuring,
and Gauging, appear to be of greater Weight or Quantity than such Mas-
ter, Owner, or other Person having the Care of such Boat, Barge, or other
Vessel, affirmed or stated the same to be, then the said Master, Owner, or
other Person having the Care of such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, shall
pay the Costs and Charges of such Weighing, Measuring, and Gauging j
and such Costs and Charges, in case of Refusal'of Payment thereof upon
Demand, shall and may be levied and recovered in the same Manner" as
the said Tolls, Rates, or Duties are hereby appointed to be levied: and re-
covered ; but if such Goods, Wares, Merchandize, and Commodities
shall appear to be of the same Weight and Quantity, or of less Weight
and Quantity than the said Master, Owner, or other Person declared the
same to be, then the said Company of Proprietors shall pay the Costs and.
Charges of such Weighing, Measuring, or Gauging, and shall also pay to such
Master or other Person, or to the Owner or Owners of such Goods, Wares,
Merchandize, and Commodities, such Damages as shall appear to Two or
[Local,'] lSG more
57eGEORGII III. Cap.tem.
.more of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace acting in and for the Gquntie
and Hants,
either' of them, on Oath of One or more credible
•Witness16r Witnesses, to have arisen from such Detention ; but in
shall at any Time
to appear to the said Justices respectively, upon
the'Complaint of the said Company of
or any of their Officers;
and upon- the
Oath of One or more credible Witness or Witnesses,
thai such Stoppage and Detention, and
and Gauging,
waS without reasonable Ground of
or vexatious on the Part of such
Collector, then' the said Collector himself shall himself pay the Costs and
Charges of
Weighing, Measuring, or Gauging, and shall also pay to
such Mister or other Person, or to the Owner or
of such Goods,
Wares, Merchandize, and Commodities, such Damages as shall appear
to the aforesaid Justices, on the Oath of One or mOre credible Witness
of Witnessess; to have arisen from such Detention; and in default of
mediate Payment thereof by the said Company of Proprietors,-or by such
Collector, a§ the Case may be, the same shall be recovered from the said
Company of Proprietors, or the said Collector, as the Case may be, by
Distress and Sale of their or his Goods and Chattels, by Warrant under
the Hands and Seals of the said Commissioners or Justices respectively* or
otherwise by Action of Debt or on the Case in any of His Majesty's
Courts of Record at
of dY> ^nd be it
enacted, That at any Time or Times after the
others* said Company of Proprietors shall have selected, taken, Or marked out such
erect Wharfs Pieces of Land for public Wharfs, Quays, and Landing-places along the
on their Lines bf
said Canals, which they the said Company, at the Time of first
Lands: marking and setting out the Ground for the Lines of. the said
deem it expedient to take or mark out for those Purposes, it shall be law-
ful for the Lord or Lords* Owner or Owners of any Manor, Lands, or
Grounds through which the said intended Canals shall be
to make*
erect, and set' up, either for his, her, or their own private Use, or for the
Use of the Public, any Wharfs,
Landing-places, Cranesb Weigh-
beams, or Warehouses in or
her, or their respective Waste Lands
or Grounds adjoining or near to the said Canals, except on .the Lines of
the said Canal's or Cuts between
bour, and betwfcen
Harbour and the said
called The
in the said Island of
and to make arid lay out proper
Ways and
Roads to
across any
belonging to the said Com-
pany of Proprietors, and to land any Goods or other Things Upon such
Wharfs;, Quays, or Landing-places, or upon the Banks lying between th«
same and ?he said Canals j and also to make and
proper and convenient
Places for Boats, Barges, and other Vessels, to lie and turn-in;, and
pass each other,;
chat the. making or using thereof respectively do not
obstruct or prejudice the Navigation of the
CanalsJ;or the Passage on
the Towing-paths
the Sides thereof j and that all Ratesor Tolls which
demanded alndpaid for the Use of
of the said Wharfs', Quays'^
JLanding^places,. Cranes* Weigh-beamsi and Warehouses respectively, as
shall be erected by such Lord.or Lords* Owner or Ownersyfor the Use,
of1the Pubic, shalll
hereby "accordingly vested'in the:
Owner or Owners* of such
or Grounds*
Who'Shalt make1 and.erect such-Wharfs,. Quays, Landing-places,: Cranes/^
WeigMaeama, arid Warehouses as 'aforesaid,! andVhis, her* ©r.
tiire'Heirs'and'AssifenB* 6 CV. And
erect the
57°GEORGII ILL CapAxm. 1591
CV. And be it further enacted, That if any such Lord or
Owner But if they
or OWtters, shall not, within the Space of Three Calendar Months next
after Notice of Warning in Writing, shall be given to
her, or them* thTcompany,
Of left at his, her, bf their Usual Place or Places of
Hand thentheCom-
Said Clerk* on Behalf of the said Company Bf Proprietors* stating pany
that any Part or Pafts of his, her, or their Waste Lands or Grounds is or
aire necessary of proper-
erectirjgand making any public Wharfs, Quaysj
Landing-places, Cranes, Weigh-beams, or Warehouses* or for making
aiid laying out of any Rdad or Roads for the Conveyance of Goods to
and from the said Canals, give Notice in Writing to the said Clerk of
her* or their Intention to erect and make* and shall not forthwith
proceed to erect and make, and within Six Calejidar Months from the
Date of such last'mentioned Notice make, erect, and
out, and after-
wards from Time to Time maintain and keep in good and substantial Repair,
such proper and sufficient Wharfs, Quays, Landing-places* Cranes, Weigh-
bearris, Warehouses, and Roads for the Use of the Public as the Corn-
niissiohefs appointed by this Act shall judge necessary, on the respective
Part or Parts of the Waste Lands or Grounds to be described in such
then arid in such Case the said Company of Proprietors shall havfc
full Power and
Hinderance br Restraint whatsoever,
to take arid ifiake use of such Part or Parts of such Waste Lands or
Grounds, for erecting and building proper and-sufficient Wharfs, Quays,
Landing-places* Cranes, Weigh-bearns, and Warehouses,- arid for making
and laying out
arid convenient Roads to and from the said Canals,
agreeably to such Notice so given by the said Clerk as aforesaid; they
the said Corripariy bf Proprietors first making Satisfaction for the same
in such Manner its is heleiri-befofe directed with respect to any Lands or
Grounds which shall be taken of used by the Company for the Purposes
this Act.
CVI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing herein Regulations
cdritained shall authorize or empower the said Company of Proprietors', respecting
of any Person or Persons* to make' use of a"hy Wharfs,, Quays, Landing* Wharfs.
Gfanes* Weigh-beamS, of Warehouses which shall
dnd set up by the Lord of Lords* Owner or Owners of any Manor,
Lands, of GfOurids adjoining or near to the said Canals, for his, her,' or
theif own private Use only, of to erect or set up any Graries or Weigh-
ing Machines in or upon any such private Wharfs,Quays", or Landing-
places, without the Consent in Writing of such Lord or Lords* Owner or
Owners: Provided also, that no Sum exceeding Three-pence per Ton
shall be demanded and taken1 by the said Company of Proprietors, or by
atty such Lord or Lords, Owner or Owners, who shall make, erectj or
build any'such Wharfs, Quays, or Landing-places, and make or lay out
for the' Use of the Public as aforesaid, for the Wharfage
of any Goals, Culm* Limestone, Clay, Iron, Ironstone, Lead Ore, or
any" other Or6s,-Timbefy Stone, Bricks* Tiles*; Slates, Gravel* Hay,
Straw, Corn in the Straw, or Manure whatsoever, which shall be placlcl
upon any of the Wharfs or Quays upon or adjoining to any Part of the
$fcf CaftafsY atfd continue thereupon fof any Time not exceeding Twehty-
arid that naVSum" exceeding Two-pence
'Ton;,for the
Wftaf^ge -of aliy; Other Goodsj* Wares* Merchandize* or Commodities
whatsoever, Which shall be' placed upon any such Wharfs: or Quays, or
eoatiriue €hefeon< for any Tirrie riot exceeding Ten Days-j but if any of
L592 57°G£ORGII HI. CapAxm.
