Daventry Improvement, Market and Moot Hall Act 1806

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Citation1806 c. cxviii
Ah A& for paving, cleanfing, lighting, and watch-
ing the Town of Daventry, in the County of
Northampton ; and for regulating the Market
there ; and for enabling the
Burgefles, and
Commonalty of the Borough of Daventry^ to pur-
chafe the Moot Hal/, and to rebuild the fame,
[12th July 1806.3
HEREAS the Highways, Streets, Lanes, and other publid
Paflages and Places within the Town of Davehtry, in the
County of Northampton) are not properlv paved, cleanfed,
lighted, or watched, and are fubjeft to various Nuifances and Annoy-
and in many Places unfafe for Carriages: And whereas it will
tend greatly to the Comfort and Convenience of the Inhabitants of the
faid Town, and to all Peribns reforting thereto, tit travelling through the
fame, if Provifions were made for paving, cleanfing, lighting,watching, and
improving the faid Town, and for regulating the Market
whereas the Moot Hall, being the Place of holding the General Sefllons
6f the Peace and the Court of Record of the Borough of Daventry, and
the feveral Meetings of the
Burgeffes, and Commonalty of the
faid Borough, is very much out of Repair, and it is neceflary that the
fame fhould be taken down, and Powers given to the laid
geflfes, and Commonalty, to purchafe fuch Moot Hall9 and the Scit£
for the Purpofe of building and erefting a new Moot Hall: Bur
as the feveral Purpofes aforefaid cannot be effefled without the Authority
ef Parliament; May it therefore pleafe Your Majtsty, That it may b$
\JLoc. 6? Per. 1 aj I cna&ed*
era Names.
f"or de£iing
new Com-
fiiifii onera.
enafted, and be it enabled by the King's mod Excellent Majefty, by
and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal,
and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afferrbled, and bv the Autho-
rity of the fame, That the
Recorder, Deputy Recorder, and
Burgeflcs of the Borough of Daventry for the Time being; William
Adams* John Adams,
Adams, Jofeph Bull, Edward Bull* John
Blencowe, John Plomer Clarke^ 'Richard Clarke ± Samuel
Cole, Thomas Dunkley, William Fallowfield, Clerk, Charles Garden,
Samuel Wyment Harrifcn, John Hall, Samuel John/on the elder, Samuel
John/on the younger, Edward Jones\ Edward Lamb, John Morgan, Ed*
Thomas Mar fell, William Morris, Andrew Mieres, Simon
Oakden, William Per rival* William Lucas Rofe, Clerk, William Rofe,
Thomas Robins, Thomas Rogers, Samuel Smith, Clerk, Thomas Sanders,
Charles Waikins, William Watkins, William Witkins, John Wilkinjon-,
Thomas Wilkinfon, John Waterfield, Thomas Waterfield, John Williams,
Clerk,, J'ohn Metcalfe War die, George Watjon, Robert Wildegofe,
iftebb, and their Succeflbrs to be eieded as herein mentioned, fhall be
and they are hereby appointed Commifiioners for putting this Ad: into
And be it further enadled, That when and as often as any of the
Commiffioners hereby named, or to be eleftedas hereinafter is mentioned
(fave and except fuch feveral Perfons as ar£ herein declared to be Com-
mifiloners by virtue of their refpe&ive Offices as aforefaid) fhall die, or
refufe tot in the Execution of this Aft, then and.in every fuch Cafe it
fhall anil may be lawful to and for the furviving or remaining
fionersr, or any Five or more of them, from time to time, at a Meet'
ing to be held for that Purpofe, by Writing under their Hands, to tk6t
another Perfon in the Place of each Comrniflloner fo dying or refufing td
aft, provided that Notice of the Time and Place for every fuch Ele&ion
ihall be given by the Clerk to the (aid Cornmilfioners, by fixing the &me
on the Door of the Parifh Church of Daventry aforefaid* and by adver-
tising fach Notke in The Northampton Mercury (if then publlfhed, and if
not then in forne other Newfpaper circulated in or near the faid Borough)
at leaft Ten Days before the Meeting for every fuch.Election ; and every
Perfon fo eleded fhall have the fame Powers and Authorities for putting
thist in Execution, in all Refpe&s whatfoever, as if he hadbeen named
a Commiflioner in and by this Aft.
