Drury Lane Theatre Act 1810

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Citation1810 c. ccxiv
Ajti Aft for rebuilding the late Theatre-Royal Drury*
Lane^ upon the Conditions, and under the Regula-
tions therein mentioned, [21 ft June
HEREAS the Exiftence of well regulated Theatres fubftan-
tially-built, and capable of affording the beft Accommodation
to be obtained for the Public, with refpeft to the furround-
ing Avenues, Paffages, aad Approaches, as well as to their Fitnefs for
Scenic Reprefentation, has always been confidered to be a Matter worthy
both of Royal Attention and Legiflative Protection; And whereas in the
Year One thoufand feven hundred and ninety-three, the then Theatre-
Royal in Drury»Lane was taken down, and great Sums expended by
the Moft Noble Francis the late Duke of Bedford^ in the Purchafe of
Ground and Houfes in the Neighbourhood, in order to ereft a new
Theatre upon a Scale of Magnificence and Grandeur; the Intereft of
which Sums fo expended by the faid Duke of Bedford being added as an
additional Rent Charge upon the faid Theatre : And whereas the Sum of
pne hundred and .fifty thoufand Pounds was raifed by the Proprietors of
the faid Theatre by Shares of Five hundred Pounds each, for the Accom-
plilhment of the ere£ting the propofed new Theatre, and for paying off
the then exifting Mortgages; but owing to various and unforefeen Cir~
cumftances,and to the unavoidable Neceflity
arofe of making various
Alterations in the original Plan5 the Theatre, when opened in the Begin-
ning- of the Year One thoufand feven hundred and ninety-four, was very
far from being in a finifhed State, while the intended furrounding Build*
ings ftated in the Eftimate were not even begun, and a great Debt was
left wholly unprovided for, and the whole Sum intended to be applied
to the Building of the Theatre was entirely expended by the Truftees in
endeavouring to accomplilh the fame: And whereas a Settlement of the
& P^n] 53 D Remainder
4798 5°*GE0RGII III.
Remainder of the faid Debt and Claims took place in the Year One
thoufand eight hundred and two, through an Arrangement made under the
immediate Dire&ion and Authority of the Lord Chancellor, and affented
to by all Parties: Ancl whereas, in the courfe of a fuccefsful Progrefs to-
wards the Liquidation of the faid Claims, the faid Theatre-Royal, with
all its Scenery, Wardrobe, Furniture and other Articles, was wholly de-
ftroyed by the Calamity of Fire in the Year One thoufand eight hundred
and nine, being infured only to the Amount of Thirty-five thoufand
Pounds, or thereabouts: And whereas it is deemed expedient to fur-
render and make over the whole Intereft of the prefent Proprietors of the
faid Property to a Body of Subscribers purchafing the fame and becoming
bondjide Proprietors of the whole Patents, Leafes or Agreements for Leafes,
Materials, Foundation, Scite of Ground, and every other Property of what-
ever Description now belonging to or held in Trufl: for the Proprietors
of the faid Theatre : And whereas the feveral Perfons herein-after named
are willing and defirous, at their own Expence, to provide for, or to dis-
charge all juft and equitable Claims on the late Theatre, fliould the fame
be duly afcertained to their Satisfa&ion, and not found to exceed the
computed Amount upon which they are willing to become Subfcribers;
and alfo to ereft* build, finifh, and furpifh, fit for Reprefentation, the faid
intended new Theatre, with the furrounding Buildings and Improvements :
But as the feveral Purpofes before-mentioned cannot be carried into
EfFe£t without the Authority of Parliament: May it therefore pleafe Your
Majefty that it may be enafted j and be it enafted by the King's Moft
Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords
Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament af-
Proprietors* fumbled, and by the Authority of the fame, That His Grace the Duke
Name*. of Bedford, His Grace the Duke of Argyle$ the Right Honourable
Lord Kinnaird, Samuel Whitbread, Richard Sharpe, Peter Moore, Harvey
Sir Robert Barclay Baronet, Thomas Coutts, the Honour-
the Honourable David Anjiruiher,Alexander David/on,
Templar, J. H* Farquhar,
Thomas Hammer/ley
and Com-
pany, Aaron
Richard Wilfon, Sir
Blicke, James Heath, Sir
Thomas Turton Baronet, Sir John Sinclair Baronet, Sir Matthew
Ridley Baronet, Henry Greville^ the Honourable Thomas Maule, William
Colonel O* Kelly, Captain Graham^ Samuel James
William Linley, Robert M* Barnard, Richard Peake, Michael
Kelly, Henry Burgefs, Richard
Morris, Charles Beazley, John Graham, Thomas
William Phillips,
J Winter,
William Griffith, John Whitehead, Lawrence
Burton, Robert John
Thomas Wright, John Wilkie, T FQU
lowfield, Francis Franco, C Watkins, James Raymond,
Kernot, R Knight, J Harley, H Milton, William
Downs, William Dunn, Williatft Lucas, Andrew Franklin, Thomas Green-
A Lowndes, John Bowley9 Samuel Spring, James Smarts
Robert Mitchell, Thomas Shaw, J Stephen/on, James Denew,
Edward Ainge, M Linley, John Grubb, John Windus, John
banK Richard Strong Wells, A Menzies, William Welford, William
J Bankes,
Edwards, James Mitchell, Thomas
Parker, and Nathaniel
together with fuch other Perfon and Per-
fons as fhall fubferibe towards railing; the Capital Sum hereinafter men.
tioned, and their feveral and refpe&ive Succeffors, Executors,
trators and Affigns, being a Proprietor ox Proprietors of any Share or

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