the Articles before specified, or any other Goods, Wares, Merchandize,
or Commodities shall be left and remain upon such Wharfs or Quays for
any Time over and above the Time limited for the same .respectively, then
the Owner or Owners thereof shall pay to the said Company, or other the
Proprietors of such Wharfs, Quays, or Landing-places respectively, any
further Sum not exceeding One Penny per Ton for every Day which the
same shall remain upon such Wharfs or Quays after the Expiration of the
Times before limited for the same respectively : Provided always, and it
is hereby declared, that the taking or receiving of any such Wharfage,
Toll, or Duty, by any Owner or Owners, Lessee or Lessees, Occupierqr
Occupiers, or other Person or Persons having the Care and Management
of any such
Quay, or Landing-place, shall be deemed a sufficient
Appropriation of such
Quay, or Landing-place, to and for the
Use of the Public, within the true Intent and Meaning of this Act; and
the same shall from thenceforth be deemed and taken to be, and shall
continue to be a Public
Quay or Landing-place accordingly :
Provided also, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the several and
respective Proprietors, Builders, or Lessees of any Warehouses, Cranes,
Stables, Sheds, Docks, and other Conveniences, from receiving and
having, for the Use of the same respectively, such Rent, Hire, or Recom-
mence for the Use
as they may reasonably deserve to have.
of CVII. And be it further ena&ed, That the Lands, Dwelling-houses,
Wharfs, Warehouses, Lockhouses, and other Houses of and belonging
fnssofCom- to :t^ said Company of Proprietors, shall be rateable and chargeable to
pany. the Maintenance of the Poor, and to all Parochial Rates and Taxes in the
several Parishes and Places where they are respectively situated, the Lands
according to the Quantity and Quality, and the Dwelling-houses, Wharfs*
Warehouses, Lockhouses, and other Houses, according to the Nature .and.
respective Uses, Dimensions, and Descriptions
and shall be
charged and assessed in like Manner as Lands of a like Quality,, and
Dwelling-houses, Wharfs, Warehouses, Lockhouses, and other Houses
of a like and similar Size, Nature, Dimension, or Description, in the re-
spective Parishes where the same shall be situate, are or shall be assessed
and charged; and that|the Rates, Duties, and other Personal Property of
the said Company, liable to be rated to the Poor or other-Parochial Taxes,
such'Parishes or Places, shall
rated and assessed in like Manner
and in- the same Proportion as other Personal Property, rateable in the
said Parishes and Places respectively, shall be rated and assessed, and ac-
cording to the Length of the Line of the said Navigation in such respec-
tive Parishes and Places, and not otherwise, or in any other Manner:
Provided, that before such Personal Property shall be rated, Fourteen
Days Notice shall be given in Writing to or left at the Dwelling-house pr
usual Place of Abode of the Treasurer or Treasurers, or Clerk, or any
other. Officer of the said Company, residing in the Parish or Place where
such Rate shall be intended to be made, by the respective Overseers of the
Poor, of their Intention so to do.
Structure of CVHI. And be it further enacted, That no Person or Persons shall use
Vessels. or navigate on the said Canals any. Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, but
such as shall be built and constructed agreeably to the Plan or Model to
be determined on and settled by the said Committee of Management, and
so that the,same be built and constructed as in no respect to injure or
57°GEORGII III. CapAxin. 1593
damage, or tend to injure or damage, the Lining, Puddling, or other
Works of the said Canals.
ClX. And whereas the Navigation of the said Channels and Harbours To prevent
would be much facilitated by the Use of Boats or Vessels impelled by
Use of
Steam Engines, as well for the Conveyance of Passengers and Goods as E^ein^Tn1'6
for the Purpose of tracking and haling other Boats along and through the Boats impel-
same, but it is at the same Time expedient to prevent the Use of high- led by Steam
pressure Engines in such Boats or Vessels ; be it enacted, That it shall not in the Chan-
be lawful for any Person or Persons to use or employ upon the said Chan- j^j^JJ
nels or Harbours, in any Boat or Vessel, any Steam Engine in which the
Steam is blown out into the Atmosphere, instead of being condensed by
cold Water, or in which the Steam used to work the Engine is of a
Strength equal to Double the Pressure of the Atmosphere.
CX. And for the better regulating of the Masters or Owners of Boats, The Names
and the Bargemen and others employed by or under them respectively, of the °wn*
and for the more easy detecting of any thing to be done by them contrary |[s ° Boats,
to the Directions of this Act, be it further enacted, That every Owner, painted on
Master, or Person, having the Charge or Command of any Boat, Barge, the Outside.
or other Vessel (not being a Pleasure Boat), navigating and passing upon
the said Canals, shall cause his or her Name and Place of Abode, and the
Name or Number of his or her Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, to be enter-
ed with the Clerk to the said Company of Proprietors; and shall also cause
the Name of such Owner or Owners, and the Name or Number of such
Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, to be painted on a Black Ground, in large
White Capital Letters and Figures, Four Inches high at least, and of a
proportionable Breadth, on the Outside of the Stern of every such Boat,
Barge, or other Vessel, so high that no Part of such Letters or Figures
shall be under Water when such Boat. Barge, or other Vessel shall be
fully laden ; and that every Owner, Master, or Person, having the Charge Boats, &c to
or Command of any such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, shall from Time
to Time, when thereto required, permit and suffer the same to be gauged
and measured by such Person or Persons as shall be appointed for that Company.
Purpose by the said Company of Proprietors, or their Committee of Ma-
nagement ; and shall also, at his, her, and their own Costs and Charges, Graduated
fix or cause to be fixed, on each Side of every such Boat, Barge, or other Figures to be
Vessel, Two Indexes of Copper, Lead, or other Metal of such graduated
Figures, denoting the Weight or Tonnage, at such Distances, and under denoting
such Regulations as the said Company of Proprietors, or their Committee their Weight.
of Management, shall from Time to Time direct and appoint, so that the
true Weight of the Lading of every such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel,
may at all Times clearly appear; and that every Owner, Master, or other
Person having the Charge or Command of any Boat, Barge, or other
Vessel, who shall navigate such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel upon the
said Canals, or either of them, without having such Names, Marks, and
Figures thereon as herein-before directed, or who shall refuse or neglect
to put and renew the same as often as may be thought necessary by the
said Committee of Management, or shall,alter, erase, deface, or destroy
the same ,or any Part
or shall put any false Names, Marks, or
Figures on such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, or who shall refuse to
permit such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel to be gauged and measured
as aforesaid, or who shall give a false Account of the Lading on board
{.Local") 18 H any
Boats an-
swerable for
Damage done
by their
Horses, or
Owners of
Boats may
recover from
their Ser-
vants what
shall be paid
for Damages
57°GEORGII III. CapAxiu.
any such Boat, Barge, or other 'Vessel,'to the said Collectors, or who shall
cause or permit such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel to be at any Time
loaded or unloaded without a Stage being laid from the Side of such Boat,
Barge, or other Vessel to the Bank of the Canal, in order to prevent any
Dirt or Rubbish falling into the same, shall for every such Offence
respectively forfeit and pay any Sum not exceeding Five Pounds.
CXI. And be it further enacted, That the Master or Owner of every
Boat, Barge, or other Vessel navigating or passing upon the said Canals,
shall be and is hereby made answerable for all such Damage, Spoil or
as shall be done by his Boat, Barge, or Vessel, or the Horses
used in drawing the same, or by any of the Boatmen, Watermen, or
others belonging to or employed in or about the same respectively, unto
any of the Bridges, Weirs, Locks, Dams, Engines, Trenches, Sluices,-
or other Works in, upon, or belonging to the said Canals, either by load-
ing or unloading or navigating any such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel,
or by any other Means whatsoever; and also for any Trespasses or Da*
mage that shall or maybe committed or done to the Owners or Occu-
piers of any Buildings, Lands, or Tenements adjoining or lying near the
said Canals, by leaving open Gates or otherwise, and for any Trespass
whatsoever, contrary to the said several Directions and Restrictions in this
Act contained, or any of them, such Trespass or Damage to be ascertains
ed and recovered in like Manner as any Penalty can or'may by virtue of
this Act be ascertained and recovered; and if the Owner or Owners of
any Boat, Barge, or any other Vessel navigating or passing on the said
Canals, shall be compelled to make a Satisfaction for any Damages, by
reason of any wilful Act, Neglect, or Default of his or their Servant or Ser-
Boatmen or Watermen, then and in such Case every such Servant,
Boatman, and Waterman, shall be liable to repay such Satisfaction for
Damages, with the Costs attending the same, to such Owner or Owners;
and in case of Non-payment thereof upon Demand, the same shall be re-
covered in any Manner as any Penalty can or may by virtue of this Act
be recovered.
