Middlesbrough Improvement Act 1877

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
[40 VICT.] The Middlesbrough Improvement [Oh. XXX.]
Act, 1877.
An Act for extending the Powers of the Corporation of
the Municipal Borough of Middlesbrough in the North
Riding of the County of York with respect to Works for
the storage of Gas, Markets and Ferries, and the Local
Government and Improvement of the said Borough; and
for other purposes. [11th June 1877.]
T1THEREAS the provisions of certain Local and Personal Acts,
* V specified in the Eirst Schedule to this Act annexed, are
wholly or partially in force within the municipal borough of
Middlesbrough in the north riding of the county of York (in this
Act referred to as " the borough "):
And whereas it would be for the benefit of the borough if the
mayor, aldermen, and burgesses of the borough (in this Act referred
to as "the Corporation") were authorised to construct additional
works for the storage of gas, and to acquire land for the improve-
ment of their ferry landing-place, and the approaches thereto on the
northern side of the BAver Tees, and were empowered to enlarge
their existing markets and to construct additional markets :
And whereas it is expedient that the Corporation should be
authorised to erect a Town Hall and other municipal buildings, to
improve the Albert Park and the approaches thereto, and to execute
such other works as are authorised by this Act:
And whereas the Corporation have, for the purpose of acquiring
part of the lands necessary for the purposes of this Act, purchased
some of the same, and entered into the agreements set forth in the
Second Schedule to this Act annexed, and it is expedient that the
said purchase and agreements should be made binding upon the
And whereas it is expedient that further powers should be con-
ferred upon the Corporation for the borrowing of money and the
improving and better governing of the borough, and generally for the
[Loccd-30] A 1
ICh. XXX.] The Middlesbrough Improvement [40 VICT.]
Act, 1877.
1877. execution of the powers and discharge of the duties of the Corpora-
tion in their municipal and sanitary capacities and under the Local
And whereas the objects aforesaid cannot be effected without the
authority of Parliament:
And whereas estimates as follows hare been prepared by the
Corporation for the purposes of this Act; that js to say,
With respect to the gas storage works, eighty thousand pounds;
With respect to the ferry undertaking, thirty thousand pounds;
With respect to the public park, five thousand pounds;
With respect to street improvements, forty-five thousand pounds;
With respect to the markets, Town Hall, and public buildings, one
hundred and five thousand pounds :
And whereas the several works-included in such estimates are per-
manent works within the meaning of section two hundred and
thirty-four of the Public Health Act, 1875 :
And whereas an absolute majority of the whole number of the
Corporation, at a meeting held on the fifteenth day of December one
thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, after ten clear days notice
by public advertisement of such meeting and of the purposes thereof
in the Daily Exchange, a local newspaper circulating in the said
district (such notice being in addition to the ordinary notices required
for summoning such meeting), resolved that the expense in relation
to promoting the Bill for this Act should be charged on the borough
fund and borough rate of the borough :
And whereas that resolution was published twice in the Weekly
Gazette, a. local newspaper circulating in the borough, and in respect
of matters under the jurisdiction of the Local Government Board
has received the approval of that Board, and in respect of other
matters has received the approval of one of Her Majesty's Principal
Secretaries of State: ,
And whereas the propriety of the promotion of the Bill for this
Act was confirmed by an absolute majority of the whole number of
the council at a further special meeting held in pursuance of a
similar notice on the ninth day of January one thousand eight
hundred and seventy-seven, being not less than fourteen days after
the deposit of the Bill in Parliament :
And whereas the owners and ratepayers of the borough, by reso-
lution in manner provided by Schedule III. annexed to " The Public
Health Act, 1875," consented to the promotion of the Bill for this
And whereas plans showing the lands authorised to be taken
compulsorily under this Act, with a book of reference to such plans

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