Qjalificatiptt IIL Provided always, and be it further enacted, That no Perfon (e»*
Recorder, Deputy Recorder, and Burgeffes of the laid
loners. Borough of Daventry for the Time being) fhall be capable of ailing
as a Commiflioner in the Execution of this &&* except in adminiftering
the Oath hereinafter mentioned
the firft Inftance (which Oath any On3
or more of the Commiffioners is and are hereby empowered to adminifter)
pnlefs at the Time of his aftirtg he fhall be in his own Right, or in the
JRight oHm Wife, in the actual Poflt^Bon and Enjoyment or Receipt of
the Rents and Profits of Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, within
the Parifh of Daventry, of the clear yearly Value of Forty Pounds* Of
fhall be Heir Apparent to fome Perfon having an Eftaxe in Lands,
Tenements, or Hereditaments within the faid Parifh, of the clear yearly
Value of One Hundred Pounds, or fhall be poffefled of and entitled
Perfonal Eftate of the Amount or Value of One ThOufand Pounds* or
46°GEORGlI III. Cap.ttS. 2427
be rated by virtue of this Aft at Fifteen Pounds, and until fuch Perfon
(not being Heir Apparent as aforefaid) fhall have taken and fubfcribed
an Oath in the Words or to the Effeft following; that is to fay :
c F
B. do fwear, That I am duly qualified to aft as a Commiffioner Oath,
* in the Execution of an Aft of Parliament, made in the Forty-fixth
c Year of the Reign of King George the Third, intitutled 'An Aft
* (here repeat the Title of this ft£f) according to the Provifions and, Di-
* rections of the laid Aft, and that I will truly and impartially, according
c to the beft of my Skill and Judgment, aft in the Execution of the
* Powers and Authorities repofed in me as a Commiffioner, in and by the
c faid Aft of Parliament* c So help me GOD\
And if any Perfon (except as aforefaid) not being fo qualified, fhall pre- Penally for
fume to aft in the Execution of this Aft, every fuch Perfon (hall for a&ingifnot
every fuch Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds, to any ualsfisd.
Perfon or Perfons who (hall fue for the fame, to be recovered in any of
His Majefty's Courts of Record at
by Aflion of Debt or on
the Cafe, or by Bill, Suit, or Information, wherein no Eflbign, Proteftioa
or Wager of Law, or more than One Imparlance (hall be allowed \ and
every Perfon fo fued or profecuted (hall prove that he is qualified as afore-
faid, or otherwife (hall pay the faid Penalty, without any other Proof or
Evidence being given on the Part of the
or Profecutor; than
that fuch Perfon hath afted as a Commiffioner in the Execution of
this Aft ; apd the Money fo to be recovered fhall, after Payment of the One Moiety
Cofts and Expences attending the Recovery
he paid one Moiety or Penalty tc
to the Informer or Profecutor, and the other to the Treafurer of the
to tb«
.faid Commiffioners, to be applied for the Purpofes of this Aft : Provided In£orincrthgC
always, that all Afts and Proceedings of any Perfon or Perfons acting as a CommifTion*
Commiffioner or Commiffioners in the Execution of this Aft, although er^
not duly qualified as aforefaid, previous to his or their being convifted
of the faid Offence, (hall, notwithstanding fuch Conviftion, be as good,
valid, and effeftual, as if fuch Perfon or Perfons had been duly qualified
to aft a^ fuch Commiffioner or Commiffioneis according to the Direc-
tions of this Aft.
IV. Provided always, and be it further enafted, That no
No Cam-
fioner appointed by virtue of this Aft, (hall be capable of afting or voting {["J!!00*'t6
as fuch in any Cafe wherein he (hall be perfonally interefted, or during Piace^of
the Timehe fhall hold any Office of Profit under, or be concerned in any Profit, or
Contract made by virtue of this Aft. ?ft wherem
V. Provided alfo, That it (hall and may be lawful to and for the faid Commiffion*
Recorder, and fuch of the faid Burgeffes who (hall be Juftices of J'ffil*
the Peace for the faid Borough, to aft as Juftices of the Peace in the
Execution of this Aft within their Jurifdiftions, notwithftanding their
being Commiffioners, except only in fuch Cafes wherein they arc perfon-
ally interefted*
And be it further enafted, That the faid Commiffioners, or any Time ana
Two or more of them, fhall and may meet and aflfemble at the fVheat Place of
Sheaf Inn, in Daventry aforefaid, on the Second Thurfday after the Meeibg*,

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