Places to be
made for
Boats to
turn and
pass each
assing the
CXII. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said
Company of Proprietors, and they are hereby required, in such Parts of
the said Canals as shall not be of sufficient Breadth for admitting a Boat,
Barge, or other Vessel to turn about, or Two Boats, Barges, or other
Vessels to pass each other, to open and cut proper Spaces and Places in
the Lands adjoining to the said Canals, at convenient Distances from each
other, for the turning and passing of such Boats, Barges, or other Vessels;
and that all Boats, Barges, or other Vessels, passing upon the said Canals,
shall, upon meeting any other Boat, Barge, or Vessel, stop at or go
back to and be in the said Spaces or Places to be made for that Purpose,
in such Manner as the Committee of Management shall from Time to
Time direct and appoint.
CXIII. And be it further enacted, That no Boatman or other Person
navigating or having the Care of any Boat, Barge, or other Vessel which
shall pass through.any Lock to be made upon the said Canals, shall suffer
the Water to remain in such Lock longer than is necessary for his Boat,
Barge, "or other Vessel
pass through the same ; and that every such Boat-
man or other Person as aforesaid, on going down the said Canals from
7 the
57°GEORGII III. CapAxlil 1695
the higher to the lower Levels
shall, previously,to his bringing his
Boat, Barge, or other Vessel into any Lock, shut the lower Gates of such
Lock, and the Sluices thereto belonging, before he shall draw the Sluices
of the upper Gates
and after he shall have brought his Boat,
Barge, or other Vessel into the said Lock, he shall then shut the upper
and the Sluices thereto belonging, before he shall draw the
Sluices of the lower Gates
and in going up the said Canals to-
wards a higher Level
such Boatman or other Person shall, as
soon as he shall have passed with-his Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, out of
the said Lock, shut up the upper Gates
and the Sluices thereto
belonging, and afterwards draw the Sluices of the lower Gates
unless there shall be then>a Boat, Barge, or other Vessel in Sight of the
said Lock, coming down the said Canals, in which Case the lower Gates
of the said Lock, and the Sluices
shall be left shut, and the upper
Gates shall be left open; and at all Times the Vessels going up the said
Canals, if within Sight of any Vessel coming down, and at a Distance not
exceeding Three hundred Yards below any Lock, shall pass through such
Lock before the Vessel coming down, and then the Vessel above such
Lock shall come down; and if there shall be more Vessels than One below
and above any Lock at the same Time within the Distance aforesaid (at
which Distance a Post or Mark shall be set up or made for ascertaining the
such Vessels shall go up and come down through such Locks by
Turns as aforesaid, until all the Vessels going up and coming down shall
have passed the same, in order that One Lock full of Water may serve
Two Vessels; and that every Person who shall offend in any of these Par-
ticulars shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay a Sum not exceeding
Forty Shillings.
CX1V. And be it further enacted, That if any Lock-keeper, Wharfinger, To prevent
or other Servant belonging to the said Company of Proprietors, shall giveP eepers
an undue Preference, or show any Partiality to any Boat, Barge, or other preference
Vessel, in passing through any Lock or Locks upon the said Canals, or to Boats.
in loading or unloading any Goods, Wares, Merchandize, or Commo-
dities at any of the Wharfs, Warehouses, Weigh-beams, Cranes, and
other Machines belonging-to the, said Company of Proprietors, he shall
forfeit and pay for every such Offence any Sum not exceeding Twenty
CXV. Provided also, and be it further ena&ed, That it shall be lawful Two Boats
for Two or more Boats, Barges, or other Vessels, constructed so as to be may
admitted at the same Time into and to pass through any of the Locks
to be made by virtue of this Act, to pass any of the said Locks upon a tain.Cases.
Tonnage being paid for the Quantity of Coals or other Goods, Wares,
or Merchandize on board such Boats, Barges, or other Vessels, so as such
Payment be not less than Twenty Tons.
CXVI. And be it further enacted, That if any Boat, Barge, or other Boats, &e.
Vessel shall be placed in any Part of the said Canals/or of the Trenches, {jKjJfif
Sluices, or Passages belonging thereto, so as to obstruct the Navigation J^n uTbf *"
or Passage thereon, and the Person having the Care of such Boat, Barge, removed
or Vessel, shall not immediately remove the same, or alter the Position
upon Request made for that Purpose, he shall for every such
Offence forfeit and pay a Sum not exceeding Twenty Shillings, an$l
1596 57°GEORGII III. Cap.lxiil
shall moreover forfeit and pay a Sum not exceeding Five Shillings for
every Hour during which such Obstruction shall continue after such
Request for Removal thereof shall be made as aforesaid ; and that it shall
be lawful for any of the Collectors, Agents, or Servants of the said
Company of Proprietors, to cause any such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel
to be unladen, if necessary, and to be removed in such Manner as shall
be requisite for preventing any further Obstruction therefrom, and to
seize and detain such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, and the Lading
or any Part of such Lading, until the said Penalty or Penalties, and the
Charges of such Unloading and Removal, shall be paid; and that if
any Boat, Barge, or other Vessel shall be sunk in any Part of the said
Canals, and the Owner or Owners, or Persons having the Care of such
Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, shall not without Loss of Time weigh or
draw up the same, it shall be lawful for the Agent or Servants of the said
Company of Proprietors, or any of them, to cause such Boat, Barge, or
other Vessel to be weighed and drawn up, and detain and keep the same
until Payment shall be made of all Expences thereby necessarily incurred
or occasioned.
Penalty on
Persons tak-
ing orunload-
ing Goods,
except at a
private or
Penalty on
Persona leav-
ing open
after being
opened, or
leaving open
the same
CXVII. And. be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons
navigating or having the care of any Boat, Barge, or other Vessel upon
the said Canals, or any Part thereof respectively, shall, with. Intent to
avoid the Payment of any of the said Tolls, Rates, or Duties, load or
unload, or take into any such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, any. Goods,
Wares, Merchandize, or Commodities whatsoever,: liable to pay. any
of the Tolls, Rates, or Duties herein-before mentioned, at any other
Place or Places than at the public or private Wharfs or Quays upon or
belonging to the said Canals, without having first obtained a Consent in
Writing for that Purpose from the Committee of Management,'or .some
one of the Agents or Collectors of Tolls to the said Company of' Pro-
prietors j with Intent to evade the Payment of any of the said Tolls, Rates,
or Duties, every Person so offending shall for every such Offence 'forfeit
and pay any Sum not exceeding Five Pounds.
CXVIII. And be it further enacted, That if any Swivel-bridge or
Draw-bridge shall be laid for the Use of any public Highway,.or for the
Accommodation of any Owner or Occupier of Lands parted by the said
Canals, over or across the said Canals, or any Trenches or Passages for
Water,' to be; made by virtue of this Act, all and every Person and
Persons opening any such Draw-bridge or Swivel-bridge for the Passage of
any Boat or other Vessel shall froni Time to Time, as soon as such Boat
or other Vessel shall have passed such Bridge, shut and fasten the same j
and that every Person neglecting so to do shall forfeit and pay for every
such Offence a Sum not exceeding Five Pounds; and incase any such
Bridge shall be left open longer than necessary for the Passage of any Boat
or other Vessel as aforesaid, through the Neglect or Carelessness of any
Person belonging to any such Boat or Vessel, then the Master or Owner of
any such Boat or Vessel shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence any
Bum not exceeding Five Pounds; and if any Person or Persons shall
wilfully open any such Draw-bridge or Swivel-bridge, when no Vessel is
to pass through the same, so as to interrupt a free Passage: for Travellers,
Cattle,' or Carriages, every Person so
offending- shall' for every such
Offence forfeit and pay a Sum not exceeding Five Pounds ; all which, said
57*CEORGII HI. C^.hriii. 1597
Penalties or Forfeitures shall go and be applied, one Moiety to the In-
former and the other Moiety to the Poor of the Parish where the Offence
shall be committed.
