Llandisilio and Llaneilian Inclosures Act 1814

JurisdictionEngland & Wales
Citation1814 c. clxi
An Ad for inclofing Lands in the Parities of Llan-
and Llaneilicm, in the County of Anglejea.
[17th June 1814,]
HEREAS there are within the feveral Parilhes of
Llaneilian, in the County of
feveral Commonable
Lands and Wafte Grounds, containing by Admeafurement in
the whole Two hundred and ninety Acres, or thereabouts: And whereas
the Right Reverend
William Lord Bifhop of
in Right of
•his See, is Lord of the Manor of Treffbs, within the faid Parilh of Llandi-
-filio: And whereas the Right Honourable
Henry WilliamliLa.vl
rthe Right Honourable Frederick Lord Bojlon, Sir John Williams Baronet,
•Sir Robert
Baronet, Sir John Thomas
Baronet, the Reve-
rend Edward Hughes Clerk, Owen
and John Price, Efquires, and
feveral other Perfons, are feifed and pofieffed of divers Meffuages, Tene-
-ments, ancient ihclofed Grounds and Hereditaments within the faid
feveral Parilhes, and in refpett
or as appendant, appurtenant or
"belonging thereto, they or their Leffees, Farmersj or Tenants, are enti-
tled to Right of Common in, upon, or over the faid Commonable Lands
and Wafte Grounds: And whereas the faid Commonable Lands and Wafte
'Grounds are in their prefent State of little Value, but if the fame were
divided and inclofed, and fpecific Parts allotted to the feveral Perfons en-
titled thereto or interefted therein, it would be very advantageous not
£Loc. £s? Per.'} 33 # onty
2974 54'GEORGIt HI. Caf>.i6i.
only to fuch Perfons, but fuch Inclofure would be otherwife of great
public Utility; but the beneficial Purpofes aforefaid cannot be effected
"without the Aid and Authority of Parliament: And whereas an Aft was
palled in the Forty-nrft Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled
An Acl for
Aft certain
Provi/ions ufually inferted
in Acls
oflnclofurt, and for facilitating the Mode of proving thefeveral Fads ufually
the faffing of fuch Ails : May it therefore pleafe Your Majefty
that it may be enacted ; and be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent
Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and
Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the
Commiffioner Authority of the fame, That Walter
of Cefn Riig, in the County of
appointed. Merioneth, Efquire, fhall be and he is hereby appointed the Commiffioner for
fetting out, dividing, allotting and inclofing the faid Commonable Lands
and Wafte Grounds, and for putting in Execution this Aft, and fuch of
the Powers, Authorities, Directions, and Provifions contained in the faid
recited Act, as are not altered, controuled, or otherwife provided for or
affefted by this Aft.
Foreleftinga II. And beit further enafted, That if the faid Walter Jones, or his
Succeflbr or Succelfors to be appointed as hereafter mentioned, fhall die
loner. or become incapable of acting, or fliall refufe to aft or qualify himfelf
as a Commiffioner in the Execution of this Aft, or fliall for the Space
of Two Months wilfully negleft to aft as Commiffioner before all the
Powers veiled in him by this and the faid recited Aft are completely
executed, then and from Time to Time, as often as Occafion may re-
quire, it (hall be lawful for the Majority in Value, according to the Land
Tax Affeffment of the faid Proprietors for the Time being, by themfelves
or their known authorized or reputed Agents or Attornies who fhall be
prefent at a public Meeting to be held for that Purpofe, in purfuance of
Notice in Writing figned^hy Five or more of the faid Proprietors, to be
affixed upon one of the "Doors of each of the Parifh Churches of Llandi-
Jilio and Lhnsilian aforefaid, and inferted in The North Wales Gazette, or
any other public Newfpaper circulated within the faid County of Anglefey,
at leafl Fourteen Days before fuch Meeting, by Writing under their' re-
fpeftive Hands, or the Hands of fuch Agents or Attornies, to appoint
fame fit and proper Perfon not interefted in the faid Divifion and Allot-
ment, nor an Agent or Surveyor to any Perfon or Perfons fo interefted,
to be the Commiffioner in the Room of the iuAWalter
j and every
fuch new Commiffioner fo to be appointed fliall, after having taken the
Oath appointed by the faid recited Aft, have the like Power and Autho-
rity, and fhall be fubjeftto Removal and to the fame Reftriftions as the
Commiffioner hereby appointed was inverted with and fubjeftto by virtue
of this Aft.
What fhall be III, And be it further enafted, That if the Commiffioner for the Time
Re- being fhall not attend on having Twenty-one Days Notice given to him,
fufal to aft. -m Writing, by the Majority in Number of the faid Proprietors, or their
Stewards or Agents aflembled at any Meeting for that Purpofe, and pro-
ceed in the Execution of his Duty, every or any fuch Abfence or Ne-
gleft fhall be deemed and taken to be a Refufal to aft in the Execution
of this Aft.
IV. And

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