CXIX. And be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons shall Penalty on
float any Timber upon the said Canals without the Consent of the Com- wx^beT^
mittee of Management, or of some Collector or Agent to the said Com- 0n Canals, or
pany of Proprietors, or shall navigate on the said Canals any Boat or otherwise
Vessel laden with Timber, which shall lie over the Sides of such Boat or JeNavi'T
Vessel in such a Way as"to obstruct the Passage of any. other Boat or ^ _aviKa"
Vessel, and shall not, immediately upon Notice given of such Obstruction,
haul or draw back such Boat or Vessel into such Place or Places as shall
be made or be proper for Boats or other Vessels to pass each other, or
shall not otherwise remove the same so as to make a free Passage for other
Boats or Vessels; or if any Person or Persons shall wilfully throw any andonPer-
Ballast, Gravel, Stones, Rubbish, or other Matter.or Thing into any
Part of the said-Canals or Reservoirs, or into any Trenches, Sluices, or into Canals.
Passages for Water, to be made in pursuance of this Act; or if any
Person or Persons shall wantonly or unnecessarily open or draw, or cause Penalty on
to be opened or drawn, any Lock, Paddle, Valve, or Sluice belonging to Personsopen-
the said intended Navigation, or shall snare, angle, or take any Fish out »>gL°clfs,
of the same, or shall wilfully flush or draw off, or cause to be flushed or Wastw
drawn off, the Water from any Part of the said Navigation or Reservoirs, Water.
or shall leave any of the Gates or Sluices of any Lock open after any
Boat or other Vessel shall have passed through the same, (except in such
Cases as herein-before otherwise ordered), or shall wilfully obstruct, hinder,
or prevent any Person in the Execution of this Act, every Person so
offending shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence any Sum not
exceeding Five Pounds.
CXX. And be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons shall Penalty on
wilfully, maliciously, and to the Prejudice of the said Navigation, break, pejs°ns
throw down, or destroy any Bridge or Bridges, Bank or Banks, Lock or ing^he6S
Locks, Erections or Buildings, or other Works to be erected and made
of this Act, every Person so offending, being lawfully convicted,
shall be transported as Felons are directed to be transported by the Laws
and Statutes of this Realm, for a Term not exceeding Fourteen Years ;
or otherwise the Court before whom such Person shall be convicted, may
in Mitigation of such Punishment (if they shall think fit), award any such
other Punishment as the Law directs in Cases of Petit Larceny.
CXXI. And be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons shall Penalty for
throw, cast, or lay, on any Part of any Bank or Towing-path belonging
to the said Canals, any Dung or other Manure, Dust, Ashes, Rubbish, xoWins-
or other Matter otherwise than on the Wharfs and other .Places to ;be paths.
made and provided for the loading and unloading of.
Wares, and
Merchandize, every such person so offending shall forfeit and pay any
Sum not exceeding Forty Shillings, to,be. recovered and applied in such
Manner as other Penalties under this Act are directed to be recovered and
CXXII. A,nd be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons Penalty on
navigating or working or. beingj on .board any; Boat, Barge, or other Bargemen,
Vessel upon the said Canals, shall carry with him or them, or have on ^^'"f
18 / board
Nets*o take
or destroy
Fish or Game.
Penalty for
having on
board Shafts
pointed with
having more
than Twenty-
eight Pounds
of Gunpow-
der to lie
•within Half
a'Mile of
Portsea, or
Right of
Fishery re-
served to
Lords of
Manors, &c.
board any Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, any Fishing Net, Gun, Engine,: or
other Instrument for taking or destroying Fish or Game ("not being
ualified by Law so to do), such Person or Persons shall for every such
>ffence, being convicted thereof before any One Justice of the Peace,
on the,Confession of the Party offending, or
the Oath of One or more
credible Witness or Witnesses, forfeit and pay any Sum not exceeding
; and in case any Master or other Person haying the Rule or
Command of
Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, shall knowingly suffer or
permit any Person of
(not being duly authorized so to do) to have,
carry on board, or make use of any Fishing Net, Gun, Engine, or other
Instrument for taking or destroying any Fish or Game, every such Master
or Person shall for every such Offence, being in Manner aforesaid con-
forfeit and pay any Sum not exceeding Five Pounds.
GXXIII. And be it further enacted, That no Boat, Barge, or other
Vessel, having on board any Pole, Shaft, or Instrument, used, or to be
used in punting or navigating such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel, pointed
or spiked with Iron or otherwise, of less Area at each End thereof than
Ten square Inches, shall
along any Part of the said Canals; and
be lawful for the Agents or Servants of the said .Company of Proprietors
to seize such Poles, Shafts, or Instruments, in case they shall be found on
board any such Boat, Barge, or other Vessel; and the Master, Owner, or
Person having the Care of such Boat* Barge, or other Vessel, shall forfeit
a Sum not exceeding Ten Pounds for every such Pole, Shaft, or Instru-
ment found on board his Boat,
or other Vessel.
CXXIV. And be it enacted, That no Barge,- Boat; or Vessel, having
on board more thari ^Twenty-eight Pounds Weight of Gunpowder, shall
stop or lie on any Part of the said Canals hereby intended to be made
navigable within Half a Mile of any Part of the Towns of
under Pain of forfeiting and paying any Sum
not exceeding Ten Pounds for every Offence, to. be recovered
in the
same Manner as other Penalties in this Act are directed to be recovered.
CXXV. And be it further enacted, That the Lord or Lords, or
Owner or
of all and every Manor or Manors through which
the said Canals shall be made, shall have and be.entitled to the. several
and exclusive Right of Fishery of and in so much, of
said Canals as
shall be made through the Common or Waste Lands'within his, hen, of
their Manor or Manors respectively,. or through any other.Lands or
Grounds lying within such Manor or Manors, wherein such Lord or
or Owner or Owners, now have of hath, or are of is entitled to
the Right of Fishery, in the Brooks and Waters now being in such last^
or Grounds respectively; and that the Owner of Owners
of all other Lands.or Grounds through or in which the said Canals and
Reservoirs shall be made, shall also have-and be entitled to the like
Right of Fishery of and in so much' of the said Canals and-Reservoirs
as shall be made through or in his, her, of their Lands .or Grounds, so as
by the Use and Exercise'of any such Right of Fishery as aforesaid, the
said Canals, or the Towing-paths, Banks, or other Works and Conve-
niences hereby authorized to be made, shall not be prejudiced or
obstructed, or any Water drained or extracted from or out of the said
Canals or Reservoirs; and so as the said Company of Proprietors, or
57*GEORGII in. Gp.hffi. 1599
their Agents, Servants* or Workmen, or any of them, shall not be
liable to any Penalty, Action, or Prosecution, for or by .reason of the
taking or destroying of any such Fish in the said Canals and Reservoirs,
#hich shall be'taken, killed, or destroyed through or by the Means ol
the necessary letting off
Water out of the same respectively, or for
or on account of any Repair^) or Works to be done in or about the
CXXVI. Provided always, and be it further enacted:, That! it shall be
Owners and
lawful for the respective Owners and Occupiers of' any Lands .or Occupiers
Grounds adjoining the said Canals and Reservoirs to use upon the same, uJ||Vleasure
Pleasure Boats or any Boat for the Purpose of Husbandry only, or for andHus-
the conveying of Cattle or Manure from any Farm or Land
any other: bandry Boats
Farm or Lands of the same Owner or Occupier, without any Interrup. ^ee of
tioh from the said:Company, of Proprietors or any Persons acting under te3'
them; and without paying any such' Rate, Toll, or Duty for the same,
spas such Boats upon the said Canal be not above Five Feet in Breadth
and Twel'vcFeet in Ldngth;,andso as such.Pleasure Boats or-Husbandry
Boats do hottpass ihrough any Lock to be made on the said Canals, and
not employed in carrying any-Geods,-Wares;;'; and Merchandize to
Market,,far for Sale or Hire, or any Person or.Persons for Hire; and so as
the same
not obstru'ct or prejudice the Navigation of the said Canals,
or;thePas'sage'upon the Towing-paths on the Sidds
and so that
the,,respective Owners of all
or ^Husbandry Boats
shall in
make convenient Places for-such Boats
and;,: shall not suffer the same to be moored
Or remain upon the said
CXXVII. And e it further enacted, That as soon as conveniently
Ganal to
may be, after the said Canals hereby authorized
>tb> bei
asaforesaid measured,
shall be completed, the said Company of Proprietors shall cause the same
l^s t0
be.measured, ahd Stones or "Posts to bererected, and for ever after- every^Haif
wards fmaititained on the Side or Sides thereof respectively, at
Distance MhV
of Half ae from each others
prope> and legible Marks' therebfi,
denoting their Distance from such Places as shall-be- thought ••proper:
GXXYIIL And beitfurJther enacted, .That the said Canals:and other
Works hereby authorized to be made as'aforesaid, or. any of them, shall "ubjeotto
fiotbe subject tor liable to the Control*. Directions, Surveys,, or Order, of Commission-
any, Commissioners .of.Sewersj or; to
any iLaw or'Statute relating to ers ofSewers.
SeWers; any^, thing in any former Law or Statute to the contrary
CXXLX. And be it further enacted, That if at any Time- or Times Remedy for
hereafter any Person or Personsshall sustain iny; Damages in his; her, 'or
their.. Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments,*-or Property, by reason, of the vided for,
Execution of any of the Powers given^for which a;Compensation is>
not herein-beiore provided, then and in every such'Case such Damages
shall.from Time to Time be settled and ascertained';by the Commissioners
appointed by this Act, or assessed by a Jury j and the Sum orSums of
Money to be.paid for the
shall be levied, recovered; and applied in
such;and the same Manner as herein-befo're(directed' with'respect to such
1600 57°GEORGII III. C«jo.lxiii.
Damages as are herein-before provided for, and the Money to be paid as
a Recompence for the same.
Regulations CXXX. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That in all
as to
Ascent Places where it may he necessary to erect or build any Bridge or Bridges to
communicate with any public Carriage Road, the Ascent to every such
Bridge for the Purpose of such Road shall not be more than One Foot in
Thirteen, and that a good and sufficient Fence shall be made on every
Side of such Bridge,
shall not be less than Four Feet above
the Surface of such Bridge.
If Canal not CXXXI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That in case the
complete sa|^ intended Canals shall not have been completed and made navigable,
Space1 of Ten so that Boats and Barges may pass along the whole Line (unless pre-
this vented by Floods or.Tempests, or other inevitable Accidents), within the
Space of Ten Years to be computed from the passing of this Act, then,
from.and immediately after the Expiration of
said Term of Ten Years,
all the Powers, Authorities, and Privileges given by this Act shall cease
and determine j save only and except of so much (if any) of the said
Canals or Cuts, or any other of the Works hereby authorized to be
made, as shall have been completed.and made navigable, so that the Boats
and Barges may pass along the same respectively, within the Term of
and as shall have been declared to have been so made naviga-
ble within the said Term by the Justices of the Peace of.the said Counties
of Sussex and Hants respectively, or either of them/assembled at any
Quarter, Sessions of the Peace to be holden in and for the same Coun-
ties respectively, at any Time before the Expiration of the said Term of
Ten Years, or within Twelve Calendar Months next after the Expiration
upon the Evidence of Witnesses upon Oath, to be produced
before them for that Purpose.
CXXX1I. And;be it further enacted, That all Complaints and Informa-
tions of Offences against this Act, or any Rule, Order, or Bye-law to
be made in pursuance thereof (except
in Cases
where the Manner of hearing
and determining thereof
herein-before otherwise directed), shall and may
be made before any One or more Justice or Justices of the Peace, in
the County or Place wherein the Offence shall be committed ; and such
justice or Justices is and are hereby authorized and empowered to take
and to summon the Person or Persons complained
of to appear before him'or themj and, upon appearing or not appear-
ing of such Person or Persons pursuant to such Summons, to hear the
Matter of every such Complaint and Information by Examination of any
Witness or "Witnesses upon Oath, and to make such Determination
thereon as such Justice or Justices shall think proper; and upon Con-
viction of any Person, such Justice or Justices shall and may issue a
Warrant under his or their Hand and Seal, or Hands and Seals, for levy-
ing the Fine, Penalty, or Forfeiture by virtue of this Act imposed for
such Offence, by Distress and Sale of the, Goods and .Chattels of the
Person so convicted j and all such Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures, when
recovered, after rendering, the Overplus (if any), when demanded, to
the Owner of such Goods and Chattels (the Charges of such Distress
and Sale being .first deducted) shall (where the Application is riot other-
Recovery of
57°GE0RGI1 III. Capful 1601
wise directed by this Act) be paid into the Hands of the Treasurer or
Treasurers to the said Company of Proprietors, and shall be applied and
disposed of towards defraying the Expences of the said Navigation; and
in case sufficient Goods or Chattels of any Person, liable to pay any such
Penalty, or Forfeiture, cannot be found whereon to make such
Distress, and such Fine, Penalty, or Forfeiture shall not be forthwith
paid, it shall be lawful for such Justice or Justices, and he or they is:
and are hereby authorized and required, by Warrant under his or their
Hand and Seal or Hands and Seals, to commit such Offender to the;
Common Gaol or House of Correction for any Term not exceeding
Three Calendar Months, unless such Penalty or Forfeiture, and all rea-
sonable Charges attending the Recovery
shall be sooner paid and
CXXXHI. And be it further enacted, That all and every Justice and Form of
Justices of the Peace, before whom any Person or Persons shall be con- Coimction.
victed of. any Offence against this Act, shall and may cause the Convic-
tion to be drawn up in the following Form of Words, or any other Form
of Words to the same Effect; (that is to say),
* \ TV^ ll
rememDered, That
' t0 wit- J ° [Time of
at {Place of Conviction] [Name
' °f Offender] of [Addition of Offender] was duly convicted before me
' [or us] [Name and Style of convicting Justice or Justices] for that the
* said [Name of Offender] on [Time of
Offence] at [Place
* of
Offence] did [here state the Offence against the Act
* according to the Fact] contrary to the Form of the Statute made in
' the Fifty-seventh Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the
' Third, intituled [here set forth the Title of this Act] j and I [or we] do
' therefore declare and adjudge that the said [Name of Offender] has
' forfeited for the said Offence the Sum of [Fine] or shall be committed
* tp [Place of Imprisonment] for the Space of [Time of Imprisoning].
1 Given under my Hand and Seal [or our Hands and Seals] the Day and
* Year first above-written;'
GXXXIV. And be it further enacted, That where any Distress shall
be made for any Sum or Sums of Money so levied by virtue of this Act,
the Distress itself shall not be deemed unlawful, nor the Party or Parties ^^gemed
making the same be deemed a Trespasser or Trespassers on account of Trespassers
any Defect or Want of Form in the Summons, Conviction, Warrant of ab initio.
Distress, or other Proceedings relating thereto, nor shall the Party or
Parties distraining be deemed a Trespasser or Trespassers ab initio on
account of any Irregularity which shall be afterwards committed by the
Party or Parties distraining; but the Person or Persons aggrieved by such
Irregularity shall and may recover full Satisfaction for the special Damages
in an Action upon the Case.
CXXXV. And be it further enacted, That no Proceedings to be had Proceedings
and taken in pursuance of this Act shall be quashed or vacated for Want not t0 be
of Form, or be removed by Certiorari, or any other Writ or Process Wantof
whatsoever, into any of His Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster
Form, or re-
elsewhere. movable by
[Local.] iSK CXXXVI. Pro-
CXXXVI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That any Person
of Persons thinking himself or themselves aggrieved by any Order or
Judgment made of -given in pursuance of any Rule, Bye-law, or Order
of the. said Company of Proprietors, or by the. Order of Determination
of any Justide" or Justices of the Peace iri pursuance of this Act, may,
within Four Calendar Months after such Order shall be' made or giveiij
complain to the Justices of the Peace, at the General Quarter Sessions of
the Peace to be held in and for the County where the Cause of Appeal
shall" arise, and not elsewhere, the Person or Persons appealing having
first given at least Fourteen Days clear Notice of such Appeal, and of the
Nature and Matter
to the Person or Persons appealed against, or
to'the Clerk of the said Company, and forthwith after such Notice enter-
ing into a Recognizance before some Justice of the Peace for such County,
with Two sufficient Sureties, conditioned to try such Appeal, and to abide
Order and Award of the said Court thereupon ; and the said Justices,
upon due Proof of such Notice and Recognizance having been given and
entered into, shallin a summary Way hear and determine such Complaint
at such General Quarter Sessions of the peace to be held for such County
or Place, or if they think proper, adjourn the Hearing thereof to the next
General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held for such County; and
if they see Cause, may mitigate any Forfeiture or Fine, and may order
any Money to be returned which shallhave been levied in pursuance of
such Rule, Bye-laWj Order, or Determination
and shall and may also'
award such, further Satisfaction to be made
the Party injured, tor such
Costs to either of the Parties, as they^ shall judge reasonable arid proper;
and all such Determinations of the said Justices shall be final, binding, and
conclusive .upon all Parties to all Intefitsaud Purposes whatsoever.
Boats may CXXXVII. And, whereas the making of the intended Canals and
passthrough Cuts, and improving the saldj Navigations, will be 6f great Benefit to the
Wey.IVer Trustees or Proprietors of the Navigation of the River Wey; and in con-
and in order to encourage the making the said Canals,
and improving the said Navigation, the said Trustees or Proprietors of the
Navigation of the River Wey, are willing and desirous to permit and suffer
all Boats, Barges, and other Vessels, navigating upon and using the said
intended Canals or Cuts, or any intermediate Canals or Cuts between the
said intended Canals or Cuts and the said River Wey, to pass and repass
upon the said River Wey upon Payment of the Tolls, Rates, or Duties
now authorized to be taken on the said River Wey; be it therefore enacted
by the Authority aforesaid, That all Owners
Persons having the Care
or Conduct of any Boats, Barges, or other Vessels, laden or unladen,-
having passed or which shall pass upon the said intended Canals, Cuts,
other Canals or Cuts between the said intended Canals or Cuts
and the said River Wey, pr any. Part
and which shall have taken
up or discharged, or shall be passing to take up or discharge their Loading
upon or on the Side of the said Canals or Cuts, or either of them, shall
have free Liberty to navigate and use any Part of the said River Wey,
without obtaining or procuring any Licence or Licences for so doing, upon
Payment of the Tolls, Rates, or Duties by Law authorized to.be taken
upon or for the Use of the saidRiver
or upon or for the Use of any
Appeal to
the Quarter
57°GEORGII III. G^.lxiii, 1603
CXXXVIH. Provided always, and be it further enacted and declared,
Boats on
That all Boats, Barges, and other Vessels using the said intended Canals verWey to
or Guts, shall, when upon the'River Wey, be subject to the like Regula- ^/"liti^on?
tions as any other Boats, Barges, or Vessels using the Navigation of the 0f River
said River Wey are by Law liable to. Navigation.
CXXX1X. And be it further enacted, That if any Action, Suit, or Limitation
Information shall be brought or commenced by any Person or Persons for of Actions,
any thing done or to be done in pursuance of this Act, or in Execution
of the Powers and Authorities, or the-Orders and Directions herein-before
given or granted, every such Suit or Information shall he, brought.or com-
mehced within Six Calendar Months next after the Fact shall have been
committed, or in case there shall be .a Continuation of Damages, then
within Six Calendar Months next after the doing or committing of such
Damage shall have ceased, and not afterwards, and shall be'laid or:
brought in the County where the Matter in Dispute shall arise, and hot
elsewhere; and the Defendant or Defendants in such Action or Suit sjiall
and may plead the General Issue, and give this Act and the'Special Matter. General
in Evidence at any Trial to be had thereupon, and'that the same was Issue*
done in pursuance and by Authority of this Act j and if it shall appear
to have been so done, or if any Action, Suit, or Information shall be
brought after the Time so limited for bringing the same, or shall be
brought in any other County than as aforesaid, then and in such Case the
Jury shall find for the Defendant or Defendants ; and in such Case also,
or if the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs shall become nonsuit, or suffer a Discon*.
tinuance of his or their Action or Actions, Suits, or Information, after
the Defendant or Defendants shall, have appeared thereto, or if any Ver-
dict shall pass upon the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, or if upon Demurrer or
otherwise Judgment shall be given against the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, the
Defendant or Defendants shall have Treble Costs, and shall have such Treble
Remedy for the Recovery of the same as any Defendant or Defendants
hath or have in other Cases at Law.
CXL. And whereas the probable Expence of making the said Canals The whole
and other Works hereby authorized to be made will, according to an
Estimate made
amount to the Sum of One hundred and .twenty- t^b,.^^^068
five thousand four hundred and forty Pounds, or thereabouts; and the scribed be-
Sum of One hundred thousand four hundred Pounds, being more than fore the Act
Four-fifth Parts thereof of such Expences, has already been subscribed Is put m
for defraying such Expences, by several Persons under a Contract, bind-
ing them, their Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, for the Payment
of the several Sums of Money, so subscribed by them respectively ; be it
therefore enacted, That the whole of the said Sum of One hundred and
twenty-five thousand four hundred and forty Pounds shall be subscribed
in like Manner before any of the Powers given by this Act shall be put
in force.
CXLI. Provided always, and be it enacted, That nothing herein con- Act not to
tained shall be construed to restrain, revoke, or annul, or in anywise affect a the
the Powers of an Act made and passed in the Fifty-fourth Year of the '3-c-*S9'
Reign of His present Majesty, intituled An Act for the better Regulation of
the several Ports, Harbours, Roadsteads^ Sounds, Channels, Bays, and navi-
gable Rivers in the United Kingdom, and of His Majesty's Docks, Dock
Rights of
Lords of
57°GEORGII III. Cap.ixm.
Yards, Arsenals, Wharfs, Moorings, and
therein; and for
several Acts passed for that Purpose; or the Penalties inflicted on Persons
offending against the same; but that the same shall remain in full Force
and Effect.
CXLII. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this
Act contained shall prejudice, lessen, or abridge the Right or Rights, or
tend or be construed to defeat, prejudice, lessen, or abridge the Right or
Rights of His Majesty, and His Heirs and Successors, and His and their
Patentees or Lessees, to any Toll, Custom, or Duties whatsoever.
CXLIII. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing
herein contained shall extend or be construed to extend to lessen or abate,
or in any Manner to affect or prejudice the Rights, Titles, or Privileges
of the Most Noble Barnard EdwardDuke of Norfolk, the Mayor and
Burgesses of the Borough of Arundel, or of any Lord or Lords,* Lady or
Ladies of any Manor or Manors, his, her, or their Heirs, Successprs,
or Assigns, to any Customs, Tolls, Rights, Profits of Fairs and Markets,
Royalties, and all other Things, which- are now or shall happen to come
within the Limits of their respective Manors, or other Benefits or Advan-
tages belonging or in anywise appertaining to them, or either of them,
other than such Tolls, Rates, and Duties as are by this Act authorized and
directed to be collected, received, and paid; but that he, she, and they,
and all other Person or Persons authorized by him, her, or them, may
take away, receive, and enjoy the same as fully and beneficially toall
Intents and Purposes whatsoever as if this Act had not been made.
CXLIV. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing in
this Act contained shall extend or be construed to extend to lessen or take
away, in any respect whatsoever, the Power of the present or any future
Commission of Sewers for the Rapes of Arundel and
in the
said County of Sussex, but that the same shall continue in full Force and
Effect; and the Commissioners of Sewers for the Time being shall have
the same Power, within the Limits appointed by the present or any other
Commission of Sewers hereafter to be granted for the said Rapes of Arundel
and Chichester, as such Commissioners would have had in case this Act
had not been made, otherwise than as the same may be altered, varied,
or abridged by the Powers and Authorities given by this Act.
Saving of
CXLV. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing
Rights of
herein contained shall extend or be construed to extend to allow theCom-
0f Proprietors acting under this Act to scour, deepen, enlarge, or
hampton straiten that Part of the River Arun now being under the Government,
Harbour. Control, or Superintendence of the Commissioners acting under Two
certain Acts of Parliament, the former inticuled An Act for
and for repairing and
in Repair the Harbour of Littlehampton
called Arundel Port, in the
of Sussex ; and the latter being for ex-
plaining and amending the last-mentioned Act, and for empowering the
Commissioners acting under the said Act to improve the Navigation of
the River A run from the said Harbour to the Town of Arundel.in the said
County; nor shall any thing herein contained extend to lessen or abate,
or in any Manner to affect or prejudice, the Rights, Powers,, or Privileges
of such last-mentioned Commissioners. CXLVI. And
sioners of
570GEOROII III. C^.kiii. 1605
CXLVL A^diwherea&the^Mqyor, Aldermen, and Citizens^ of the Gity
afe^riow-ehtM^ and Dues upon-,"for-,
in _ _
upon, tor» win ^^J^"*
respect 'of- thej Wares,-Merchandize,' arid, bther Articles loaded; cer"tain Dues
shipped^'ore landed- at, bit, dfr near,;the'Qiiaybr Port of the said-'Cityi on the Canal.
commonly called Dell ^uay, situate' in the Parish aSAppledram inthe said
And'whereas {considerable Quaiititie^ of such GJoodsj;
Watfesj Merchandize,'-ahda othfer Articles-' inayY after -the making such
Canals or Cuts as 'aforgsaid,-dV sdme'-or one of therivbe loaded, shipped^
or^ landed *'at'or on the5 Whar-fs'^oriBanks, or discharged in or'near thg
Basinsibelonging to brused-fOrthe'P^rposes of thesaidCanals of Guts, or
some or one iof theiri, by7^reason whereof considerable Loss; ifiay arise or
happen to-the''said';Mayor:, Aldermen, and Citizens ; be it therefdre;'en-
aetedj-JThar-U shall and may-be lawful to arid for the said-Mayor,-'Alder-'
men and Citizen's'/ from-Time to Time "after the making-of such Gianalsbi
Cuts as--aforesaid,'-or atiy'br either.of them, to ask, dematfd, take*, have,
and- receive'all-such and; the like Dues, Duties^ or Payments for or ifi
respect of all srich Goods,'Wares, Merchandize, and -other Articles that
shall be loaded, shipped, br4ahded atr on the Wharfs or. Banks-'or
discharged in-or hear the;Basins of or. belongingito "or-used for the Pur-
poses of the said intended Canals or Cuts, or any or-either of thern, with-
in the Space of Three-Miles to the Westward- of the said Salterns in the
Parish of Birdham, or within the Space of Five Miles of the said Salterns
in any other Direction, as they the! said Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens
are now entitled to ask, demand/take, have, or receive for or'ih respect
of any Goods,- Wares, - Merchandize/- or other Articles loaded, shipped}.
or landed at^ oni or .near the said Quay or Port "called Dell Quay ; and
to collect; sue forj levy,-recover* and enforce the Payment of all'such
Duesj'Duties*-or Payments respectively^ by such arid the like Remedies",
Means, or Expedients, as if the said Goods, Wares, Merchandize^ br-
other Articles had been loaded,-shipped, or landed at, on, or near to the
said Quay or Port called Dell Quay \ and the said Canals or Cuts, Wharfs,
Banks,' and Basins situate within Three Miles to the Westward of the said
Salterns, and within-Five Miles of the same in any other Direction,, for
the Purpose of demanding, collecting, suing for, levying, recoveririg,'
and enforcing- the Payment of- such DuesV Duties, or Payments as afore-
said (but for no other Purpose), shall respectively be deemed,'construed,
and taken to be within or Part of the Port of- the said City of
any thing in this Act or any ^other Act or Acts of Parliament, Charter,
Law, Usage, or Custom to the contrary thereof in anywise notwith-
C-XLVII. And whereas the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Corporation
Borough-of Portsmouth are- now entitled to- certain Cranage,. Wharfage", ofPo'-ts-
Petty Customs, and other Dues upon, for, or in respect of the Goodsi ^w^
Wares and Merchandize, and other Articles loaded, shipped, or unloaded tain Dues
at the Quay of- the said'Borough in theTowri ofPortsmouth: Arid Canal.
whereas considerable Quantities of such Goods, Wares, Merchandize^
arid other Articles, may, after the makingsuch Garial or Cut from the
said Harbour of Langstone to the said Place called The Halfway
Parish of
be loaded, shipped, or unloaded at or on the Wharfs
or-Banks, or discharged in or near the Basins belonging to or used for the
Purposes of the said Canal or Cut, by reason whereof considerable Loss
may arise or happen to the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses; be it
{Local.'] 18 L therefore
of Goods in-
tended for
the Use of
the Crown.
Power to
collect the
Dues of the
of Ports-
57°GEORGII III. Cap.hm.
therefore enacted, That, it shall and jnay be lawful to, and for,
Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses, from Time to Time, after the making
of such Canal or Cut as aforesaid, to ask, demand, take, have, and receive
such and the like Cranage, Wharfage, Petty Customs, and other
Dues for, or in respect of ,all Goods, Wares, Merchandize, and other
Articles that shall be loaded, shipped, or. unloaded, at or on the Wharfs,
Banks, or discharged in or near the Basins of or belonging to or .used for
Purposes of the said intended Canal or Cut, situate at;or near
The Half?
or on any Part of the said intended Canal or Cut, from the
said Harbour of
to the said Halfway
as they the said
Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses are now entitled to ask, demand, take,
or receive for or in respect of any Goods, Wares, Merchandize, or
Other Articles loaded, shipped, or unloaded at the said Quay of the
Borough of
and to collect, sue for, recover, levy, and en-
force the Payment of such Cranage Wharfage, Petty Customs, ,and
Other Dues, by such and the like Remedies, Ways,
or Expedients,
as if the said Goods, Wares, Merchandize, or other Articles, had been
loaded, shipped, or unloaded at, on, or near to the said Quay of the
Borough of
; any thing in this Act, or any other Act or Acts
of Parliament, Charter, Law, Usage, or Custom, to the contrary thereof
in anywise notwithstanding.
CXLVIII. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained,
shall extend or be construed to extend to subject to the Payment of the
said Cranage, Wharfage, Petty,Customs, and other Dues, ;herein-before
granted to the said Mayor, Aldermen, and. Burgesses, any Goods, Wares,
Stores, Merchandize, or other Articles, being the Property of or belong-
ing to, or which shall have been contracted to be delivered to, and which
shall be in the Course of Delivery under such .Contract, to and for the Use
of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors.
CXLIX. And for the better securing to the Mayor, Aldermen, and
Burgesses, the said Cranage, Wharfage, Petty Customs, and other Dues
hereinbefore granted, be it further enacted,That it.shall.and may be law-
ful for the said Company of Proprietors, and; they are hereby required,
so long as the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses shall consent thereto,
to ask, demand,
and receive, to and for, the Use and Benefit of,the
said Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses, the said, Cranage,-Wharfage,
Petty Customs, and other Dues,herein-before granted, in
Manner as
the said Company of Proprietors are herein-before authorized to ask, de^
mand, take, and receive to and for their own Use and Benefit, the several
Tolls, and Duties herein-before granted to. the said Company of
Proprietors; and in case of Neglect or Refusal to pay any such,Cranage,
Wharfage, Petty Customs, and other Dues,, or any Part
to use
and exercise all such Powers and Authorities for enforcing,the Payment
as they are herein-before enabled tp use and exercise for enforc-
ing the Payment of the several Rates, Tolls, and Duties herein-before
granted to the said Company j and for that Purpose (the said ,Cranage,
Wharfage, Petty Customs, and other Dues, shall be taken to be and con-.
sidered as Rates, Tolls, and Duties payable to the said Company of
prietors under and by virtue of this Act; and the said Company of Pro-
prietors shall be liable from Time to Time to account with the said Mayor,
Aldermen, and
for all such Cranage, Wharfage, Petty Customs,
57° GEORGII III. Cap.lxm. 1607
and other Dues, as shall be so taken and received by them, and pay over
the same,-and shall make Entries of the Receipts of-the samein-a-Book to
be kept by them for that Purpose; and the said Mayor, Aldermen, and
Burgesses, or such Person as shall be by them lawfully appointed, shall,-at
all Times during the usual Hours of
have Liberty to inspect the
said Book, and to take Copies of all or any Part
and the said
Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses, upon such accounting as aforesaid*
shall allow to the said Company of Proprietors the Sum of Ten Pounds
for every One hundred Pounds, and so at and after the same Rate for
every less Sum of
Monies taken and received by them for such Cranage,
Wharfage, Petty Customs, and other Dues as aforesaid.
And be it further
That this Act shall, be
deemed and public Act.
taken to be a Public Act, and shall be judicially taken Notice of
by all Judges, Justices, and others, without being specially pleaded.
1608 57° GEORGII III. CapAxiil
The SCHEDULE to which the foregoing Act refers.
Counties and Parishes.
and Tithing of")
Lidfey - J
Do. -
Oving and Tithing"!
of Drayton - J
Dq. - -
George Thomas Esq.
Benjamin Staker »
William Collins
Richard Hasler Esq.
Miss Barrow
Philip Lawrence
General Crosbie
Assignees of the Estate and*\
Effects of William Dear- 1
ling Esq. now Charles f
Fogden - -J
The same
General Crosbie
William Hamilton Esq. -
His Majesty's Honourable \
Board of Ordnance - J
Miss White -
Richard Godman Temple -
The same
The same
The same
Henry Cox
William Cox
Henry Hill Sen.
Henry Hill Jun.
Henry Grigg Hewitt
The Mayor and Corpora- \
Mary Hotston
Benjamin Staker r
James Horn and Edward")
Harvey -
William Uwins - -<
Himself - - -
John Rudwick
John Simms i
Charles Barnes
Daniel Fogden
Henry Freeland
Charles Browning
James Ellis
William Poor
Robert Hunt
William and James Dean -
Peter Emery
Henry Hill Jun.
Henry Hill Sen.
William Stroud -1
tion of the Borough of >| William Hunt - -'V
Portsmouth - -J \ Henry Moody -J
Warden and Fellows of
Winchester College - J
The same
Richard Godman Temple")
Esq. - - -J
Trustees of Ridge
Trustees of Ridge
Mary Hancock
Trustees of Ridcre -j
Thomas Thistlethwayte"»
Esq. - -
Thomas Motley - f
Samuel Wheeler - -J
Thomas Thistlethwayte^v
Esq. - - ^
Thomas Motley - (
James Callaway -J
William Hunt
John Ivimy -
William Hunt
Henry Hill Jun.
John Ivimy . -
Henry Moody - J
Description.of Property.
Barn, Yard, &c,
New Barn and Yarn.
Barn, Yard, and
Groves' Coppice.
Cottage and Garden.
Appledram Coppice.
Rick Yard.
57°GEORGII III. CapMil 1609
Counties and
Portsea ~
Richard Godman Temple!
Esq. - - -J
Sarah Goldsmith
Viscount Powerscourt
The same
Trustees of Ridge
Samuel Twyford Esq.
Charles Winkworth
Richard Godman Temple \
Esq. - -J"
Heirs of the late John Morey
Heirs of the late John Morey
Samuel Twyford Esq.
Lord Viscount Powerscourt
The Warden and Fellows
of Winchester College - J
Heirs of the late John Morey
Lord Viscount Powerscourt
Richard Godman Temple")
Esq. - -J
Lord Viscount Powerscourt
James Dunning
George. Atkins
George Atkins
Henry Moody
Henry Hill Sen.
Thomas Land Suett
William Hunt
Thomas Land Suett
William Hunt
Ambrose Buxey
John Ivimy
Henry Moody
John Moses
William Hunt
Stephen Hillier
Richard Martin
William Clarke
Henry Davis
Charles Ridgway
Thomas Adams
William Carter
John Ings
John Trew
John Blundell
Thomas Trigges
John Crowter
Thomas Hannam
George Millman
John Wells
William Hunt
William Clarke
Elizabeth Clarke
William Harvey
John Fowler
John Vine
John Wells
William Higman
Thomas Land Suett
William Hunt
Stephen Hillier
Thomas Thistlethwa
Thomas Holmes
William Rayner
John Richards
George Ware
Thomas Land Suett
George Munk
Jacob Rayner
Stephen Hill
Thomas Land Suett
George Munk
John Lee
Sarah Macaree
James Brewer
- >
- -
Description of Property.
House and Garden.
[Local."} 18 M
1610 57°GEORGII III. CapAA
Counties and Parishes.
Do ;
William Wheeler
Thomas Sheridan
Thomas Sheridan
Lord Viscount Powerscourt
William Loney -
John Franklin
Lord Viscount Powerscourt
Henry Praghell
Lord Viscount Powerscourt
James Woods, a Minor,"\
Myrtle, his Mother, >
and Guardian -J
Lord Viscount Powerscourt
« «- -
Warden and Fellows of")
Winchester College - J
* -
: Lord Viscount Powerscourt
Henry Weletecd - -
John Whitfield
John Ings
JohnPafFard -"i
John Bcrryman - >
Henry HawkinsJ
George Blakelock
Thomas Land Suett -"}
Mary Sparrow - - >
Francis Harvey -J
Thomas Land Suett -^
Mary. Sparrow - I
William Gibbs - - j
Jane Lucas - -J
Himself - -
Thomas Land Suett -~\
Mary Sparrow - - i
Thomas Payne - l
George Blacklock -J
Thomas Land Suett -~\
Mary Sparrow » » >
William Rayner -J
George Franklin -
Thomas Land Suett -"*
Mary Sparrow - ?
Daniel Robins - -J
Thomas Land Suett -"J
Mary Sparrow - V
Thomas Biddlecomb -J
Mary Sparrow - - >
Thomas Linnington -J
Mary Sparrow - - >
James Dean - -J
ThomasThistlethwayteEBq. ^
Mary Sparrow - >
William Wimbow -J
Thomas Land Suett -"
John Crabb - -
William Hollister
William Warren
Sarah Wearn
Isaac Cropp
John Lucas - - I
George Bushell - f
John Davis
Susan King
Thomas Thompson
William Sylvester
Samuel Newman
Martin Gilbert
Martin Gilbert -^
John Williams - - I
James Hillman - >
William Attrill -1
William Lambert -J
Description of Property.
House and Garden.
House and Garden.
House and Yard,
House and Gardeiu
House and Garden.
Counties and Parishes.
Port sea
- .
. .
*" *
C2 m
* «
Henry Welsteed
John Lewis and
n m m
* -
- -
- -
Trustees of the late Wil- \
liam Pye - -j"
Henry Wellstead
« -
John Keet »
Josiah Wadge
Samuel Spicer Esq.
John Cox
Henry Worsfield
John Cox
- -
- -
John Carpenter - -
John Cox
James Jeans
Devisee in Trust of the
late Sir John Carter
Thomas Adams* -^
George Taylor - I
Thomas Furlong - J
Daniel Holly - -J
William Whiffing -1
Thomas Linnington - J
William Whiffing
William Gibbs
James Hallett
William Bow -
George Pragnell
Josiah Wadge »
Himself »
William Cooper
Mary Kingsford «
George Griffee
Josiah Wadge ^
William Lewis
James Stephens -
James Williams
William M'Leary
Thomas Bird
Himself -
Francis Shotter
Richard Adams
James Jeans
William Pink -
Description of Property.
Garden, House, Yard,
Bakehouse,! and
other Offices.
House and Yard.
Blacksmith Arms
lic Houfe, Yard,
Garden and Offices.
House and Yard.
Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty. 1821.

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